Happy Thanksgiving!

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And to you as well!

I actually celebrated yesterday. Got to see my nephew, hung out with my sister, brother and brother-in-law, saw Zombieland for a second time, played a game of ZOMBIES!!! in which my brother and I basically sacrificed any chance at winning for the sake of a petty rivalry, and ate my own weight in stuffing. An excellent Thanksgiving.
what the fuck is a canadian?
Apparently, we're a strange, nomadic folk who reside in igloo's all year round. The climate is cold and often unforgiving, the flora and fauna interesting. Life is good here, aside from those pesky original inhabitants who call themselves Indians; silly people I assure you.


Staff member
what the fuck is a canadian?
Apparently, we're a strange, nomadic folk who reside in igloo's all year round. The climate is cold and often unforgiving, the flora and fauna interesting. Life is good here, aside from those pesky original inhabitants who call themselves Indians; silly people I assure you.[/QUOTE]

You live in Finland?[/QUOTE]

No he doesn't. He didn't even mention the traditional scouring of the pants, bathing in snow and birch-twig whipping.

Also, out original inhabitants call themselves the Sami, and they make their living nowadays by acting as miniature stunt doubles for Charles Bronson (see below) and selling ecological potency drugs to the Japanese and the German.


Wasabi Poptart

Silly northern neighbors. You should celebrate Thanksgiving ON Thanksgiving not on Columbus Day. :laugh:

Kitty Sinatra

We celebrate Thanksgiving now so we don't have to suffer through all your fucking football pre-empting our parades. And for that we are thankful.
Actually just finishing up my thanksgiving now. I haven't been home for thanksgiving in a long time. My mother was out of town yesterday too, so we waited until today to have the turkey and all that.


happy thanksgiving do you guys use a turkey or some other poultry for your feast?
Silly northern neighbors. You should celebrate Thanksgiving ON Thanksgiving not on Columbus Day. :laugh:
Because Columbus day is dumb.

My Thanksgiving was awesome. Just a bunch of friends with no nearby family. It quickly devolved into getting shitfaced on wine and singing popular 90's tunes.

Our spread was amazing though. Everyone brought something to dinner. I made a bacon covered turkey with bacon and asiago cheesebread stuffing. Some people brought mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, 3 kinds of squash, green beans and sauce, cabbage rolls, homemade cranberry sauce, cranberry jelly and for dessert, pumpkin, banana cream and caramel apple pie.

It was incredible.
I just got a message from one of my Chinese friends saying "Happy Thanksgiving" and I was all "wtf" until I read this thread. Thanks Halforums!:thumbsup:


Staff member
Man, I have to wait until Christmas to have a feast like that. Mustard-glazed ham as big as your torso, liver casserole with cranberry sauce, potatoes, beet salad, green salad, Mom's meatballs, smoked lake herring...
Silly northern neighbors. You should celebrate Thanksgiving ON Thanksgiving not on Columbus Day. :laugh:
Historically, our harvest would have occurred earlier than yours because of the rough winter conditions. Plus, while you guys base it on an actual feast in Massachusetts, we actually have our OWN national history (If you don't believe me, read some Kate Beaton comics), and our Thanksgiving is based around a feast which took place in Quebec.

Besides, who would want to celebrate a man who went looking for India, landed in the Bahamas, took credit for finding North America from one of his sailors, and decided to murder and enslave the natives?

Doesn't seem like a guy you'd give a Holiday.


Besides, who would want to celebrate a man who went looking for India, landed in the Bahamas, took credit for finding North America from one of his sailors, and decided to murder and enslave the natives?

Doesn't seem like a guy you'd give a Holiday.
Don't forget the raping!

And Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians!


Staff member
Resurrecting the Canadian thanksgiving thread to say....


I'm out until Friday when we go marathon! See you then!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Hope ya'll have a great one! I'll see everyone on Mon!

BTW, wish me luck. I'm proposing to my gal this weekend! Woot!
Got our thanksgiving dinner out of the way on Saturday, which left lots of time to watch this:

My old HS, and a friend has a son in the band this year. I was to excited just to see them play to look for him when it aired live.

Then they snuck in a second song as the hosts went to introduce Jimmy Fallon. They still play their pep song TOO DAMN SLOW! :D


Staff member
Only a little less than a month until our own "Eat so much you can open doors with your gut"-day... also known as Christmas Eve dinner.
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