for your birthday halforums I give you MY HEART

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Each shot can give between .02% to .05% BAC to the average individual depending on the proof. 2 to 4 shots makes most people legally drunk for driving (depending on jurisdiction,'s .08 around here).

Most people metabolize about .015% per hour.
So if you drink that much in two hours, that's that's about a BAC of between .39 and 1.02 for the average individual.

If you make it 21 shots in four hours, you're still at .36 or .99.

21 shots in 6 hours, you're at .33 or .96. So, if you hit a bar at 8, and hit 21 shots by closing time (2am around here), you're still at a huge BAC depending on how potent the alcohol.

Alcohol poisoning with a risk of fatality happens around .3-.4 BAC for most people.

The math isn't that hard.


Staff member
Each shot can give between .02% to .05% BAC to the average individual depending on the proof. 2 to 4 shots makes most people legally drunk for driving (depending on jurisdiction,'s .08 around here).

Most people metabolize about .015% per hour.
So if you drink that much in two hours, that's that's about a BAC of between .39 and 1.02 for the average individual.

If you make it 21 shots in four hours, you're still at .36 or .99.

21 shots in 6 hours, you're at .33 or .96. So, if you hit a bar at 8, and hit 21 shots by closing time (2am around here), you're still at a huge BAC depending on how potent the alcohol.

Alcohol poisoning with a risk of fatality happens around .3-.4 BAC for most people.

The math isn't that hard.

...carry the 2...

*shrug* It's not a brag; drinking fast and a lot isn't something to be proud of, it just means you're drinking too much and ought to cut back.
That said, I've had 0.35 promille once, so yeah...

As for the 47 beers in 5 minutes? The sickest, msot depraved thing I've ever seen was the election for, I don't really know what you'd call it in English, but, emperor of the newbies in all fraternities across campus, for the UCL about 4 or 5 years ago. 96 beers in 5 minutes. He could open hius throat, and just pour the beer in. Three in, puke, three in, puke, three in, puke, etc etc, for 5 minutes. It was....Strangely fascinating, and horrible at the same time. :confused: Guy wasn't eve drunk afterwards (having puked it all out every couple of seconds). Weird.


Staff member
I was joking about the 47 beers. The fact that someone actually did that is beyond me.

I'm an alcohol wuss. My stomach can't take too much. Plus, I have this phobia of that weird feeling you get when you lie down to sleep when drunk. Like the world is falling away. Maybe it's the feeling of passing out. Maybe it's just me. But I've never been able to let myself go past that point, and my possibly irrational fear of it actually keeps me from drinking a lot.
I was joking about the 47 beers. The fact that someone actually did that is beyond me.

I'm an alcohol wuss. My stomach can't take too much. Plus, I have this phobia of that weird feeling you get when you lie down to sleep when drunk. Like the world is falling away. Maybe it's the feeling of passing out. Maybe it's just me. But I've never been able to let myself go past that point, and my possibly irrational fear of it actually keeps me from drinking a lot.
That feeling is the sole reason I never get shitfaced anymore. Vertigo scares the shit out of me, it's though I'll just spiral into the endless void of space. :scared:
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