Is the spread of spelling errors good for modern literary accessability?

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"An old black ram is tupping your white ewe." is pretty lowbrow when you take out the fancy language, as is most of his stuff.

"Some black dude is screwing your daughter." would be the most direct interpretation.

He played fast and loose with sex and sexuality. Just because he used flowery language doesn't change the content.
So now sexual innuendo can't be high brow?! I think you're confusing it with puritanism.


Staff member
It's just sad that you can't seem to take pleasure in barely anything. There might be a lot of dumb people and dumb things in the world, but there's still plenty of fun to be had. BUT, I guess that's an opinion neither of us will change.

Have fun with your inflated elitist ego *tips hat*
Are you implying he's not having fun complaining about how trite and pedestrian everything is getting?
It's just sad that you can't seem to take pleasure in barely anything. There might be a lot of dumb people and dumb things in the world, but there's still plenty of fun to be had. BUT, I guess that's an opinion neither of us will change.

Have fun with your inflated elitist ego *tips hat*
Since when did a disdain for popular culture imply an inability to have fun? I have tons of fun in many different venues. But entertainment shouldn't have to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

*puts on powdered wig and dinner jacket and strides down the street whilst using a swagger stick to scatter the filthy guttersnipes before him*
It's just sad that you can't seem to take pleasure in barely anything. There might be a lot of dumb people and dumb things in the world, but there's still plenty of fun to be had. BUT, I guess that's an opinion neither of us will change.

Have fun with your inflated elitist ego *tips hat*
Since when did a disdain for popular culture imply an inability to have fun? I have tons of fun in many different venues. But entertainment shouldn't have to appeal to the lowest common denominator.[/QUOTE]

It shouldn't have to always appeal to the highest either. There's a place for lowbrow and highbrow.

I enjoy The Importance of Being Earnest, but I also enjoy American Pie.

Extremism in anything shows a lack of growth and adaptation.
Well yeah, but nearly everything in modern American culture is being geared towards the lowest. There also seems to be a strong anti-intellectual movement in the US, of which creationism is merely a subset.


View from across the pond:

  • We get the HBO content for free.
  • P.U.B.L.I.C L.I.B.R.A.R.I.E.S
  • Oprah Winfrey (we [STRIKE]have [/STRIKE] had our own version - Richard & Judy- which recommended Cloud Atlas!)
  • Read any comics lately (Y, The Unwritten of the top of my head)
  • Steven Soderbergh
So not every thing in America is aimed towards the lowest.

When I look at TV over here we have X-Factor (like American Idol) Britain's Got Talent, candid camera type shows and the like. But there is also lots on every night that is thought provoking. I refuse to believe that this is not true in America also, my holidays there would suggest I'm right.

Last night at between 9 and 10 we had on free to air TV (with the caveat that an annual licence is required at £142)
A charity Rock Concert
A nature program about snakes
I'm a Celebrity give me cash (ITV is the worst channel we have)
A documentary about an immigrant having his delusions shattered when he becomes a traffic Warden (meter maid)
In the Line of Fire
Collateral Damage
Embarrassing Illnesses (sounds cheaper than it is - actually a serious public health program)
Scrubs x2
The world strictest parents (yeah it is a trashy as it sounds - troubled teen sent to Africa/Utah/South Africa...)
A History of Christianity - Very good series.
Kids do the funniest Things
A Touch of Frost - TV Detective Show
Grand Slam Darts
Road Wars
QI - comedy Quiz with Stephen Fry
Dieing to Sleep - a moving [STRIKE]documentary [/STRIKE] freak show about fatal insomnia
Knight Rider (new version)
Grime Fighters
Street Crime UK!
Friends x2
Himalaya With Michael Palin

This is not an unusual evening. Sure there is a lot to catch the attention of the lowest common denominator but there's also a lot of choice.


Well yeah, but nearly everything in modern American culture is being geared towards the lowest. There also seems to be a strong anti-intellectual movement in the US, of which creationism is merely a subset.

Well yeah, but nearly everything in modern American culture is being geared towards the lowest. There also seems to be a strong anti-intellectual movement in the US, of which creationism is merely a subset.


I love the irony of that movie. A movie that claims that dick and fart jokes will be the downfall of society using dick and fart jokes for the majority of the humor.


Hey juski... if someone thinks your hate of transformers makes you a high brow movie snob with an inflated ego how does that make you feel?
Idiocracy is exactly what I was thinking. Mike Judge is practically a prophet. I would also suggest reading "Who Killed Homer?" It's about how high culture has been eroded in the US.



Staff member
Ow my balls!

Ratemypoo is a fascinating expose on the burgeoning absurdist subcultures springing up throughout the world.

Plus one of my boys has an 8.5 on there. Never been more proud.

I think there is nothing wrong with enjoying simple things along with enjoying more complicated things. I can work for hours on an excel macro for a complicated control chart and really enjoy it, and then on my drive home I can rock out to some top 40, then study some linear programming, and then take a break and check out ratemypoo.

If someone devotes all of their energy to the simple things, then yeah, that may be a problem. But the same goes in the other direction as well. We need our intricate as well as our abstract.

On that note, I will go read Dr McNinja

Edit: Specifically to the grammar issue. I have mixed feelings on it. On the one hand, people should strive to communicate in a clear and concise manner, on the other hand people like me and Chaz could be massive douchebags and make fun of people who use the terms "Energy" or "Dimensions" for anything other than their intended purpose.

Would you like it if scientists started constantly pointing out how you all are choosing to become massive I mean, at least we have the justification that the ignorance of the general populace is actually seriously dangerous to society.


Staff member
The whole elitism thing really is a myopic view. I have met rednecks missing teeth with profound views on the world, and sat with PhDs from Berkley and heard some of the most idiotic things come out of their mouths.

Assuming someone is a fool is the fastest way to become one yourself.
The whole elitism thing really is a myopic view. I have met rednecks missing teeth with profound views on the world, and sat with PhDs from Berkley and heard some of the most idiotic things come out of their mouths.

Assuming someone is a fool is the fastest way to become one yourself.
Maybe so, but I've never met an intelligent "woo girl." And I never said that possession of a degree can make anybody smarter. My point is that appreciation of high culture has gone down the drain, and that cannot be denied. When Edward Murrow ended his famous "See It Now" episode about McCarthy, he finished it with a quote from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. And people back then knew exactly what he was talking about.


Staff member
What are you even basing that on? Was there a study about that quote and people's ability to understand it, or are you just guessing? Cause that seems like you're just guessing.

And maybe, maybe, MAYBE you are just guessing that all woo girls are idiots. I've met some that are pretty damned intellegent, and others that are pretty wise. Just because they fit some self proclaimed stereotype of stupidity doesn't mean they are.


Here's a quote for you. It is a good thing to follow the First Law of Holes: if you are in one, stop digging.

The above obviously does not apply to those in the Adult Entertainment Industry.
What are you even basing that on? Was there a study about that quote and people's ability to understand it, or are you just guessing? Cause that seems like you're just guessing.
Perception wise it probably seems like less people know Shakespeare because more and more people are actually getting an education, so there's more people one expects to know it...

But let's be honest, when was the last time anyone ran a campaign based on (among other things) the fact that the other guy was too educated?!
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