Tipping! Your thoughts.

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With the decent amount of Euro-posters here, I imagine this will be an interesting discussion :)

I was going to open it with the opening scene from Reservoir Dogs that infamously talks about tipping or not tipping, but I couldn't find an easy, full script, but here are some parts:

Nice Guy Eddie: C'mon, throw in a buck!
Mr. Pink: Uh-uh, I don't tip.
Nice Guy Eddie: You don't tip?
Mr. Pink: Nah, I don't believe in it.
Nice Guy Eddie: You don't believe in tipping?
Mr. Blue: You know what these chicks make? They make shit.
Mr. Pink: Don't give me that. She don't make enough money that she can quit.
Nice Guy Eddie: I don't even know a fucking Jew who'd have the balls to say that. Let me get this straight: you don't ever tip?
Mr. Pink: I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.
Mr. Blue: Hey, our girl was nice.
Mr. Pink: She was okay. She wasn't anything special.
Mr. Blue: What's special? Take you in the back and suck your dick?
Nice Guy Eddie: I'd go over twelve percent for that.
Mr. Pink: I'm very sorry the government taxes their tips, that's fucked up. That ain't my fault. It would seem to me that waitresses are one of the many groups the government fucks in the ass on a regular basis. Look, if you ask me to sign something that says the government shouldn't do that, I'll sign it, put it to a vote, I'll vote for it, but what I won't do is play ball. And as for this non-college bullshit I got two words for that: learn to fuckin' type, 'cause if you're expecting me to help out with the rent you're in for a big fuckin' surprise.

So basically, what I'm asking is if you tip or not? Do you think it's a good practice? How heavily does the quality of the service apply to your amount?

I think it's extremely relevant to say if you're in the USA or Europe or whatnot, since there are a lot of cultural differences between them. I'm pretty sure all US servers get paid below minimum wage, and I believe Euro servers get paid something closer to a liveable wage, but I'm not sure.
I'm in the USA, and I almost always tip because I know it's a big part of their wages. You have to fuck up pretty bad for me to stiff you entirely, but then I'm a forgiving, easygoing guy in general.


Staff member
This is one of the most contentious subjects we've ever had on the boards. Well, this and steak. Should be interesting.



Staff member
I tip 15% every time. If I can afford to do more for a really good server, I do. I do not like when people go out to eat and don't tip, explaining that they can't afford to. If you can't afford to tip, I think you should do pickup.

I try to be understanding with servers. It's a stressful job. But there are some places where they give you an attitude. If I don't order enough or if I eat too slowly, I'm wasting their time. I hate that. I understand that turnover's important, and they have no way of knowing if I'm going to leave them with nothing. But I don't like to feel pressured when I'm at a restaurant when I'm going out to relax. That's pretty much the only thing that will result in a lowered tip--rudeness. If I don't get what I ordered or it's cold, that's probably not their fault.


ah this ol' chestnut. At a chain dump like Applebees or Chili's I do the typical 10-15% because the waiters don't give a rip about me or my 'experience'.

At my regular watering holes (i.e. pubs/barrs) I tip 20% because I know most of the folks there, and they give you great service (shoot the shit with you, give you a free shot etc...). At bars I've never been too, I will always slip the bartender an extra buck or two with every beer/pitcher. I never have trouble getting drinks.

At nice restaurants, I'll tip about 15-18% really depending on the server and the meal.

Out with friends/family at nicer restaurants, usually like 30% with everyone pitching in. If it's a chain place, the server usually gets around 20%.


I tip 15% every time. If I can afford to do more for a really good server, I do. I do not like when people go out to eat and don't tip, explaining that they can't afford to. If you can't afford to tip, I think you should do pickup.

I try to be understanding with servers. It's a stressful job. But there are some places where they give you an attitude. If I don't order enough or if I eat too slowly, I'm wasting their time. I hate that. I understand that turnover's important, and they have no way of knowing if I'm going to leave them with nothing. But I don't like to feel pressured when I'm at a restaurant when I'm going out to relax. That's pretty much the only thing that will result in a lowered tip--rudeness. If I don't get what I ordered or it's cold, that's probably not their fault.
Isn't that the number 1 rule on how to run a piss poor restaurant?

---------- Post added at 11:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ----------

This is one of the most contentious subjects we've ever had on the boards. Well, this and steak. Should be interesting.

