Roommate Advice

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My current roommate and I are taking on a third mate (mutual best friend). We are moving to a new three bedroom apartment.

We will all be equally on the lease, paying equal money, etc.

One of the rooms is a 'master bedroom' with it's own full bathroom etc. My current roommate has no designs on it but our soon to be new roommate wants it and so do I.

His argument for wanting the room with a private bath is that due to his professional and personal life he is more susceptible to communicable disease (work HVAC and is exposed to lots of mold and mildew, and in private life is a bit of a man-whore).

My argument is as a dedicated third shifter I want a room where I can keep to myself during the day and when I am awake at night not disturb the other roommates with my activities. I also practice aroma therapy and meditation with incense (the scents bother them both) and I would like to keep such things in a private bathroom, again out of respect to them both.

On an unspoken personal level, since I have been a big boy and living away from home (ten years now) I have had pretty lousy accommodations in one way or another. Living in a rundown apartment with ex wife, living in a guest room with current roommate, I just want a place where I truely feel at home.

So am I being reasonable or greedy in my desires?

And below is the floor-plan of the apartment if anyone is interested.

That's the room I'd want. Is it fair? I don't know. You both make good cases, but I think overall it'd be less problematic if you, using the incense bullshi- er, aroma therapy, had a private room instead of having to share it with the others. Or more the point, having them share it with you whether they like it or not.



My current roommate and I are taking on a third mate (mutual best friend). We are moving to a new three bedroom apartment.

We will all be equally on the lease, paying equal money, etc.

One of the rooms is a 'master bedroom' with it's own full bathroom etc. My current roommate has no designs on it but our soon to be new roommate wants it and so do I.

His argument for wanting the room with a private bath is that due to his professional and personal life he is more susceptible to communicable disease (work HVAC and is exposed to lots of mold and mildew, and in private life is a bit of a man-whore).

My argument is as a dedicated third shifter I want a room where I can keep to myself during the day and when I am awake at night not disturb the other roommates with my activities. I also practice aroma therapy and meditation with incense (the scents bother them both) and I would like to keep such things in a private bathroom, again out of respect to them both.

On an unspoken personal level, since I have been a big boy and living away from home (ten years now) I have had pretty lousy accommodations in one way or another. Living in a rundown apartment with ex wife, living in a guest room with current roommate, I just want a place where I truely feel at home.

So am I being reasonable or greedy in my desires?

And below is the floor-plan of the apartment if anyone is interested.

The HVAC and STD's excuse is such bullshit. Just so you know. The only "STD" you can get from your roommate (unless you suck his dick) is crabs.


Well, if say roommate 2 doesn't like the smell, and neither does roommate 3, roommate 1 should get the main bathroom. If he is afraid of sharing it, maybe have two different bathmats, or use a bit of that Scrubbing Bubbles shit.
The problem started when someone suggested, and everyone agreed, that each room costs the same. It's obvious that whoever gets the private bathroom and largest room should pay more than the two that not only have to share a bathroom, but have to maintain it as the guest bathroom.

I'd say a 60/40/40 split was fair.

This is otherwise going to be a very sore point of contention for the remainder of the stay.
If you guys don't yield or anything, you should probably either bid on it like an eBay auction, or do a silent bid or something, and whoever bids the highest monthly rent gets it at their cost. That's how to prove who wants it more, and is probably the fairest.
The problem started when someone suggested, and everyone agreed, that each room costs the same. It's obvious that whoever gets the private bathroom and largest room should pay more than the two that not only have to share a bathroom, but have to maintain it as the guest bathroom.

I'd say a 60/40/40 split was fair.

This is otherwise going to be a very sore point of contention for the remainder of the stay.
I think you mean a 40/30/30 split of the rent. I agree though that whomever has the master bedroom should pay more for having the private bathroom.
Yeah the utility closet is off the kitchen. LOL

We also laugh at the 1337 sq foot floor space. We take it as a sign as we are all three geeks (all three table top gamers, all three video gamers, and I am a professional geek)

*Also I have agreed to pay higher rent if I get the room.
The problem started when someone suggested, and everyone agreed, that each room costs the same. It's obvious that whoever gets the private bathroom and largest room should pay more than the two that not only have to share a bathroom, but have to maintain it as the guest bathroom.

I'd say a 60/40/40 split was fair.

This is otherwise going to be a very sore point of contention for the remainder of the stay.
So they should pay 140% of the rent?

Perhaps you meant something like 40/30/30?


Damn you Baer for your ninja! And damn you Dirty Jobs for being entertainingly distracting!
The problem started when someone suggested, and everyone agreed, that each room costs the same. It's obvious that whoever gets the private bathroom and largest room should pay more than the two that not only have to share a bathroom, but have to maintain it as the guest bathroom.

I'd say a 60/40/40 split was fair.

This is otherwise going to be a very sore point of contention for the remainder of the stay.
I think you mean a 40/30/30 split of the rent. I agree though that whomever has the master bedroom should pay more for having the private bathroom.[/QUOTE]

No, no, it should definitely be 60/40/40, with him pocketing the extra 40%, and thus getting the big room with a 20/40/40 split.


Staff member
I would suggest a traditional Finnish duel for settling the matter, but I don't think you'll be able to find a sauna, a snowdrift and a sufficient amount of alcohol for that...
What stienman said basically. If the other guy still wants it then, go heads or tails on it.
Yeah, I think if only one of you is willing to pay more then it's that persons. If both are willing go heads or tails. Honestly, no matter your reasons, its just fair.
The question is, can whoever loses be cool or will they spend the time living together pissed off?


