Just got a scare

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Today I was feeling kind of sick. Not a big deal, right?

Well, I'm used to having terrible migraines and I've been dealing well with them despite the fact that there is usually a child bawling in my ear. The chest pains, however, were something new.

Long story short, went to the ER, bawling child in tow, got in really quick because of said child. They drew some blood, did a test and it turns out my cholesterol is dangerously high and my iron very low.

This, needless to say, is a bad thing. I need to change my life style habits, like, yesterday.

So, Halforum, I assume most of you don't want to see me in an early grave so I'm going to ask your advice.

What can I do to make me healthier?

Wasabi Poptart

What do you typically eat? Are you exercising at all? Do you take vitamins or other supplements?
Move somewhere where the weather is kinder? :p

Sorry I don't have anything useful to add. My lifestyle is not something to model, and thus I have no advice. But I hope you can get your body to a better place.
I'm going to be an asshole for a moment, so bear with me.

Step 1: Go seek professional medical advice.

Step 2: Don't rely on advice from a forum.

Now, I'm not saying this to be insulting. I just think it's important that you get sound advice from a doctor or other medical professional to make sure the job gets done right. I'm sure there are people who can give good advice here, but I'm equally certain you can/will get some awful advice from people on this board as well.
What do you typically eat? Are you exercising at all? Do you take vitamins or other supplements?
Processed and fast foods. Thing is I never used to have such terrible eating habits...but since I moved from home I lost my way. I have no idea how to eat right anymore, you know?

Exercise is....sporadic, at best. I find it hard to find time with the baby and all. Not a great excuse but it's the best I have.

I take my vitamins when I remember too.
As for eating habits, vegetables and fish, in general. Try to keep it as fresh as possible to avoid the fats, oils and preservatives used to keep things edible.

As for exercise, if you don't do it regularly already, it's a good idea to start very, very light.

Before you do either of those, though, go see a doctor to get an idea of how to start both.

Kitty Sinatra

Yeah, your family doctor's the place to start.

That said, a healthy diet is really easy: Never go to MacDonalds. Eat lots of vegetables and a bit of meat at dinner, have salad for lunch, cereal for breakfast. Drink juice and milk. Snack on fruit. Don't use salt, and substitute olive oil or margarine for butter. And then in between all that, once in while eat whatever the hell you want. (But no MacDonalds).

That's not a model diet by any means but you'll be healthy enough doing that. Follow the Canada Food Guide closely if you want a model diet. It's really excellent.

Kitty Sinatra

Follow the Canada Food Guide closely if you want a model diet. It's really excellent.
Never trust something that lists "maple syrup" as a food group.[/QUOTE]

Damn. I almost thought you were gonna say don't trust it cause it's put out by the government. I think I, uh, mistook you for Invader for a second :eek:


Yeah, if your health is getting bad enough to exhibit physical symptoms, you need to speak with a doctor.

As for fast food, I was having problems with eating way too much of it. Just never seemed to have time to cook a good meal or anything. It was difficult making the time to prepare food, and with a baby, I can only imagine the demands on your time now. Is it possible to spend one day on a weekend making plates for the rest of the week? That is how I did it, spent some time on Sundays making food for the rest of the week. It does not have to be anything fancy. I would do something like a pasta dish for Monday and maybe Tuesday depending on how much I made, some dirty rice for the next day, maybe bake some chicken for a nice Friday dinner, and so on.

Also I noticed something once I was able to finally kick fast food, and that was for the most part, I found I did not miss it one bit and did not care for the food afterwards. It just did not taste good for me anymore.

Anyways, I do wish you the best of luck getting your health under control.

Kitty Sinatra

smurf you, Troll. SMURF YOU!

. . .

We now return y'all to your normally scheduled thread.
Thanks for the advice so far.

I do plan on seeing my doctor, I just figured I'd ask around here in the mean time seeing as it takes up to a week, sometimes, to get in and see her.

I fee like I may actually be addicted to fast food. It's hard to explain the feeling I Get when I see a fast food place...like I need it RIGHT NOW. It doesn't even matter if I'm hungry or not, my body just craves it.

This gets worst when I'm depressed and since I seem to be having some... emotional problems since I've had the baby it's become a great source of comfort for me...and guilt, as I know I shouldn't be eating it.


Today I was feeling kind of sick. Not a big deal, right?