Was it before my time? I was thinking about it today and I couldn't recall any tipping thread in the last year.[/QUOTE]

In all honesty, I think chain places should just do regular wages. I don't get better service at TGI Fridays for tipping 20%

Wasabi Poptart

It depends on where I am and the quality of service I received. I tip the stylist who cuts my hair. I tip at restaurants when we sit down to eat. Both situations I give a percentage of my total bill up to 20%.
I have to tip the person who bags my groceries at the commissary because they have signs at each check out line saying they only work for tips. I usually give them $5.
I give a tip at a hotel if the bellhop bring up our bags or for the maid when we leave.

I do not tip when I go to Starbucks. I could have made coffee at home if I wasn't being a lazy ass.
I don't tip when we do takeout. All the waitstaff did was grab my food from the kitchen and put it in a bag.
I usually tip around $5.00 as a standard tip for places like IHOP, Bennigans, and the like. I figure me and my family will take up about 40 minutes of the server's time, and that's worth $5.00 to me. If they're constantly running 2 or 3 tables, they can make a pretty decent hourly wage.

At really good restaurants, I tip closer to 20%

I tip a lot less if the service sucks. I've been known to tip a lot more too. I ate at a chinese restaurant recently. It was a mom and pop place, and I was the only one in there (I showed up right at opening time at 11). The wife stuck around and talked with me about her experiences coming from China, and asked me about my tinwhistle, and told me how her husband cooked the various dishes, all in broken english. She was very attentive and pleasant. I think i tipped about $8.00 for a $12.00 meal.


It depends on where I am and the quality of service I received. I tip the stylist who cuts my hair. I tip at restaurants when we sit down to eat. Both situations I give a percentage of my total bill up to 20%.
I have to tip the person who bags my groceries at the commissary because they have signs at each check out line saying they only work for tips. I usually give them $5.
I give a tip at a hotel if the bellhop bring up our bags or for the maid when we leave.

I do not tip when I go to Starbucks. I could have made coffee at home if I wasn't being a lazy ass.
I don't tip when we do takeout. All the waitstaff did was grab my food from the kitchen and put it in a bag.
Oh fuck the Starbucks brats. I never tip them.


Staff member
I'd say so, Chaz. But some people put up with it.

I don't know what's happening, but I've been hearing more people just put up with a rude server's crap-- "Oh, their job is so hard..." *lays down a 5$ bill*

I don't like it when people encourage that kind of behavior. Maybe they're just scared of getting their food spat in or something.

I mostly get that kind of rudeness when I go with a big group to someplace like Chili's (I hate that place...). All they care about is getting you to order as much as possible and then making sure you wolf it down in 10 minutes.

Wasabi Poptart

The only time I ever tipped at Starbucks (now that I said I never do) was when the store near where I lived in NJ was donating their entire tip jar to St. Jude's Children's hospital for 2 weeks in December. I'd give them all of the change I had in my car and purse. Got a free beverage certificate for it, too. :D


I don't tip take out, BUT I do tip when people deliver my food.

I usually start at 15% tip and either add/subtract depending on service. I use to work at Denny's and Chinese restaurant (family own) so there are some things a server should do like keep drink filled and make sure the food come out properly.

If I encounter a rude person, then I don't leave any.


Staff member
If only tip at cafes where I know people. A friend's little sister works at a Community place down here, so I tip a little change here and there.

The local place is where I tip the most. You get really good, friendly service and delicious, FRESH coffee. They roast new beans every day.


What do you think about tipping on delivery food when there's already a $2 "delivery charge" on the bill?
If they charge for delivery, then I would tip a little less for the guy to bring my food on a timely matter. I have no idea where that extra $2 is going to go. I presume to the driver since some people DON'T tip.


Staff member
I have a problem with being "forced" to tip. I understand the wage thing, but I also understand I did NOT take 40 minutes of the waiter's time. The total time s/he put into my table was far less than that. If I add up total face time, add some for the highly efficient bussing, and even throw in for kitchen trips, his/her total time seems less than 10 minutes to me.


I never tip, unless I'm with someone I need to not look like an asshole for.
I tip in real can-I-take-your-order-sir restaurants when I sit down.

I don't tip at fast food places, even if they bring you your food, 'cause all they're doing is to try to keep the cashier line moving as quickly as possible.

I tip delivery guys if there's no delivery charge.

When I visit my folks in Europe, most of the places we go charge a mandatory service fee in the place of tip, which is irritating on principle, but it's not like we ever get bad service and it's less than 15% of bill anyway.


