Swine Flu 300 days

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Plus, they can use it as a high frequency sonar device that breaks all rules of wave reflection to perfectly image an entire room with absolutely no noise or multiple reflection problems, according to hollywood.
If you're implying that Batman is wrong (and I think you are) then sir, I don't want to be right.


Plus, they can use it as a high frequency sonar device that breaks all rules of wave reflection to perfectly image an entire room with absolutely no noise or multiple reflection problems, according to hollywood.
If you're implying that Batman is wrong (and I think you are) then sir, I don't want to be right.[/QUOTE]

hehe.. I just love movie science. It just breaks all the rules but still fun to watch.

---------- Post added at 11:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 AM ----------

Wow.... Gitmo prisoner gets swine flu shots before general population

I figure I'll put it in here since we are talking about swine flu.
The main thing that is misleading about that poster is that this round of swine flu has only been around 300 days. Most of these other diseases have been killing for decades, centuries or millennia.

Compare H1N1 to the other diseases on the list and see how many have been infected in the last 300 days. I can only think of one time in 20 years that a local school has been shut down because there were too many students and teachers sick with the flu to make it feasible to open. It has happened twice this year alone, to multiple campuses in this small town.


The main thing that is misleading about that poster is that this round of swine flu has only been around 300 days. Most of these other diseases have been killing for decades, centuries or millennia.

Compare H1N1 to the other diseases on the list and see how many have been infected in the last 300 days. I can only think of one time in 20 years that a local school has been shut down because there were too many students and teachers sick with the flu to make it feasible to open. It has happened twice this year alone, to multiple campuses in this small town.
Where as not a single school in my district has shut down. It happens.
The main thing that is misleading about that poster is that this round of swine flu has only been around 300 days. Most of these other diseases have been killing for decades, centuries or millennia.

Compare H1N1 to the other diseases on the list and see how many have been infected in the last 300 days. I can only think of one time in 20 years that a local school has been shut down because there were too many students and teachers sick with the flu to make it feasible to open. It has happened twice this year alone, to multiple campuses in this small town.
Where as not a single school in my district has shut down. It happens.[/QUOTE]

Had at least one close here in Ohio. Hospitals (or mine at least) are forbidding anyone younger than 16 onto the premises unless it's emergency care or to get a vaccine.
Compare H1N1 to the other diseases on the list and see how many have been infected in the last 300 days. I can only think of one time in 20 years that a local school has been shut down because there were too many students and teachers sick with the flu to make it feasible to open. It has happened twice this year alone, to multiple campuses in this small town.
It's almost as if we have gotten used to them... even if they do kill a lot of people every year and infect countless more (swine flu is new, so we dont know it well enough and it's somewhat drug immune).

Plus, those figures seem small for overall deaths for the last couple of decades, let alone all time...
Alberta's getting hit really bad with it right now. Some schools have as much as a 30% Hamthrax infection rate and the provincial government has fumbled the vaccination plan so badly that they just up and closed all the vaccination centers in the province for the last half week or so.

Some A-1 governing going on here. Yay, party in power for life Conservatives.
Well, I woke up murderously sick today with swine-fluish symptoms. Coincidence? I think not. Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeergh.
Plus, those figures seem small for overall deaths for the last couple of decades, let alone all time...
It is not for all time it is for the last 300 days. I am just saying that the infection rate is high for such a 'young' virus. The seasonal flu kills 1000's a year, but it crops up so often, and is so widely spread already. This is basically a single point of contact and has spread across the globe and has killed many in less than a year. Flu season has not really gotten underway and the infection rates will likely go up even more.

Yes, so far this is not the killer we have feared (or the media has fear mongered.) But just look at the hit that this can put on the economy where people are down for at least a week at a time, instead of 3 days for normal flu recovery.


Plus, those figures seem small for overall deaths for the last couple of decades, let alone all time...
It is not for all time it is for the last 300 days. I am just saying that the infection rate is high for such a 'young' virus. The seasonal flu kills 1000's a year, but it crops up so often, and is so widely spread already. This is basically a single point of contact and has spread across the globe and has killed many in less than a year. Flu season has not really gotten underway and the infection rates will likely go up even more.