Well, I'm used to having terrible migraines and I've been dealing well with them despite the fact that there is usually a child bawling in my ear. The chest pains, however, were something new.

Long story short, went to the ER, bawling child in tow, got in really quick because of said child. They drew some blood, did a test and it turns out my cholesterol is dangerously high and my iron very low.

This, needless to say, is a bad thing. I need to change my life style habits, like, yesterday.

So, Halforum, I assume most of you don't want to see me in an early grave so I'm going to ask your advice.

What can I do to make me healthier?

I'd would advise you to consult with your doctor and a nutritionist on Monday. Please don't take online advice worth a grain of salt from an online forum when it comes to serious issues with your health.

---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 PM ----------

I'm going to be an asshole for a moment, so bear with me.

Step 1: Go seek professional medical advice.

Step 2: Don't rely on advice from a forum.

Now, I'm not saying this to be insulting. I just think it's important that you get sound advice from a doctor or other medical professional to make sure the job gets done right. I'm sure there are people who can give good advice here, but I'm equally certain you can/will get some awful advice from people on this board as well.

100% correct.

I'd like to also point out that I am a family practitioner and will absolutely 100% of the time refuse to give people medical advice on an online format such as this, as will any other M.D. The only answers you could recieve here would possibly do more harm than good.
Yeah, fast food is generally a bad idea. Remember to eat breakfast, substitute olive oils for cooking instead of butter/margarine, and lots of veggies!
Slow cooker/crock pot I find are really good. A little bit of prep in the morning/night before you go to work/out for the day/etc , and then a meal ready when you get home!

I'd tell you to try and get outside for a walk most days for some light exercise, but with all the wind we've been having on the northeast Avalon, well, you're out of luck there!


Hey Sin :)

I feel your pain hon. I took 5 months maternity leave when my critter was born, and I am accustomed to working, not staying home. I was a mess- I was getting angry, miserable, jealous of my other half going out doing the stuff he does and more resentful as the days passed. Urgh.

So I started going to the gym just to get out of the house- they had daycare for 2 hours per visit. I would work out, take a shower (a blessing when you have a young baby) and eat lunch at the gym cafe. When I first started, I could only do 10 minutes on the stair-master, but I kept plugging away. Now I am up to an hour (7 1/2 months later) and feeling so much better. Not to mention that with regular exercise I haven't wanted to foul up my workout by eating junk afterward. I have lost 72 pounds as of this week.

A gym can be expensive I understand, but you can still get yourself out of the house by taking your little critter for walks in his stroller- take different routes so you remain interested- heck plop the stroller in your car and walk places far from your home!

The exercise will help lower your cholesterol (unless you are genetically predetermined to have it)- you can also take medical grade fish oil capsules which will raise your good cholesterol and have been associated with decreasing symptoms of medical depression.

Those are steps you can take to start down the path, but absolutely consult with your doc.

Wasabi Poptart

What do you typically eat? Are you exercising at all? Do you take vitamins or other supplements?
Processed and fast foods. Thing is I never used to have such terrible eating habits...but since I moved from home I lost my way. I have no idea how to eat right anymore, you know?

Exercise is....sporadic, at best. I find it hard to find time with the baby and all. Not a great excuse but it's the best I have.

I take my vitamins when I remember too.[/QUOTE]

I do agree you need to talk to your doctor. Especially since in a later post you mention depression since having the baby. Your doctor can help you.

Taking a daily walk with Jet can be a good place to start when it comes to exercise. Pop him in the stroller around his nap time and go for a good paced walk.

You might want to start a food diary so you can see what you are eating and where you can improve. Also it may help you be accountable for what you are eating. www.sparkpeople.com really helped me get it back together a few years ago.


You guys are all giving some great tips, but really she needs to see her doctor asap; nothing is going to change in the few days that she has between then and now. Please don't change your routine and start exercise and make radical diet changes in the next few days without seeing your doctor first, Sin.


I know exactly what you mean about feeling unfit after having a baby...however, (after seeing your doctor) you could look at buying one of these:

And just walk...walk to the shops, walk around the block, walk up and down your street....half an hour a day does wonders.

