What did YOU do in High School?

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In one other thread it seems Shego & I were both band geeks. Trombone, even.

I also was in speech, musicals, show choir, All State music (chorus) and lettered in Track, wrestling and cross country.

I loved high school!

What extracurriculars did you guys do? (No, drugs, drinking and sex don't count. Unless it was a teacher. then it's hot.)
In one other thread it seems Shego & I were both band geeks. Trombone, even.

I also was in speech, musicals, show choir, All State music (chorus) and lettered in Track, wrestling and cross country.

I loved high school!

What extracurriculars did you guys do? (No, drugs, drinking and sex don't count. Unless it was a teacher. then it's hot.)



I was in band (t-bone) orchestra (cello) and some theater (only a senor direct where I got a chance to eat bacon and found out years later that my senior who directed me had a crush on me) and I also played D&D on friday nights because I WAS SO DAMN COOL!
Band nerd. Marhcing, concert and jazz. I played baritone saxophone and a little tuba and trombone. Tried ASB (student council) because my parents wanted me to be more social, hated it and stopped after a year.

High school was alright, but I'm enjoying life a lot more right now.
Really? That many boners on this board??? WOW! Whowouddathunk?

I was in talented music as well as 4-H. I was also a book nerd because my friends didn't want to hang out with me because they knew I was opposed to drinking.

I said WAS
I played trumpet, didn't like it much. Mostly me and my friends hung out at parks, tossed the frisbee, juggled, play D&D, etc. For some reason we found great amusement in finding grocery stores selling pixie stix in bulk and buying every single one of them or driving an hour to the only store we could find that sold strawberry and peach Crush.


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Wrestled, though I was terrible at it, but was in there with friends, so that made it worth while. Was part of the rugby club, which was fun as hell. Nothing like kicking the shit ou of each other 3 times a week for a few years, Model U.N., PC club (an excuse to play doom 2 and warcraft on a lan back in 1998) ...and work. Yup, gotta love the working a job. Some other things, that I forget off the top of my head
Masturbated. Excessively.
Same here.

Played clarinet in our school band, and also played clarinet in our pit orchestra for the school production of Showboat.

Got addicted to mudding, an addiction that continues to this day.

Played more games on my TI-83 than I probably should have.

Had a series of crushes on a series of girls. Looked a few of them up on Myspace and Facebook a while ago. One of them's now a nurse, and married to a guy who could easily kick my ass. One of them's a soldier deployed to Iraq, and looks like she could easily kick my ass herself. Yet another appears to have become a concert pianist.
I played the flute, and I was really good. Like, being recruited to audition my freshman year by the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra good. My brother was awesome, too, and the two of us won a whole bunch of medals in competitions, both solo and duet. But my parents didn't want to drive us downtown every night, so they told me to stick to my high school's band. I quit the instrument and haven't picked it up since. Oh, and in b4 "one time at band camp" jokes.

I was super involved in theater and dance as well, but except for that, I was never really that athletic. I come from a superb swimming pedigree--my parents both held state titles for years--but I injured my shoulder freshman year, and I wasn't even that good before that, so meh.

I was also appointed editor-in-chief of the newspaper at the beginning of my junior year. Our paper won a few awards, which was awesome, but I never really fell in love with journalism. That's a pity, since I actually got into Northwestern's journalism school--the best in the country--and I probably would be graduating now with a useful degree and decent job prospects.

I miss high school. I was in good shape, I had an active social life that didn't revolve around Facebook, MMOs, and internet forums, and I had a few things that I was reallyreally good at. Being an English major at a shitty, no-name tier-3 school just isn't the same.
I was a band geek. Trumpet, though.

I also played soccer and tennis competitively until I destroyed my left foot and ankle.

My crowning achievement, though, was getting on our state's version of the academic decathlon (JETS, I think it was called), and winning the sectional math and computer science categories as a sophomore. I repeated the feat as a junior/senior, but sophomore year was the funniest, because firstly, nobody expected me to do anything, as I was there just to see how things worked, and secondly because I didn't pay any attention when they were going over the procedure for the winners, so I had no idea what to do when they actually called my name.


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I was good enough with the bone that I had to decide whether to go vocal All State or trombone.

After high school I got a Marine Corps scholarship and tried out for the Marine Corps band. I didn't make it but it's my understanding that I came very, very close. Like 2nd alternate.
Another band geek here. Tuba.

That's a more recent pic of the Morgantown High Red & Blue Marching Band. Only things still the same from my days are the unis of the majorettes and Mohiganettes and the band director.

You'll get to see thim live and in living color Thanksgiving day, when they march in the Macy's parade. :D
I wrestled a couple years, was Sophomore Class Vice President, running a grueling campaign and somehow managing to beat the 4 hottest girls in our class to win, EVEN after a runoff against only one of them. No clue how THAT happened. It was my crowning achievement. I promptly quit the next year when I realized Junior Class has to put on the prom. Fuck THAT

Senior year, my favorite teacher became the sponsor of the Pep Club, and he was bemoaning how lame the pep rallies always were. So a couple friends and I took over the Pep Club pretty much from the apathetic cheerleaders and athletes. We put on three or so really ballin' pep rallies with comedy skits and all and elaborate construction of sets and props for it. It was cool!

