Official Halforums Stats - UPDATED 12-2

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Staff member
This is just an informational post to let you all know how we're doing. Occasionally it's difficult to tell if we are growing or dying so this is just to let you guys know.

Stats for the month of September:

  • 35,247 Visits

  • 5,901 Absolute Unique Visitors

  • 324,783 Pageviews

  • 9.21 Average Pageviews

  • 00:11:29 Time on Site

  • 26.24% Bounce Rate

  • 15.32% New Visits
Stats for the month of October:

  • 34,319 Visits

  • 6,716 Absolute Unique Visitors

  • 297,638 Pageviews

  • 8.67 Average Pageviews

  • 00:11:46 Time on Site

  • 30.00% Bounce Rate

  • 17.79% New Visits
For people giving me shit about my Tweets and stuff: 327 people have come to HF because of Twitter and 466 through Facebook. I have no idea how many of these are already users or how many are new.

Still, looking at the numbers and factoring out the downtimes we had and the issues with Arvixe, I show a 7.72% growth monthly.

So we're doing well and I see growth coming right around the corner. Our server capacity is nowhere near maxed out and we have a lot of room for growth before we would need to look at other server options. vBulletin v4 is rumored to be out as early as November of this year and we'll probably make the jump in December or maybe roll something out for January 1, 2010.

Stay tuned, forumites.
Some Halforums Stats

Can't wait to see our numbers when we get in contact with the webcomics we've been scouting. :uhhuh:


Staff member
Some Halforums Stats

So you guys like these kinds of stat posts? I wondered if they'd be appreciated or not.
Some Halforums Stats

I like seeing how much we're growing. I can tell from the influx of new posters/former lurkers, but it's good to see the data that proves it as well!!!


Staff member
Some Halforums Stats

Well, first there's a lie, then there's a filthy lie, then there's statistics...

But hell, seeing these kinda statistics, keep 'em coming! :D


Some Halforums Stats

All those people watching us... undressing our posts with their eyes.:paranoid:


Some Halforums Stats

what is a bounce rate?

Lurkers are voyeurs with really low standards for visual stimulation.


Staff member
Some Halforums Stats

Bounce rates are people who come in, take one look around and leave.
Some Halforums Stats

So we ARE growing. :)

Also, I'm down for upgrading us on Jan. 1 2010. It sounds so futuristic.


Staff member
Some Halforums Stats

I only ever see like the same 20-30 people posting so I really can't fucking tell.
That's why I fucking posted the fucking stats on this fucking page.

So you could fucking tell how fucking much we were fucking growing.



Staff member
Some Halforums Stats

I only ever see like the same 20-30 people posting so I really can't fucking tell.
That's why I fucking posted the fucking stats on this fucking page.

So you could fucking tell how fucking much we were fucking growing.


I'm gonna fucking your fucking fucking if you don't fucking fucking me you fucking fucking!!

My generation is HARDCORE yo!


Staff member
Some Halforums Stats

Senora Carolina no esta en su Oficina. Desea dejarle un menaje en el correo de voz?

Otherwise, pretty good attempt there.[/quote]

Doh, I meant that... missing S is missing. Yeah, I have that sentence pretty damn near down pat. We have a spanish station with a PD who's pretty active in the local hispanic community. She gets a lot of calls, and around 5 or so here, there's nobody but me left to answer the phone.

I also know "Por favor, imprinte su nobre aqui, y firme aqui." And maybe 6 or 7 other phrases that don't come in handy unless you're inside this building.

But the first spanish phrase I ever learned (yes, even before learning what pendejo means) was "El nino muerto esta en la bota de la basura." Can you tell I lived in El Paso? Yes, I thought so.


Staff member
Some Halforums Stats

Can't wait to see our numbers when we get in contact with the webcomics we've been scouting. :uhhuh:
Didn't know about that happening. If it means anything, I am planning on reviving Pixel once I finish a book's worth of new material...


Staff member
Some Halforums Stats

Can't wait to see our numbers when we get in contact with the webcomics we've been scouting. :uhhuh:
Didn't know about that happening. If it means anything, I am planning on reviving Pixel once I finish a book's worth of new material...[/QUOTE]

Good luck, man! I hope that works out for you. Just remember, if modding your own board gets to be a pain in the ass...
Some Halforums Stats

Hmm, our starting rotation looks good, but we need more work in the Bullpen. Also maybe change our lineup around some, try switching our cleanup and lead off men.
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