PvP Thanksgiving Week

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Staff member
I fucking LOVE the vacant expression on the turkey. They are some stupid, stupid birds.

And the city boys thinking they know how to kill an animal is funny.


I find it pretty funny that they think they can kill a turkey with a shovel (well you can) but man, that is going to ruin the meat big time.
I find it pretty funny that they think they can kill a turkey with a shovel (well you can) but man, that is going to ruin the meat big time.
Not if you hit em in the head. You could probably lop his head right off if you swung hard enough.

I thought it was funny. I may have to put his strip back on my daily rotation.


I find it pretty funny that they think they can kill a turkey with a shovel (well you can) but man, that is going to ruin the meat big time.
Not if you hit em in the head. You could probably lop his head right off if you swung hard enough.

I thought it was funny. I may have to put his strip back on my daily rotation.[/QUOTE]

well, you don't want to "lop" the head off cause then the meat will be tainted. The best way is to snaps its head so I guess they could do that with a shovel. It is easier with your hand tho.
I find it pretty funny that they think they can kill a turkey with a shovel (well you can) but man, that is going to ruin the meat big time.
Not if you hit em in the head. You could probably lop his head right off if you swung hard enough.

I thought it was funny. I may have to put his strip back on my daily rotation.[/QUOTE]

I imagine you could take a turkey's head off with a shovel.

On my grandparents land in oklahoma, we once found a big ol' rats nest under a wood pile. I'm not talking little cute pet rats. I'm talking squirrel-sized monsters.

My grandad ran a garden hose down their bolthole and turned it on. We killed rats by the dozen with shovels as they fled the flood. We cut a fair number of them in two by hitting them with the edge of the shovel.
I find it pretty funny that they think they can kill a turkey with a shovel (well you can) but man, that is going to ruin the meat big time.
Not if you hit em in the head. You could probably lop his head right off if you swung hard enough.

I thought it was funny. I may have to put his strip back on my daily rotation.[/QUOTE]

well, you don't want to "lop" the head off cause then the meat will be tainted. The best way is to snaps its head so I guess they could do that with a shovel. It is easier with your hand tho.[/QUOTE]

Why would the meat get tainted? When we butchered chickens we would always used an ax to chop off their head.
Scott has an intern who is taking some of the work from his desk. This is freeing him up to focus on writing and art and it's definately shown over the past couple of weeks. Hopefully he'll keep the intern around awhile. His art looks absolutely fantastic.
The hardest part about killing your own turkey is overcoming the natural fear of being bit or spurred as you grab it's neck with one hand, then grab it's head and twist it off with the other. Also, wear gloves.
I find it pretty funny that they think they can kill a turkey with a shovel (well you can) but man, that is going to ruin the meat big time.
Not if you hit em in the head. You could probably lop his head right off if you swung hard enough.

I thought it was funny. I may have to put his strip back on my daily rotation.[/QUOTE]

well, you don't want to "lop" the head off cause then the meat will be tainted. The best way is to snaps its head so I guess they could do that with a shovel. It is easier with your hand tho.[/QUOTE]

Not sure what would get "tainted" because they cut the heads off of turkeys every day of the year.


well.. if you just lop off the head and run around the chicken's meat will be "hard" (at least it happen when I was at the farm) when it dies there are some adrenalin or something that cause the chicken to taste different. If you kill it instantly then the meat is softer.

I'm just passing along what my grandmother told me. That is what I did on the farm, snap chicken's head. It is same with catfish, we just bash its brain in with a stick. Yea Thailand is a rough place :)
Another winner!

I dunno, seems a bit cliched to me. Guys want to be manly men and can't bring themselves to do it. A wild animal in the apartment/house/office leads to hijinks. Meh. How about a different spin on things, like a smash cut to them calling the Butterball hotline, asking them how to catch a headless turkey. Or something.


Staff member
Or better yet, tomorrow have Jade show up with a cooked turkey. They think she bought it. In the background there's an axe, some feathers and a bloody apron.

---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

And then Jade sleeps with Skull.
"So how do you like the new impulsive me?"


"I like it!....I reeeeally like it!"

Er...That's kind of gross if you read that the wrong way...


I've got to hand it to Kurtz. He's ended it about as well as I could ask for.

Kudos, Kurtz!
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