I feel like I'm leaving something out here, but I can't place it. I was pretty popular with all the different crowds :) At lunch when everyone would seperate out, I usually never ate at the same place/with the same people for too long.


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When I was in high school I tried to play the guitar. Learned how to play "Blister in the Sun". I didn't really do any after school stuff related to the school. HOWEVER.

What I did do was a bunch of Lithuanian organization stuff. Including...

oh right! I also did newspaper for my last semester.

band, orchestra, theater, newspaper and bible study. I had to fight off the women with a stick. Because they all wanted me, you see.


I did Mock Trial. We were pretty terrible though because we were suppose to have a law student come out and coach us. Each high school got one. But never once did any of them come to our school (we lived on the wrong side of the tracks so I guess they didn't want to take the risk.)

That was only a few months of the year though. I worked full time outside of that though. I had a pretty classic 'dead beat dad' and my mom couldn't support us entirely so I worked to buy new shoes and food. Little things here and there.
College was where I REALLY shined!

Orchestra, wind ensemble (principle), marching band, basketball band, student brass quintet, faculty brass quintet, low brass ensemble, was also in a local church's orchestra... got paid $50 bucks a week to play for 10 minutes in a service!

...siiiiiigh.... I miss college!
Depends on the year:

Freshman Year - Band (trombone) JROTC, Track & Field, Volleyball, Basketball
Sophmore Year - Band (trombone) JROTC, Track & Field, Volleyball
Junior Year - JROTC
Senior Year - N/A

An interesting side note: I attended 7 high schools and one Charter School in 3yrs due to expulsions, multiple suspensions and my eventual dropping out.


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Oh yeah! I also did Model UN and Boy's State. Boy's State was kinda lame, but Model UN was fun.

Of course, I was a total dipshit and in retrospect I was probably a bit racist. We had a Middle Eastern country one year so we went dressed in robes with towels on our head drinking Nestle's chocolate from oil cans.

Good times, good times. (Of course that was right after the OPEC embargoes so it was accepted.)


chess club, computer club, high-q (the HS equivalent of the college quiz team type stuff), etc. was captain of the chess team in junior high and HS. had a nice circle of friends back then, no idea where or what any of them do these days, havent seen nor talked to them in ten years
I didn't like HS. Actually, I didn't like the shit-hole that is western Oklahoma.

I was in track (1 or 2 mile event), drama (2 plays), and class Secretary or Treasurer my senior year (I didnt go to any of the meetings though).

I was kind of a big jerk back then. I had a huge chip on my shoulder.

Haven't been back there since I graduated. I don't really have any contact with folks from back then either.

Oh, yeah! Model UN. That was pretty cool.


Staff member
Drama club and musicals. I was Joy from Shadowlands, a Granny from a fairy tale, Bloody Mary from South Pacific, a chorus person in Godspell.... Oh, and Gilda Radner. Fun times. :D Otherwise I was a total slacker.
Slacked off, made some friends, got my heart broken, became an emo, realized it was dumb, became a nerd, played YGO:TGS, got rid of self-destructive friends, made better friends, stole a girlfriend from an ex-friend in a RL case of whiteknightery, graduated.


Staff member
Slacked off, made some friends, got my heart broken, became an emo, realized it was dumb, became a nerd, played YGO:TGS, got rid of self-destructive friends, made better friends, stole a girlfriend from an ex-friend in a RL case of whiteknightery, graduated.
The End.


I was a huge drama nerd all through middle school and high school. When I started, it was onstage, but as my high school career went on, I found myself enjoying being involved in the backstage work more (initially, that may have had something to do with the joke that was our audition system the last couple years after we changed drama teachers), and started doing props, special effects work, set building, stuff like that. In my senior year I was the student director & stage manager for our two full-length productions.

I was also the editor for the school paper and on the academic team (I don't know how prevalent this game is in other places, but it was like a team quiz game thing we played against other schools).


I didn't like HS. Actually, I didn't like the shit-hole that is western Oklahoma.

I was in track (1 or 2 mile event), drama (2 plays), and class Secretary or Treasurer my senior year (I didnt go to any of the meetings though).

I was kind of a big jerk back then. I had a huge chip on my shoulder.

Haven't been back there since I graduated. I don't really have any contact with folks from back then either.

Oh, yeah! Model UN. That was pretty cool.
Yeah, I thought my high school experience was a waste of time.

If I could do it over I would have taken classes at the Community College where they allow as young as 14. I could have gone for another degree with the time that I piddled away.
Slacked off, made some friends, got my heart broken, became an emo, realized it was dumb, became a nerd, played YGO:TGS, got rid of self-destructive friends, made better friends, stole a girlfriend from an ex-friend in a RL case of whiteknightery, graduated.
The End.[/QUOTE]

Basically. I wasn't really an extracurricular guy but GODDAMN if my social life wasn't like acting in a soap opera.



high-q (the HS equivalent of the college quiz team type stuff)
Okay, so they did play it in other places. I tried to explain it once to someone that was from another part of the same state as me and they had no idea what I was talking about.
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