(thats not me in the picture BTW)
That's possible too. YOU NEVER KNOW.
In that case, I'm sorry to tell you that as either of them, you were better at trolling. :D

[back on topic]

I'm with the doctor ASAP crowd. Ask your regular doctor to recommend a nutritionist to see regularly, as well. While your doc will probably have great emergency advice, a nutritionist can work with your doctor to set up long-term dietary planning for you to keep you from slipping back into the danger zone at some point in the future.


I know exactly what you mean about feeling unfit after having a baby...however, (after seeing your doctor) you could look at buying one of these:

And just walk...walk to the shops, walk around the block, walk up and down your street....half an hour a day does wonders.

(thats not me in the picture BTW)

I love that contraption- it looks like a baby rocket-launcher!


Well, I'm on a diet for one thing right now, and I just have been eating a lot of stuff that's healthy.

I since your Iron is low, and you like fast foods, get a salad instead of a burger. The red eat is raising your cholesterol, and maybe a bit of iron, but Green vegetables contain a good amount of Iron. Try having at least 3 cups of lettuce a day (I do with my dinner each night).

Following the plan I'm on, eating a tiny bit healthier than I use to, I have lost 25 pounds in the last month and a half.
One of these, two times daily.
(Not actually. You will die)
Ah, dude. Is that Ches's? I hope YOU'RE not eating that.

Again, thanks for the advice. A doctor is in the future, I will be calling first thing tomorrow,

When I told my sister she stopped by with a gist wrapped box of Cheerios. She's a spaz like that.

I almost broke down when I went To the flea market today and bought KFC. What he hell is wrong with me? Why do I always have trouble with fast food?

I've known for a while that I should be taking better care of myself...my mother died of a heart attack when she was 36....her mother died of a hear attack when she was 43. Its a hereditary heart disease...yet I just ignored it after I moved out. After dad couldn't remind me every other second.

I know, I know...get a blog.


Staff member
Dang, heart problems in the family, huh? It's diabetes that I fear. I was in real danger a few years back, but I'm better now.

I feel your pain when it comes to the fast food. Right after high school I did a complete nutrition 180 after growing up in a fairly strict household when it came to food. My mom flipped out if we brought him any sugared cereal or ate more than 1 cookie per day... and everything everything EVERYTHING was whole grain, even before that became "a thing."

So I ate REAL bad for a while, mostly because of the novelty and the ease of it. That's why I rarely eat fast food anymore. It took me too damn long to get away from it. But now all I want most of the time is good, fresh food because it gives me real energy and makes me feel so much better. I also get sick less.

It sucks, but you can do it, lilsin. :) Like Morgoth and A Troll and others have said, your doctor will tell you best. But we're all rooting for you! :hug: Take good care of yourself, because we like having you around.
My dad had the whole cholesterol thing and started eating cheerios every day for breakfast. It didn't make the difference by itself, of course, but it did help.

Look at things that are relatively easy to cook at home. It's not super healthy, but the Stouffer's single serving lasagnas are not too bad by Weight Watcher's standards (6 or 7 points). Mix it up with a salad (we make our own caesar and use a light dressing that is FANTASTIC) and you have a pretty filling meal for low calories. Like I said, not the epitome of health, and Weight Watchers is by far not the answer for everyone, but if youre smart about it, it's a great guideline to start with.
I'm not a doctor, see your doctor, etc, etc, etc.

First, start exercising. If you aren't used to exercising (and don't pretend that your normal daily routine is exercise) then start by doing a 30 minute walk daily. This will directly and positively affect one of the cholesterol levels.

Second, don't make drastic changes to your diet, unless under the directions of your doctor, but DO start making small changes.

Your body is now trained to crave salts, sweets, and fats, and every single processed food is designed to appeal to that craving. Fast food even moreso.

It's not as bad an addiction as some things your body could get addicted to, but you can treat it like an addiction and get some positive results. Think about stop smoking programs

- Learn and use techniques to deal with cravings
- Don't go where you'll be tempted
- Change your daily routine so you won't fall into that same rut
- etc

Don't beat yourself up if you fall back into the old habit - just think about why you did, and what you can change to avoid it in the future.

Try to drink a lot of water - it's not actually necessary, but it's very helpful for controlling cravings. When you get up to visit the fridge, pantry, or restaurant, get a drink of water instead.

There are many other things you can do, but are best done with your doctor's supervision. But don't be afraid to make sensible choices now, and try to change your behavior.

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