Get My Girlfriend Drunk

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My GF tells me that she is impervius to alcohol, as her parents (well versed in drinkery) tried to get her drunk once for sharts and giggles, and she downed several bottles of Mike's Hard Lemonade (which has next to no alcohol in it anyway) herself in an attempt to get drunk.

My roommate is a bit of a wine/rum/vodka enthusiast, and as such has some lying around the apartment. I've offered to attempt to get my GF drunk with these, but she doesn't want to "drink anything icky", even if it only tastes bad for like 5 seconds.

So, I come to you, Halforum. What should I get her drunk with? She generally hates the taste of alcohol (as do I), and even the fruitier drinks taste awful. My idea so far has been jello shots, as those taste GREAT and can lay you on your ass pretty quick.

Any other suggestions?


Uh, yeah. Sounds like she doesn't want to drink anything with actual alcohol in it.

So basically it's not going to happen.

If, and I stress the if, she's ok with beer then a couple 120 minute IPAs or a Barleywines will do the trick.

But again, if she's not willing to drink anything 'icky' like vodka then she's never actually had the chance to get drunk.
I used to call "Long Island Ice Teas" my "Panty Dropper".

However that drink DOES taste like alcohol. So you're probably better off with the Jello Shots.


I used to call "Long Island Ice Teas" my "Panty Dropper".

However that drink DOES taste like alcohol. So you're probably better off with the Jello Shots.
Yeah, how do you get someone drunk when they don't drink?

I used to get my friend laid all the time, but his girlfriend actually drinks.

It's crazy to think that this woman thinks she's impervious to alcohol, but actually hasn't had any real drink.


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Well supposedly her parents gave her some hard stuff in an attempt (though I have no idea what), and she's had various wines, so yeah. I fully believe that I can get her drunk easily.

I just need sum'n that tastes good with a fairly high alcohol content. >=P


Well, try a Port after dessert. They're sweet, but still alcoholic.


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Bottles of Andre. It's cheap, effective champagne.

Also, I lol'ed at the Mike's Hard bit. Downing several does jack shit--but you realized this. Go with the Andre!
I have always liked Adios Mother Fuckers. (variant of the Long Island Ice Tea) though it can be pretty strong it still has a fruity taste that tends to drench it out a bit.
The other option, if she's okay with energy drinks, is the Jager bomb. Just a shot of jagermeister dropped into a glass of energy drink of choice (I prefer Monster) and downed immediately before the two are allowed time to mix.
The Jagermeister can be pretty strong, but the strong taste of the energy drink usually balances it out.
But even then I find Jager to have a nice black licorice taste.

Just limit yourself to two or three of them. Alcohol and Energy drink aren't the safest things in the world to mix.


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A jaggerbomb doesn't necessarily have to be 'dropped''s just the mixture, and tastes fine if it's done either way.
White Russian and Colorado Bulldogs are hands down my favorite drink next to Redbull Vodka. I highly recommend them.

And yes, done well, they taste nothing like vodka.


Try a Tie Me to the Bedpost:

* 1 part Midori Melon liqueur
* 1 part Sloe gin
* 1 part Absolut Vodka
* 1 part Southern Comfort
* 1 part Chambord raspberry liqueur
* 1 part Pineapple juice
* 1 part Cranberry juice

Mixing instructions:

Mix with ice in a hurricane glass.
White Russian and Colorado Bulldogs are hands down my favorite drink next to Redbull Vodka. I highly recommend them.

And yes, done well, they taste nothing like vodka.
Hell, even a Black Russian (that's a White Russian without the milk, ie just Kahlua and Vodka) doesn't taste like alcohol really, a good Black Russian tastes like coffee...while being EXTREMELY strong.


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Whisky or vodka shots coupled with a soda of her choice, over a decent period of time.

Works for me at least, and I fuckin' hate the taste of alcohol. This way I can get the nice little buzz of alcohol without thinking my mouth tastes like a farting cat's anus.
White Russian and Colorado Bulldogs are hands down my favorite drink next to Redbull Vodka. I highly recommend them.

