Comcast dosen't usually use MAC binding so a power cycle should work, worst case scenario unplug power and remove co-ax cable, after a moment reconnect.
Ok basics, presuming all settings are at default and you are not using a static IP address somewhere, unplug power from cable modem, router, and power down PC.
Power up cable modem, once cable light goes solid, plug ethernet from it's LAN (ethernet) port to the WAN (Internet) port on the router, should be the port closest to the power cord according to the randomly selected ZSR1134WE manual I'm reading. Power up the router, once stable, your SYS and WAN lights should be lit on the front of the router, nothing else.
Plug in ethernet cable from computer to router, power on computer. See if the LAN light for the port you plugged into comes on.
Now tricky part, depending on your Operating system (what kind of windows you have) you may have to tell the computer it's ok to connect to the new network. If you have Windows 7, or Vista you need to go to control panel, then Internet sharing center and allow the network connection as a home network. If you have win XP make sure no firewall program is causing issues. Apple... dunno, never tried it, good luck.
According to the manual the gateway for the access to the router should be, open an internet browser, see if it gets to your home page, if it does, mazel tov. Either way empty the address bar-do not use a tool bar or search bar only the address bar-type in hit the enter key.
The default username for most brands of router is admin with password of password, you may have a quick guide printed with the router if it is different, the crappy manual does not say. Sometimes it is "guest" for username and password. This should get you to the cofiguration page where you can set up your wireless, I would expect your WAN IP if it worked getting you online before to be a 10.10.x.x IP address which is why you would need to tell your 'secure' network connection it's ok to link in.
If none of this works FAQ and tech support help line is at:
Super ultra mega ninjad.....