Woman passes driving test and it only took her 950 tries

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A South Korean woman is celebrating after passing the written exam for a driving licence - on her 950th attempt.
After four years of trying, 68-year-old Cha Sa-soon finally managed to secure the 60 out of 100 points needed to pass the test.
The grandmother has spent more than 5m won ($4,200, £2,600) on application fees for the test.
Now Mrs Cha, who lives in Jeonju, 130 miles (210km) south of Seoul, must pass the practical test to get on the road.
'Don't give up'
According to the Korean Driver's Licence Agency, the 50-minute written test consists of 50 multiple-choice questions on road regulations and car maintenance.
Mrs Cha had been trying to pass it since 13 April 2005, the Korea Times reported.
She wanted a licence so that she could use a vehicle to sell vegetables and other goods, the newspaper said.
And her determination to pass the test has made her well-known at the Jeonju centre.
\"She is really famous here. Not only agency employees but even some test-takers know her. Her challenging spirit is really amazing,\" one official was quoted as saying.
Speaking in February - after her 775th failure - Mrs Cha had appeared undaunted.
\"I believe you can achieve your goal if you persistently pursue it,\" she told Reuters news agency.
\"So don't give up your dream, like me. Be strong and do your best.\"


Staff member
It would be different if it were a rocket ship. FROM THE MOON

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

also, that's a shitload of won to be the worst driver on the planet :/
I am having a hard time seeing how someone can take 950 tries before they pass a simple test that tons of people take every day. And to top it off she just barely passed it I mean come on!
I'm more impressed with a title of "Woman passes driving test". I mean, who knew THAT could happen!?!

Good for her. Impressive that she never gave up. That said I'm kind of glad I'll never be driving in South Korea.

This would make for a fantastic movie.
Let's assume the test had 5 possible answers for each question. Random guessing would get her a 10 on the test most of the time. Let's assume a standard deviation of about 10 points (which might be a bit high.) The odds of her getting a 30 out of 50 are astronomical, more so than a random answer strategy would dictate (yes, I did a quick and dirty statistical calculation). I guess she truly earned it, if she did in fact pass and did in fact take it 950 times. I wonder if she has some kind of learning disability...?


I'm more impressed with a title of "Woman passes driving test". I mean, who knew THAT could happen!?!

You win Post of the Year, nay OF INFINITY, my good sir. I tip my hat to thee.


This would make for a fantastic movie.
Hmm... maybe if it was spiced up a bit so that Hollywood would take a look at it.

Mary was just an average woman trying to live her life in a man's world.

*Cut away to her asking for a raise from her boss* "Sorry, Mary! You're a great employee, but this is a man's world! You don't even know how to drive!"

*Cut away to Mary being consoled by a loving family, with men in ski masks carrying guns looking in from outside*

But then terrorists killed her family.

*Cut away to an explosion.*

Now, Mary needs to learn how to drive so that she can get revenge, and get that raise. There's just one problem. The man giving her the test... is a jerk. A sexy jerk, sure, but still, a total jerk.

*Cut to the test, after Mary does a perfect job of it* "Sorry, Mary! You're great, but I'm a total jerk! Maybe I'll give you your license if you take this test 950 times without giving in to this obvious sexual tension until right before the end credits. I mean, the sexual tension that exists even though your loving husband died, like, yesterday."

Can Mary survive taking the test 950 times? Will she get that raise? Will she heal her heart and find love once more in the fast-paced world of driving tests? Find out, in...



Hell, I'd watch it.


Staff member
I cannot... fathom how you can take a test 950 times and not pass. Did she read anything?? Study anything? Like someone said, I want to know if she had any learning disabilities, because that is just... gah!

The only way I could see failing a test 949 times is if the test was, "There is an invisible gnat floating somewhere in this room. Your test is to poke it. You get one shot."
My fiancee still hits sidewalks all the time and she's got her licence 10 years ago.

Women... shall always be women.


Steven Soderburgin

I'm more impressed with a title of "Woman passes driving test". I mean, who knew THAT could happen!?!

It seems I set the over/under on the number of replies it would take to get to this post too high.
I'm more impressed with a title of "Woman passes driving test". I mean, who knew THAT could happen!?!

You win Post of the Year, nay OF INFINITY, my good sir. I tip my hat to thee.[/QUOTE]

good job working to tear down stereotypes about conservatives. i am looking forward to a bunch of bumbling about how you "were just kidding" and or several offensive attempts to support your opinions on woman drivers.

Kitty Sinatra

Well, I set the over/under on the number of your replies it would take for you to piss on our stereotyping fun dead on.

Although I don't know how you'd have done it in under 1 post so the under bet would be a frigging wasted bet.
Well, I set the over/under on the number of your replies it would take for you to piss on our stereotyping fun dead on.

Although I don't know how you'd have done it in under 1 post so the under bet would be a frigging wasted bet.
i'm not sure if you "get" over/under bets.

Kitty Sinatra

An over/under bet is made between you and your gal to determine who gets to be on top tonight.


Staff member
and here we go

---------- Post added at 11:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 PM ----------

GrueBeard, I also have a question, my friend. Are you Micheal Scott? Is this Micheal Scott from Canada that always posts?

Kitty Sinatra

My middle name is Michael. My imaginary name is Scott. So yeah, I guess I am, Juski.

And I'll take the under on that bet, Gurpie-pie
I'm more impressed with a title of "Woman passes driving test". I mean, who knew THAT could happen!?!

You win Post of the Year, nay OF INFINITY, my good sir. I tip my hat to thee.[/QUOTE]

good job working to tear down stereotypes about conservatives. i am looking forward to a bunch of bumbling about how you "were just kidding" and or several offensive attempts to support your opinions on woman drivers.[/QUOTE]

What's worse is we gave them the right to vote! And once they got the right to vote, it was all downhill from there. Laws requiring uterus-shaped hats, official ovarian recognition days, mandatory breast inspection clinics.

Actually, I guess it hasn't been all bad.

Kitty Sinatra

The Ferengi really know how to treat their women.

Too bad their women are horrifying beasts.

Steven Soderburgin

I'm adding the over/under thing to my list.

Things Gruebeard doesn't get:
- jazz
- the deal with airline food
- the ending to 2001: A Space Odyssey
- over/under bets

Steven Soderburgin

damn, i should've left "laid" in there. damn me wanting to do the mature thing and not make puerile jokes.

Kitty Sinatra

I'm rather surprised it wasn't in there.

You could always add it to my wiki page, though. Replace the airline food, thing and it would make the joke funnier. Nobody gets the airline food thing, so it's not really listworthy.
I'm rather surprised it wasn't in there.

You could always add it to my wiki page, though. Replace the airline food, thing and it would make the joke funnier. Nobody gets the airline food thing, so it's not really listworthy.
Seinfeld reference. I got it.
were i addressing someone from an ethnic minority, it might be. as it is i am addressing a forum full of useless eaters so i am actually discriminating against the mentally handicapped.
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