Yes, so far this is not the killer we have feared (or the media has fear mongered.) But just look at the hit that this can put on the economy where people are down for at least a week at a time, instead of 3 days for normal flu recovery.[/QUOTE]

Yea. I still think it is a little over hyped, but I guess the virus could mutate to a deadly form if "merge" with bird flu but to human. Then it gets scary.
Oh lord, I'm so uncomfortable. My skin's either on fire or I'm so cold I shake uncontrollably. My legs have these waves of agony going through them. My head is about to explode (something my ass and stomache has multiple times).

This is the worst flu I've ever had by a million miles.
Alberta's getting hit really bad with it right now. Some schools have as much as a 30% Hamthrax infection rate and the provincial government has fumbled the vaccination plan so badly that they just up and closed all the vaccination centers in the province for the last half week or so.

Some A-1 governing going on here. Yay, party in power for life Conservatives.
well, at least the rich people and professional athletes here will survive. god bless capitalism.

but yeah, i walked in to school yesterday and not only was everyone coughing, but (i shit you not) some of my classes were less than half full.

woke up this morning with a slightly sore throat and was like "fuck that", so i stayed home.
Been off for three days. Office pandemic plan says that if I have any visible symptoms, I'm not to come into work. Good thing is though that three of us got it once, so that'll be three of us that'll be okay starting next week when the rest of the office gets it.
Plus, those figures seem small for overall deaths for the last couple of decades, let alone all time...
It is not for all time it is for the last 300 days. I am just saying that the infection rate is high for such a 'young' virus. The seasonal flu kills 1000's a year, but it crops up so often, and is so widely spread already. This is basically a single point of contact and has spread across the globe and has killed many in less than a year. Flu season has not really gotten underway and the infection rates will likely go up even more.

Yes, so far this is not the killer we have feared (or the media has fear mongered.) But just look at the hit that this can put on the economy where people are down for at least a week at a time, instead of 3 days for normal flu recovery.[/QUOTE]

There no one seasonal flu virus... and with modern transportation most flues (sp?) probably spread as fast (how long does it take for one to get sick from normal flu once near someone that's infectious?). Plus, some argue that millions more are infected but the symptoms are no worse then a normal cold, so they don't get tested for it.

The fear is that not having effective drugs for it if it mutates to become more deadly we won't be able to do much about it... and that is the most rational reason to get vaccinated.
I tried to go into work today and I was sent home. *sigh*

If I can't be miserable with people, what's the point of being miserable?!


Staff member
The city health service is organizin' swine flu shots these weeks. Next week, I'm one of those who are advised to get the shot (being obese). Gonna call the University hospital tomorrow and get the appointment.
Got my vaccine today; my school was offering them free for students and faculty, so I figured 'why not'. Like I said, a professor I've had for several classes (and has never missed a class) missed a class because it simply knocked him on his ass, so--overblown media hysteria or not--I'd prefer to avoid that.
I half hope that swine flu is worse than anyone could have possibly expected, just to cull these "Vaccine = Evil" anti-intellectual motherfuckers.
I won't get the swine-flu vac or the "regular" flu vac. Only 4 years, and it was four years in a row, I have had the flu was while I was in the military and we were required to get the shot each year.

It's not Vaccine = Evil, it's more Vaccine = sick. I'll stick to my stupidly resilient immune system that even fought off the measles.
Man, I'm starting the road to recovery I believe. The fever has broken, I'm no longer delirious and I can keep food down.

Man, Hinny sucks balls.


Staff member
Just got my shot. I'm already feeling the headache, so I guess the rest of the side effects will be comin' along shortly. So don't mind me if I suddenly stop making any kind of sensibility. I appropriate that Doonesbury will gas in a dime. Pineapple Clementine at Sacramento bordello, particle accelerator dreaming vaporous blocks...

*falls asleep* Zzzzzzzz....


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