Staff member
What, am I the only one who thinks this should involve some kind of a duel? Preferably with somebody betting 400 quatloos on the newcomer?


Looking at the floor plan, if you're a 3rd shifter isn't it likely you'll be sleeping while the living room is in 'prime time'? Not sure if that's a major thing to you though, I can sleep through near anything...

Other then that, what the other people have said... duel included.


What, am I the only one who thinks this should involve some kind of a duel? Preferably with somebody betting 400 quatloos on the newcomer?
Not at all. This must be settled in a fight to the death. You may think that killing off one person would make having a 3 bedroom apartment a stupid idea. But it won't.

The survivor gets both of the free bedrooms. One for himself, and the other... HIS HAREM!



What, am I the only one who thinks this should involve some kind of a duel? Preferably with somebody betting 400 quatloos on the newcomer?
Not at all. This must be settled in a fight to the death. You may think that killing off one person would make having a 3 bedroom apartment a stupid idea. But it won't.

The survivor gets both of the free bedrooms. One for himself, and the other... HIS HAREM!


This post has the Chazwozel Seal of Approval. :thumb:

Pon Farr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well basically we are both willing to pay a higher rent premium. Third room mate could care less about roomage so it is just us two.

There will be no hard feelings either way to clarify, this is a case of three guys who have no blood relation are as close a brothers without sharing parents. We have all been there for each other for the hardest times in their lives, me and my divorce, one guy loosing his dad to cancer, and the other having the girl of his dreams cheat on him and throw him out while he saved for a ring.

We have bonds like that.

Noise wont be an issue for me, not only am I mildly hard of hearing I get up around primetime and leave the house (I'm out the door by 9pm)

As for a physical dual..well I mass about 200 lbs on him but have a bad knee and back. He has muy thai classes weekly, I have memorized and practiced the English translation of the Spetzna knife-fighting would be an interesting duel.

A finish dual in a sauna and snow drift with liqour...I would win :)

I am appreciating the suggestions folks, I don't feel like such a douche now for wanting the bigger room.
It's not douchey to want a bigger room. Who wouldn't? You guys just need a fair way of deciding.


Occasional Poster

When my roommate and I were deciding on who whould get the (slightly) larger room of the apartment we found that we both had logical reasons to for claiming it. He has several instruments that need space. I had been in line for an apartment two years longer than him which enabled us to get the apartment easier. We were both willing to pay more rent to get the larger room, though neither of us was very keen on it. We had known each other for five years so we were not embarassed to want the larger room and argue for it.

We ended up playing the lottery for it. The person who got the most numbers right got the room and the other person was allowed to request it after a year, no hard feelings.

I lost the lottery and got the smaller room. It's been two and a half years and it has never been a problem. I can request the larger room at any time, but I'm satisfied with the smaller.

I guess that a competition that both of us had the exact same chance of winning was what we felt was most fair. Had we decided on something athletic or intellectual one of us would naturally have a favorable position, but with chance there's no fighting the result. I believe that the randomness helped us ward against any resentment.
can you do your aroma therapy on the deck? If so, I'd take the bedroom furthest right. It looks like it opens up into the bathroom, so it'll have a more private feel than going across that gap.
Does he have any pets?

Tell him he can have the room, then skin his pet, disembowel it and hang it from it's entrails on the ceiling fan in his room with it turned on the lowest setting possible. Write in the animals blood "Welcome Home" on the wall a few times for good measure.

This will be tricky if the pets are either small rodents or fish....
This will be tricky if the pets are either small rodents or fish....
Or if there are animal protection laws where he's from... easier to just kill the guy and wear his skin to trick people that he left for Antartica...

That's the room I'd want. Is it fair? I don't know. You both make good cases, but I think overall it'd be less problematic if you, using the incense bullshi- er, aroma therapy, had a private room instead of having to share it with the others. Or more the point, having them share it with you whether they like it or not.
WTF you talking about... the placebo effect is well documented and recognized by science...
can you do your aroma therapy on the deck? If so, I'd take the bedroom furthest right. It looks like it opens up into the bathroom, so it'll have a more private feel than going across that gap.
Not an option for the winter time...not a bad idea for spring and summer though :) ...would rather not freeze my small, shriveled balls off.

Does he have any pets?

Tell him he can have the room, then skin his pet, disembowel it and hang it from it's entrails on the ceiling fan in his room with it turned on the lowest setting possible. Write in the animals blood "Welcome Home" on the wall a few times for good measure.

This will be tricky if the pets are either small rodents or fish....
He has no pets. Though I know he uses a black light as a "mood enhancer" when he has a lady friend over. I was thinking of using UV paint to draw pentacles on his ceiling and write "Blood for the blood god!" on his wall.
I was thinking of using UV paint to draw pentacles on his ceiling and write "Blood for the blood god!" on his wall.
Blasphemer.... the eight pointed star of chaos is the only symbol for the Blood God (and eight is Khorne's number anyway).
can you do your aroma therapy on the deck? If so, I'd take the bedroom furthest right. It looks like it opens up into the bathroom, so it'll have a more private feel than going across that gap.
Not an option for the winter time...not a bad idea for spring and summer though :) ...would rather not freeze my small, shriveled balls off.


you could do it quickly in the winter, or bring blankets or something. I don't know how long it takes one to aroma theripize, or how long it stays cold where you are. Here it just now got kinda cold but should be better by marchish.
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