Happiness is...

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...having an exacto knife handy when your scissors are missing, and there's an important bag of cookies that need opening.

Thread rules:

  • Finish the sentence "Happiness is..." one or more times in your post.
  • Don't post sarcastic, offensive, non-constructive, belittling, disrespectful, creepy, or otherwise negative endings. If you can't think of something nice, don't post anything.
  • Don't respond positively or negatively (ie, don't respond at all) to anyone else's 'happiness is' post, don't post anything other than "happiness is..." endings. Send a PM to individuals if you can't resist commenting on their 'happiness is' post, but don't add it to this thread.
I know everyone loves feedback on their posts, and everyone loves to give feedback on very cool posts, but this time let's try having a thread without that aspect of the forum.



happiness is being done with my hours and hours and hours of homework and getting to go home for the weekend... *sniff*


...climbing into bed and a happy cat hopping up to join you, who then lays down and starts purring his little heart out.
A walk through the Kettle Moraine on a warm, sunny, September day, watching the red and yellow leaves fall around you as you walk with the love of your life by your side.
...talking to a girl who not only finds you sweet and shares your love of films, but definitely wants to have another date with you.
Happiness is a freshly baked oatmeal cookie and a glass of milk!

Happiness is doing something nice for a complete stranger and getting a smile in return.

Happiness is being loved, period.


i responded to someone elses post and someone else told me i was an idiot. and so i repent! repent i say!


Staff member
...looking out onto the calm gulf, hearing the sound of water and gulls, and resting my head on a familiar shoulder. :)

...lemonade and a good book.

...playing a song in public and watching people dance.
Happiness is getting some overtime during the week
Happiness is no missed calls or voicemails at the end of the day
Happiness is getting two cheese-steaks for 46 cents


Staff member
...my niece running up to me with a huge smile, shouting my name over and over and jumping into my arms for a big hug.
...is relative, and something you choose.

These make me happy:

...is making people laugh.

...is helping someone, even if they don't deserve it.

...is dancing with my gf.

...is smelling clean, fresh air, and the sounds of a river.

...is the freedom to choose right or wrong.
Happiness is finding a girl who shares your lactose intolerance problem and can laugh when both of you fart like obese walruses.


Staff member
... the feeling of a loved one's warm body curled up against you at night.

... a moment of rest on a busy day.

... falling asleep without regrets.

... taking pleasure from the little things in life.

... making a baby laugh.

... making a loved one laugh.

... making just about anyone laugh.

... sharing an experience with friends.

... doing something you've been afraid of doing, and finding out it's actually pretty fun.

... the ache and being tired after a good workout.

... small things. But they still make a difference.


"...The open steppe, fleet horses, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair."

"Wrong! Shego, what is happiness?"

"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."

Also, whatever there is, small or large that either turns a bad day around, or helps you keep on going when it's tough.


... being reminded of Megaton Man by DarkAudit's avitar.

I'm easily pleased.


... coming home from work and having my 9 month old crawl toward me as fast as her little knees will carry her so she can be picked up and snuzzled by mommy.
...sleeping next to the guy in a totally contorted and not comfortable manner... and being the comfiest you have ever been!
A nice big hamburger, medium-rare, with cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, onion and lots and lots of fries.

I'm thinking of a particular restaurant (chain) where I love to go sometimes and stuff myself up with deliciousness.


Playing DAO on your day off with the pre-order downloads on a wide screen HDTV and surround sound, knowing no neighbors are around to hear how loud you have it.
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