Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?

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I'm sure I have some that were really embarrassing at the time but I can't think of any that still eat at me... Hmmm..

Embarrassing shit just kinda rolls off my back these days.
I'm sure I'll think of some better ones, but this is the only one I can think of right now.

You know how you can bump the back of someone's knee when they have it locked, and they'll almost fall? Yes, I know it's retarded to do, but I was in highschool.

Anyway, I go to a local university for a tour, and from far I see a girl from a neighboring town that I liked quite a bit. I run up behind her (she was talking to some other girls), and I proceed to bump her leg. Instead of just loosing her balance, she falls back on me. We hit the ground, and she turns around, and it's not the person I thought it was!! Instead of laughing it off and explaining, and possibly hitting it off with this new girl, I do the most ridiculous thing. I get up and run off. No explanation. Nothing. Just ran off.
I think the most embarrassing thing I can think of is the time I wore a pair of pants to my old, old tech support job (which was an hour bus ride from house) that had a massive rip right in the crotch and I was too tired to notice. Man, I ditched work so fast that day.
Thought of another!

When I was 13-14 I worked for a farmer down the road from where I grew up. He was a drunk, and would be pretty liquored up by noon. He told me to show up one day at 6am, and meet him at the barn. It was a massive barn (like a basketball court). I get there at 6, and by 6:45 he hadn't shown up. Since he was a drunk and often late b/c of his drinking, I decide to explore the barn a bit. I was bored as hell. So, I rove around goofing with stuff. I reach this big chain hanging from the ceiling (I guess it was used to pull out engines). I climb up on the roof of the combine and swing off like Tarzan a few times. I get tired and climb down. I sit on the tire and I hear a booming voice: "IF YOU'RE DONE MONKEYING AROUND, MAYBE WE CAN GET SOME WORK DONE!" Scared the shit out of me. I don't know how long he was there while I was swinging around.


Thanks for posting all the stories everyone. They both made me feel better about my own faux pas and entertained. Even aside from that, though, increasingly the moment of my fainting feels almost as though it was a dream, and it's hard to get worked up about that. So I now downgrade it from 'most embarrassing' to merely 'embarrassing'.


Me too, that's why I brought it to the boards. :p

It perfectly captures "oh shit, my bad!" while still laughing.


Icarus is a pedo who tried to defend having sex with 14 year olds in another thread. Iaculus innocently strolled into the line of fire when I poked the thread with a stick.
I will now share a story that is so bad I can't make myself blog about it. If you've read my blog, you know that's pretty low.

When I had just graduated high school, I attended a University of Michigan orientation that lasted nearly as long as my actual attendance at the college. While walking back to the dorms we were staying in I had a sudden urge to use the restroom. By "use", I mean decimate in ways that would make a demon blush. I was hoping no one would notice as I sped toward the building that I was doing a charming little shuffle that involved not actually parting the upper parts of my legs out of sheer fear.

I was actually standing next to the building when, as God is my witness, I fucking sneezed.

I will not go into further details beyond stating that my pants, along with any remaining sense of dignity I had at that point, were thrown out as a result.





Sorry Fun Size, but that's a very entertaining way to tell that story.
Lol, no Sera, it was just the first thing that came to mind after reading that story.

And here I thought I was clever. :rofl:


I'm sorry. It was creative, it's just someone else also thought of it. :(
Ah, thanks for the clarification. I thought it was just a typo for tidbits. The other way provided a hilarious, yet horrifying mental image though.


I like my milk in bag form. :(
Never said it was a bad thing man (in fact if i remember right you guys can get raw milk... i want to try some real cheese making with that) Its just... slightly different from what I am used to.

Plus, there is Poutine. that makes Canada awesome.
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