Europe here.
I hardly ever go to restaurants, and I usually don't tip much when I do. Just a bit to make it a nice round number if I feel like it. Last time I tried to give a tip, the lady wouldn't even accept it.
The main thing I have a problem with is being expected to tip at larger restaurants. I understand the servers make below minimum wage, but why is that the case? Why am I supplementing to the proper wage these people should have been making in the first place? Why is it accepted to pay servers under minimum wage?

Like others have said, it's not like me tipping grants me any better service now that it's expected.
I usually give 15%, more if the service is superb. I have no problem leaving little to nothing if the service is super-bad. It doesn't happen that often though. I always tip the pizza guy. It's a small town, and they know who I am. They always get me a deal on the pies, and so I like to give some back.

I almost never tip fast food or any place that pays at least minimum wage.
I generally pay about 10%, last time I was at a restaurant more like 50% because the group of 4 I was in bought maybe $10 of food between the bunch of us and were kinda loud and obnoxious.

I purposely avoid restaurants that have mandatory tipping fees. They want my business, they can stop trying to tell me I got great service while getting away with half-assed service.

Wasabi Poptart

I understand the servers make below minimum wage, but why is that the case? Why am I supplementing to the proper wage these people should have been making in the first place? Why is it accepted to pay servers under minimum wage?
Because there was a time when tipping was making the servers more money than the establishments could pay them in wages. My dad used to bring home $500 or more in tips some weeks. My parents used his tip money alone to buy Christmas presents or save up for family vacations.
I understand the servers make below minimum wage, but why is that the case? Why am I supplementing to the proper wage these people should have been making in the first place? Why is it accepted to pay servers under minimum wage?
Because there was a time when tipping was making the servers more money than the establishments could pay them in wages. My dad used to bring home $500 or more in tips some weeks. My parents used his tip money alone to buy Christmas presents or save up for family vacations.[/QUOTE]

And that's a bad thing? My mother was a waitress most of my life and she did the same thing. I understand taxing tips, but them being able to get minimum wage AND get good tips sounds like it would be a good incentive to get quality servers in a place.
I tip pretty good having worked in the service industry, but I that doesn't stop me from being critical about how I do it. If I plan to be a regular customer I tip very well, it usually ensures I get taken care of in the future.
Regarding coffee shops and such I tip much more at independent places than at corporate places but I still tip, even on a simple cup of Joe.


Staff member
ah this ol' chestnut. At a chain dump like Applebees or Chili's I do the typical 10-15% because the waiters don't give a rip about me or my 'experience'.

At my regular watering holes (i.e. pubs/barrs) I tip 20% because I know most of the folks there, and they give you great service (shoot the shit with you, give you a free shot etc...). At bars I've never been too, I will always slip the bartender an extra buck or two with every beer/pitcher. I never have trouble getting drinks.

At nice restaurants, I'll tip about 15-18% really depending on the server and the meal.

Out with friends/family at nicer restaurants, usually like 30% with everyone pitching in. If it's a chain place, the server usually gets around 20%.
Pretty much me exactly
I understand the servers make below minimum wage, but why is that the case? Why am I supplementing to the proper wage these people should have been making in the first place? Why is it accepted to pay servers under minimum wage?
Because there was a time when tipping was making the servers more money than the establishments could pay them in wages. My dad used to bring home $500 or more in tips some weeks. My parents used his tip money alone to buy Christmas presents or save up for family vacations.[/QUOTE]

And that's a bad thing? My mother was a waitress most of my life and she did the same thing. I understand taxing tips, but them being able to get minimum wage AND get good tips sounds like it would be a good incentive to get quality servers in a place.[/QUOTE]

The arguement at the time minimum wage was put in place was that if the server is making more than minimum wage in tips how come the employer is forced to pay them at minimum wage, they clearly don't need it.

Bottom line, in the US you tip because servers don't make minimum wage and servers don't make minimum wage because we tip in the US.

My sister works in the service industry so I pretty much always tip 20%.

I tip between 10 and 15% at a restaurant or whatever, nothing at a fast food or coffee place, a few bucks or whatever for delivery (since I almost NEVER get delivery), and 20-25% for my usual pubs/sports bars.

My best friend and I go to the same sports bar just about every weekend. We tip well and they give us benefits. It's nice to wander in there during the end of their dinner rush to have a table and a pitcher waiting for us by the time we sit down, and the TV turned to whatever games we wanna watch. One time the bartender even gave us some hockey tickets he couldn't use.
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