So I bought 5 Broken NES's

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I assure you there is a point to this. Maybe.

I bought 5 broken Nintendo Entertainment Systems off of eBay last week. I only needed one, but it was easier to find a bulk purchase like that.

What do I plan to do? Why, use the case for my XBMC HTPC that I'm building of course. It should be a pretty good box, with a mini ITX motherboard running an Atom N230 and integrated nVidia GeForce 9400M with HDMI output. I'm going to be running it with 2GB of ram and a 1.5TB hdd (to start with). I'll probably make up a post/HOWTO with lots of nice pretty pictures once I start putting things together.

Anyway does anyone have any suggestions on what to do with my Other 4 NES's? I think I might make an arcade stick with one (thank you Kotaku) or maybe two. Otherwise I'm just putting the rest back up on eBay.
Depending on what's broken you could probably just fix the system's and than sell them or even just keep them. But as far as a project you could always make a DVD player out of one.
I think he should modify those little moving floor cleaners, add some padding around the NES and watching a glorfied Nintendo swoosh around his floor, cleaning everything in it's path.
RoombaNES - very, very tempting.

Lunchbox - a little to big I think, but it might make a good toaster.

Fixing them - maybe, not worth keeping though since I have a working NES already.

DVD Player - I would try and fit it in with the HTPC, but I have a 360, and have no need for yet another box that can play DVDs

Skeets - not feasible where I live.

---------- Post added at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 PM ----------

These are excellent ideas guys, keep them up!
I'd say repair one, do whatever (RoombaNES is a great idea) with the others. You never know exactly how long your existing NES will hold out, and a backup is never a bad idea.
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