Ask Me Stuff Not About Robots

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You are a teacher or going to be a teacher, right?

Does that make you look back on your teachers you had and make you wonder what kind of crazy stuff they were into?


Staff member
Because I have way older siblings, I always kind of had in mind what kind of shenanigans people that age were always up to. Actually, one of my english teachers opened for my brothers' band back in the day when I was still in high school. I also had some other teachers that were pretty open about having lives outside of school--nothing inappropriate, but open enough.

There are times though where I am still surprised at myself, at this age, at my budding profession. And you'd be surprised, gentle soul, at how comprised and professional I am as a teacher!
What could the ED-209 possibly be good for, given it's limited mobility and narrow scope of options?

The Pumes

If your wife's son had an affair with your cousin, whom in turn was having premarital relations with your uncle's ex-wife, then said ex-wife fornicated with your adopted family's dog, whom in turn desecrated the adopted family's father's sexbot.

What is the best course of action, this is quite urgent.


Staff member
Damn you and your robot questions! The ED-209 actually killed my brofriend, thereby ending the bromance.

Also, Mr. Pumes, I suspect that YOU ARE MY COUSIN.

>: (
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