Attention whore forum: newest tattoo

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Got my newest tattoo last night. Not that most care, but hell, I figured I would post a couple pics from my phone. Colors arent showing well due to newness and reddened skin, but meh:

Came out even better than I hoped from what I brought in to the guy. Next up, I am getting my back one redone and touched up..then expanded. :rouckout:


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It is from Heretic/heretic 2. I always loved that game, and had a poster of that cover from when it came out years ago. The design was great, and I took it on and the guy took it for a couple days, redid it, and I loved it, so there it is. Only cost me 80.

My good friend has had a bunch of work done by the guy, and it all turned out great. I showed him my Venom tat on my back, and its faded look, he showed me his touchups, and what he could do...I cannot wait to get it redone and expanded with a spiderweb coming off it in black with red shading.

Also, sometime over the winter, I am going to be working on turning the left arm into a sleeve, not jsut the forearm that it is now.


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I've never understood the ink culture. My body is fat & I have flappy hooties but it's unmarred by tats.
Ah tattoos. The symbol of badassery that I keep telling myself I'll eventually get and keep procrastinating to do.

Nice symbol there Shannow :thumb:

The two I always wanted were the Cobra/Decepticon melded symbol and an Anubis head. *sigh*


Staff member
Ah tattoos. The symbol of badassery that I keep telling myself I'll eventually get and keep procrastinating to do.

Nice symbol there Shannow :thumb:

The two I always wanted were the Cobra/Decepticon melded symbol and an Anubis head. *sigh*


I have thought about the cobra/decp thing myself. GET OUT OF MY HEAD


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Eh, I have done a different route. I know what I am going for next beyond the expansion/touch upof the venom symbol. Going to have to get that one designed from scratch though


Christ, I feel either bad ass or just plain sad. I looked at that and immediately went "Oooh Heretic!" and couldn't understand why no one else knew what it was from. Either way you, Mr. OP, are the bad ass one.

Makes the Keyblade tattoo I wanted look pathetic :\


I wanted the Halloweentown Keyblade. I can't remember if I had decided on KH1 or KH2 but it was the one that wasn't all Christmasy. It was going to go down my left shoulder and I went as far as to have it drawn before I backed out.

I went back to get a John 117 Tat as well and the guy said "Fuck no, not unless you let me do your keyblade"



Staff member
It's not attention whoring if you're showing off medieval dick weaponry. You got a lot of nerdy tats, bro. I'd never get any of them myself, but if the shoes fits, rock on.

As in every tattoo thread, I must boldly proclaim again and again my awesome Vonnegut tattoo. It's still there, and it's still perfect for ice breaker games.
You should tell people it's the symbol of the mighty Aquaman Jesus.

Which would also be an awesome name for my next kid.
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