Englebert Humperdinck Was An Actual Dude

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His name was Englebert Humperdinck. Why would anyone assume that was a real person? If not for my William Shatner station on Pandora, I would never have known.


Enough cheese to constipate an elephant:



Staff member
His name was Englebert Humperdinck. Why would anyone assume that was a real person? If not for my William Shatner station on Pandora, I would never have known.
God damn I'm old. I not only knew he was real but could name and sing some of his songs!!
I actually like Spanish Eyes, which is the one that keeps coming up. Haven't heard anything else. (No YouTubing at work.)

Philosopher B.

I only knew of him 'cause my mom used to whine about how her mom and my grandmother (now deceased) was a huge fan and drug her to an EH concert.

Wasabi Poptart

His name was Englebert Humperdinck. Why would anyone assume that was a real person? If not for my William Shatner station on Pandora, I would never have known.
God damn I'm old. I not only knew he was real but could name and sing some of his songs!![/QUOTE]

Me too, Dave. You, Bowie and I can share a room in the nursing home.
Well, Fun Size, I guess you're just a dumbass for not knowing that.

Topic filed under "Who Gives a Shit"
When I hear Humperdinck, I hear it in Karol Kane's voice as she screams it at Billy Crystal.

HumperdinckHumperdinckHumperdinck, HUMPERDIIIIIIIINNNNNKKKKKKK!!!!!!
Me too, Dave. You, Bowie and I can share a room in the nursing home.
And me three (four?)!
Dammit, who touched the thermostat? I'm cold...and my feet itch. Who are you people and what are you doing in my room? Don't make me call the nurse!

Me too, Dave. You, Bowie and I can share a room in the nursing home.
And me three (four?)!
Dammit, who touched the thermostat? I'm cold...and my feet itch. Who are you people and what are you doing in my room? Don't make me call the nurse!


Get those damn kids OFF MY LAWN! With their hippity hoppity music and their hippie haircuts.
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