YO, DAVE!!! I am calling you out!!

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Hay un problema?
(If this is about my comment on the movie's dialogue, I just said that because I was thrown by how people talked in the movie the first time I watched it. But in the end I enjoyed it.)
Juno's actually a good and well-written movie :)

From IMDB:

Leah: Yo Yo Yiggady Yo.
Juno MacGuff: I'm a suicide risk.
Leah: Juno?
Juno MacGuff: No, it's Morgan Freeman. Do you have any bones that need collecting?
Leah: Only the one in my pants...
Juno MacGuff: I'm pregnant.
Leah: What? Honest to blog?
Juno MacGuff: Yeah. Yeah, it's Bleekers.
Leah: It's probably just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch?
Juno MacGuff: No, this is not a food baby all right? I've taken like three pregnancy tests, and I'm forshizz up the spout.
Leah: How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests? That's amazing...
Juno MacGuff: I don't know, I drank like, ten tons of Sunny D... Anyway dude, I'm telling you I'm pregnant and you're acting shockingly cavalier.
Leah: Is this for real? Like, for real for real?
Juno MacGuff: Unfortunately, yes.
Leah: Oh my GOD. Oh shit! Phuket, Thailand!
Juno MacGuff: There we go. That was kind of the emotion that I was searching for on the first take.


Juno's actually a good and well-written movie :)

From IMDB:

Leah: Yo Yo Yiggady Yo.
Juno MacGuff: I'm a suicide risk.
Leah: Juno?
Juno MacGuff: No, it's Morgan Freeman. Do you have any bones that need collecting?
Leah: Only the one in my pants...
Juno MacGuff: I'm pregnant.
Leah: What? Honest to blog?
Juno MacGuff: Yeah. Yeah, it's Bleekers.
Leah: It's probably just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch?
Juno MacGuff: No, this is not a food baby all right? I've taken like three pregnancy tests, and I'm forshizz up the spout.
Leah: How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests? That's amazing...
Juno MacGuff: I don't know, I drank like, ten tons of Sunny D... Anyway dude, I'm telling you I'm pregnant and you're acting shockingly cavalier.
Leah: Is this for real? Like, for real for real?
Juno MacGuff: Unfortunately, yes.
Leah: Oh my GOD. Oh shit! Phuket, Thailand!
Juno MacGuff: There we go. That was kind of the emotion that I was searching for on the first take.



Staff member
Juno's actually a good and well-written movie :)
We can't be friends anymore. The only thing Diablo Cody is worth is saying that she's from our hometown and apparently is family friends with one of my friends friends.

They twitter together. I hope Diablo Cody makes him famous one day. Because THAT guy, THAT guy has talent. Not burgerphone mackenzie.


Yet those same people love Tarantino for his oh so witty "dialogue".:puke:

Wasabi Poptart

Juno was an ok movie, but I really wanted to slap the character Juno in the face a few times.


Staff member
All dialogue out of context will seem weird but in the movie will fit. Nature of the beast.

---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------

Like song lyrics. Sometimes just reading them is bad but in the song they are cool.
All dialogue out of context will seem weird but in the movie will fit. Nature of the beast.

---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------

Like song lyrics. Sometimes just reading them is bad but in the song they are cool.
What you're really saying is the delivery is good and not the writing.

Like Christopher Walken reading "Poker Face". The delivery is good, but the writing is shoddy.
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