what is your favorite cheap food?

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Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwiches, Toast with butter and jelly, Dippin' eggs (Over easy/medium and dip toast in the yolk.), Fried egg and cheese sandwhich... Ramen every once in awhile.

I fucking love hamburger helper...

I may have to try it with turkey like charlie said above, I can't do the tuna helpers because I friggin hate tuna... My sister has made tuna and mayo sandwiches before and it took every bit of will to not throw up just smelling and seeing it. Tuna and Mayo are two of the worst smelling and tasting things in the world imo.


Bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, napa cabbage, zucchini/courgette, canned tomatoes... Lots of fresh vegetables are really cheap when you buy them at the right time, usually less than 1 euro for a kilo. I also buy loads of frozen hamburgers at about 1.80 euros for 12 burgers.
I rarely spend more than 12 euros a week on food.

Typical cheap meal for me: stirfried green beans and onions with soy sauce and peanuts, chopped up baked hamburger and plain basmati rice. Probably costs just under 1 euro.


Rice and beans. A bag of each will run like 2-3 bucks, and could last me about a week or maybe two. If i have some hot sause and onion then its really tasty.


Staff member
Or you could make hot cereal like oatmeal. A large can of rolled oats is less expensive than dry boxed cereal.


Taco bell. I know taco bell is an insult to genuine Mexican food connoisseurs but I enjoy it anyway. I like to say it was, at one point, inspired by Mexican food.
Taco bell. I know taco bell is an insult to genuine Mexican food connoisseurs but I enjoy it anyway. I like to say it was, at one point, inspired by Mexican food.
you do know that there is no fast food in existence that you can't make yourself for much cheaper, right?


When I first bought my condo, I lived on dollar menus, ramen, and tuna.

Since my fiance moved in, and loves grocery shopping, I've been eating like a regular human. It's a good thing.

I didn't care for the tuna + mac and cheese combo. I love both things separatly, but together it was a truly unwelcome union in my mouth.

Tuna + bbq sauce + potato chips (crumbled for texture) = pretty good.


Taco bell. I know taco bell is an insult to genuine Mexican food connoisseurs but I enjoy it anyway. I like to say it was, at one point, inspired by Mexican food.
you do know that there is no fast food in existence that you can't make yourself for much cheaper, right?[/QUOTE]

Hmmm that sounds like it requires motivation and effort and I'm just not into that kind of thing.


Staff member
I think you're right. Not only is it not that much food/nutrition for the $, but you might have some hefty medical bills on your hands if you eat it enough.


Staff member
Or you could make hot cereal like oatmeal. A large can of rolled oats is less expensive than dry boxed cereal.
I almost put that caveat in my post. I do like oatmeal, but it's steel-cut oats for me. Rolled or :blech: instant oatmeal is not to my liking.

I like fig bars as cheap eats. If I recall the store brand is like a buck or two for a pretty big stack.


Staff member
I prefer steel cut too, but they don't always have that at the store by my house. Irish oatmeal sticks with me longer. :)


5 dollars at the mall gets enough Chinese food to eat for two decent meals, or one extravagant one.
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