And yes, done well, they taste nothing like vodka.
Hell, even a Black Russian (that's a White Russian without the milk, ie just Kahlua and Vodka) doesn't taste like alcohol really, a good Black Russian tastes like coffee...while being EXTREMELY strong.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I hate coffee that tastes like coffee, so Black Russians tend to be off my list usually.
No fruit liquors available where you're from? Some have plenty of alcohol but you can barely taste it... if money is no problem try some irish cream, tastes more like chocolate then anything else.


Frozen anything works.

Take her out and get her a bunch of frozen grasshoppers. Tastes like a Girl Scout Thin Mint.
Go to taco bell and get a Large Mountain Dew Baja Blast and add lots of vodka.

Or you can do the whole tampon in vodka thing and have her insert it.

.....I would not reccommend you do that though. I don't wanna think what havoc vodka would cause on her delicate bacterial balance in her cooze.

Kitty Sinatra

Just have her down a bottle of Creme de Cacao.

Girls love chocolate.
Give her a Leatherneck.
Shot of Tequila and Tabasco sauce.
She'll be too busy crying to worry about the insignificant taste of alcohol.


Try the mighty whiskey sour, I says. The smell's slightly offputting, but it tastes delicious and kicks like a mule. It's the sort of thing where you don't even realise it's getting you drunk until you're already completely blotto.

Here's the recipe:
- 2 parts bourbon.
- 1 part lemon juice.
- 1 part sugar syrup.
- 2 dashes (a half-dozen or so drops) of Angostura per drink.

Shake with crushed ice and pour (with ice) into glass. Add a slice of lemon. Enjoy.

Needless to say, the capacity to reliably produce this has made me very popular indeed at parties.


Staff member
For the record, I find it dubious if he's going to try anything more complex than [buy bottle of this] or [hard alcohol] + [juice]. Usually the latter works the best, and usually with a combination of vodka or rum and pineapple or orange juice. Or, you know, both together. I forget what that drink is called though.
I love Tequila + Kiwi. It's extremely sweet and acid and the alcohol taste isn't noticeable if you don't load the drink too much.

There's also a cocktail that tastes like candy I really enjoy, but I don't know how the alcohol in it is called in english...
Hmmm... I'm not big on sweet drinks, but if I had to recommend I'd say any Muscat wine (known as Moscatel, iirc) could do the trick. They're quite sweet, strong and don't taste like alcohol almost at all.
the Australian Wino Society thoroughly recommends a 1970 Coq du Rod Laver, which, believe me, has a kick on it like a mule: eight bottles of this and you're really finished. At the opening of the Sydney Bridge Club, they were fishing them out of the main sewers every half an hour.
the Australian Wino Society thoroughly recommends a 1970 Coq du Rod Laver, which, believe me, has a kick on it like a mule: eight bottles of this and you're really finished. At the opening of the Sydney Bridge Club, they were fishing them out of the main sewers every half an hour.

Marry me you sexy beast!


Staff member
Wow, lotta suggestions.

Welp, a lot of those sounded really interesting, so if nothing else I'm gonna give 'em a try myself. I'll suggest a few to my roommate and his gf and we'll go out an procure the ingredients. =]

Thanks all!

PS: farting cat anus had me loling.
White Russian and Colorado Bulldogs are hands down my favorite drink next to Redbull Vodka. I highly recommend them.

And yes, done well, they taste nothing like vodka.
A girl after my own heart ;) I love me some White Russians.

I'll let you in on the secret that I discovered while making drinks for my wimpy girlfriends. You know that concentrated fruit barley juice that you're supposed to add lots of water to in order to dilute it and make it drinkable? Add vodka or white rum instead, perhaps in a 2:1 ratio if you're supposed to do a 1:1 ratio. She'll get drunk fast, and it doesn't taste like alcohol at all. (I discovered this after nearly giving myself alcohol poisoning from it once.)

The other thing to try is Bacardi O (orange flavored white rum - delicious!), fruit punch (Tropicana brand works well), and 7UP. It makes a pretty pink girly drink and doesn't taste too alcohol-y at all.

That, or just tell her to suck it up and do some shots with a good chaser. It'll put some hair on her chest.
The problem with Pisang-Orange is that I tend to start out with about 3/4 orange juice and 1/4 pisang, and every next glass the balance will tip slightly futher, 'till I'm drinking pure pisang :-O
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