Firefox Bugs

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So I'm running Firefox 3.5.5 and I noticed when I close tabs running Flash Videos the keep running (For example, Music Videos keep playing even though the tab is gone)
To remedy this I have to go into the task manager and close it there,which is damn annoying.

Anyone know a Fix for this? Uninstalling/Reinstalling has been done,and does not help.


Staff member
I disabled everything except for those two and nothing. Can you give me a specific file you were listening to and I'll try and replicate it again?
It's anything that runs Flash Video. Last Time it was College Humor.I then close the Tab and it keeps running in the background.


Staff member
Damn. I can't go to college humor here at work. Find me a site this works at and let me know. Must be SFW. I haven't been able to duplicate the issue yet.


Staff member
I can't duplicate it, man. I'm sorry. I really tried. Google and see if anyone else is having the issue.
I'm with Dave. I close windows/tabs for flash things all the time, and they always stop. Often it takes a few extra seconds, but it always happens.
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