What did YOU do in High School?

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Oh, I forgot to mention that my high school was smack dab in the middle of downtown Nashville, and I Ferris Buellered nearly 1/4 of the days, and still got straight A's my senior year (3 AP classes, all 4+ grades). :toocool:


Staff member
Did nothing but trying to avoid bullies and generally trying to be invisible.

I think I will stop here, or I going to start to baaawwwww


I was a major choir geek. My plan at the time was to become a music major in college (which I did for exactly 1 year and then changed my mind). I was in the chorus, chorale (singing and choreography) and tried out for (and made) student director in my senior year. I attended All-State choir (HEAVEN!!) in 9th, 11th and 12th grade.

I was also in the Latin club (took Latin for 3 years) and won a ribbon in the derivation competition at the Latin symposium. I was in track and field as well, competing in the discus and shotput.

I was big into the theater club (also played Bloody Mary in South Pacific) and was in lots of plays and musicals. With that also went the activity that someone else mentioned.... avoiding the bullies :( I was the big dorky gal that was trapped in a science glass with a football player who decided he didn't like me and we had a @#$% football coach for a teacher Yeah- he did alot to stop that asshole from making my life hell in science. Irony was that the asshole football player had a crush on one of my best friends, so whenever I had a chance, I'd torpedo him... and I had lots of chances :D


3 years of varsity wrestling at the 103 weight class, 1 year of JV soccer my freshman year, was in a bunch of plays all 4 years but my big things were:

3 years of Forensics, in the Impromptu Speaking category. My final year I became the first person from my high school to go to State Finals for Forensics, which is a huuuuuge deal as my high school has a reputation for turning out really good theatre actors for the University of Michigan and Wayne State. And I go ahead and become the first to get to States through public speaking, instead of the acting. :p

All 4 years on the debate team, named captain my freshman year and held it all 4 years. We did policy debate, and I was our Negative master.


Let's see here...

I played Saxophone in Concert Band, did Mock Trial, Theatre, Swimming, and Key Club. There may be more, but it seems that excessive alcohol messes with my memory.
After talking about it yesterday, I had some VERY fond memories of my Volleyball/Track&Field/Basketball days. Mostly the showers/locker room and the long trips on the bus....
After talking about it yesterday, I had some VERY fond memories of my Volleyball/Track&Field/Basketball days. Mostly the showers/locker room and the long trips on the bus....

I'll be in my bunk.

Also, I just remembered I also had a stint in a public school (commonly known as private schools in the US) in London. There I was part of the debate team, a member of the Physical Sciences Society, and surfed lots of porn on the school computers.

Mr. Wells, Mr. Chapman, if you're reading this, it wasn't me who downloaded all those videos to the computers in the sixth form centre. Though I watched them a lot.
I never got "action" in the shower/locker room, but I did get so many eyefuls and it was very hard not to act on my urges on ALOT of occassions. :angry:
Wow, you people sure bothered too much in highschool... over here there wasn't much of that stuff to do even if someone wanted. I just went home and did stuff with my friends...
I had to excel! I HAD TO GO TO COLLEGE!!! There wasn't any other option for me (not my parents doing, just nerdy me). It all paid off because I got a full ride to a really good school for a highschool GPA of 3.14.


I never got "action" in the shower/locker room, but I did get so many eyefuls and it was very hard not to act on my urges on a LOT of occasions. :angry:
This, but soccer team. Soccer girls got the best booty.;)


I played flute in band, gave and took up the trombone. Also played cello in orchestra.

Ran cross country. My best time in the 3.1 mile race was 19:30 so yeah, I wasn't very good. Lettered (out of pity) in soccer my senior year.

Oh, I tried to start up a school newspaper, got it going for about two issues and then it petered out.

Wasabi Poptart

I took dance classes 3 nights a week (tap, jazz, ballet and pointe), helped teach a class on Friday nights, and was lead acolyte at my church on Sundays. On Saturdays I screwed my boyfriend unless it was football season since he would have been playing.


I'm pretty saddened/disgusted at the amount of "booty-calling" that's apparently been done in high school. At least you all had the good sense not to get pregnant, thus earning you some intelligence points over this current horrible generation.


I was big into the theater crowd. I Don't really know why though, I'm pretty sure the theater teacher didn't think to fondly of me because I wasn't as creative or funny as my older brother, who pretty much ran the theater department with him and his friends when he was in high school. I say this because I found out at the end of my senior year that I was to be cast for certain bigger roles in some of the plays or musicals by the student director but was overruled by the the theater teacher and just would play an extra. I guess I was in there because it was a good way to hang out with my friends after school.
I was also very big into the Forensics League. I was on the travel team and would go to Florida for some invitationals, which was just really an excuse for us to miss half a week of school and hang out on the beach. And since I was on the travel team I got to go to nationals as just an observer, so long as at least one person made it to nationals, which was another half of week of school missed, but excused.
Those and the Latin Club were pretty much my entire after school deal besides work for my time in high school.

I almost forgot my two year stint in show choir my senior and junior year. Although the amount of hardcore show choir people in the group made for a very hostile environent when some one made the slightest mistake. Against my better judgement I decided to do it again my senior year when my gut told me to do the accapella group instead. It was honestly the only unfun part of high school for me because there was so much drama among the hardcore show choir folks who were in it to win the competition and people like me who were there for just fun. I don't think I've ever seen so many two-faced people people in one place.
I'm pretty saddened/disgusted at the amount of \"booty-calling\" that's apparently been done in high school. At least you all had the good sense not to get pregnant, thus earning you some intelligence points over this current horrible generation.
I'm pretty saddened/disgusted at the amount of "booty-calling" that's apparently been done in high school. At least you all had the good sense not to get pregnant, thus earning you some intelligence points over this current horrible generation.
damn kids with their booty calls and hippity hop music on my lawn


Staff member
I did some activities. I played soccer and baseball my freshman year, but got kicked off of the soccer team when I made a smart-ass comment to my coach my sophomore year, which led me to doing drama club and musicals. I also was in the Advanced Choir and ended up writing for the school newspaper. My teachers hated me, considering I would do great on the tests and never do any of the homework.

Socially? Ehh. I was neither popular or unpopular. You know those kids who just hung out in the basement drinking themselves stupid? Well, I was kind of friends with them. That ended up causing me more stress than anything. Mostly hung out with my buddy Sean and pursued the same girl throughout my entire four years at High School. Rock on.

Wasabi Poptart

I'm pretty saddened/disgusted at the amount of "booty-calling" that's apparently been done in high school. At least you all had the good sense not to get pregnant, thus earning you some intelligence points over this current horrible generation.
:rolleyes: Compared to all the other crap that went on at my school and in my hometown, having sex with my boyfriend was nothing.
Played Soccer 3 years (only a Soph through Senior school at the time), photographer for yearbook & newspaper, mostly goofed off my senior year since I only HAD to attend one class. Met the person that became my wife and... well.
Student Council Secretary, President of the Environmental Club, Technician for the Science Club, played volleyball and long jump.
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