Attention whore forum: newest tattoo

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If you weren't i would have been disappointed...

And the tattoo comment was also meant as a sorry for the derail...
Ah... bad memories of my brother "being into" metal (peer pressure is a great thing)... do not want.


Staff member
There are no bad memories of good metal.

---------- Post added at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

WTF...the google ad up top is for tattoo lovers.
Kevin Smith actually explains this in An Evening With Kevin Smith. The comment is made by Banky, the idiot of the movie, who is always wrong. It was his way of showing that by using the character who is always wrong, it deflates the argument made by some that all lesbians need is a deep dicking.

You probably knew that though.
Yet that was exactly the message the movie itself gets across. :eek:rly:


Staff member
No The point is that lesbians DON'T need a deep dicking, if there was a character whose purpose is to point out the absurdity and stupidity of the claim.

Just because something is said at face value does not reflect the intent or subtext of the film.
I'm not talking about the quote Banky made, I'm talking about the entire point of the movie and all it's context inbetween.
I don't really see much phallic about Shannow's tattoo. Now, for unintentionally ultra phallic tattoos, nothing beats Brock fuckin' Lesnar's veiny dick sword.



I'm not talking about the quote Banky made, I'm talking about the entire point of the movie and all it's context inbetween.
The... Entire point of the movie being a bisexual girl finding out that love can conquer perceived sexual stereotypes? That guys who thinks girl / girl action is just hot sometimes have to deal with the reality of the situation? That it's okay to be a close minded bigot as long as you have a good heart and don't do anything besides use words about it?

Which... Point are you talking about? I mean, from what I've read you don't seem like the type who instantly assumes that all sexuality is the same. You seem a bit more intelligent than that. I know some people who are as close-minded about their ideas of lesbianism as Conservative Christians are about Heterosexuality in that they don't believe it's okay for a "Lesbian" to become "Straight" and feel the need to chastise someone for just picking their own sexuality instead of letting some group of people prescribe it to them.


Staff member
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Thats great.

Though, i already have a Dr. Doom tat. It was the first one I got like 4 years ago :doom:


Staff member
Yeah but my like...a pirahnna plant fucked a clown...or...something. :(

You're right what was I thinking!

---------- Post added at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 PM ----------

also pics or it didn't happen

Captain Phil

I got a tattoo the about a week ago, my friend keeps saying its very feminine.

He said I should have gotten the male ethernet jack.....I informed him that would be like getting a dick tattooed on me and no thanks. Plus an Ethernet port is far more nerdy

(yes i know the lines crooked and the top doesn't match the other side...and there's 9 pins instead of 8.)
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