Who likes pie?

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The torches are on the left side of the room, the pitchforks are on the right, please no more than one torch OR pitchfork per person please. We barely have enough for everyone as it is. And please remember to return the pitchforks and torches after we're done lynching the pie-haters. And also, please don't forget to put out your torch ALL THE WAY when you return it to the pile. We don't want to cause a fire. Some of your torches were still glowing last time, almost set the whole place alight.[/QUOTE]

Brother bhamv3, if I might address the crowd for a moment before we get on with this lynch mob?

Last time I saw some of you younger folks getting a little overzealous with the pitchforks. Now, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the proper way to lynch someone is to hang them from a tree. Caleb, if I remember, your pitchfork came back a little bloody last time.

Don't get me wrong, boys. I like a good stabbing just as much as the next fella, and I know how passions can run high when you're in the front ranks, closing in around one undesirable or another. But if you can avoid it at all, don't stab with the pitchforks. They're more for intimidation than anything else, and we need those tools for work on Monday, and I've heard rumors that the health inspector might come round some time this week.

That's it from me, bhamv3, unless you have something else to add ...


Pie is one of those foods that I never crave when I don't have any, am never compelled to buy when seen in stores, but I absolutely die in exstacy over when I have some.

I make a mean cushaw pie. Using a traditional pumpkin pie recipe is nice (the texture is a little different), but I've made variants with chocolate, chai, lemon, and other stuff. I'll have to see if I can score a cushaw this year (though I do have a lot of butternut and other squash starting to pile up).

I remember when CG and I learned how to make pies at Mabel's place. After our quality time spent rolling out the crusts and making everything from scratch, she gave us a decadent sliver of her blue ribbon lemon icebox pie.
The only pie I will eat is pumpkin. I've actually gotten used to not eating any type of dessert. I'm allergic to nuts and I got tired of "Oh, I forgot I put nuts in that" or "I didn't know I couldn't just pick the nuts out". So I just don't eat dessert/cookie/bar/ice cream anymore unless I make it myself.


Staff member
I remember when CG and I learned how to make pies at Mabel's place. After our quality time spent rolling out the crusts and making everything from scratch, she gave us a decadent sliver of her blue ribbon lemon icebox pie.
:Cry: Whyyyyyy??? :Cry:
I remember when CG and I learned how to make pies at Mabel's place. After our quality time spent rolling out the crusts and making everything from scratch, she gave us a decadent sliver of her blue ribbon lemon icebox pie.
:Cry: Whyyyyyy??? :Cry:[/QUOTE]
Because she'd be rolling around in her grave if we bought our pies from that two bit Sara Lee whore.
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