Who's Been Giving Tim Lessons?

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His artwork is coming along something crazy. I mean the multiple angles he's using now, the facial expressions, the detail in alot of the clothing/faces/bodies. It's like someonelse is drawing it all. His storylines and character development are moving along interestingly enough, but damn, his artwork has leaped. Unlike some artists, he's not having to trace in good artwork.



His artwork is coming along something crazy. I mean the multiple angles he's using now, the facial expressions, the detail in alot of the clothing/faces/bodies. It's like someonelse is drawing it all. His storylines and character development are moving along interestingly enough, but damn, his artwork has leaped. Unlike some artists, he's not having to trace in good artwork.


Looks like the same ol' shit to me.
Just to clarify, you're calling the last month's worth of drawn comics, EXACTLY the same as 1-2yrs ago?

I think you need to get your eyes checked.
To me, it reminds me of the big step up in art that PvP took for the marriage arc. Whether it's his intent or not, it appears, at least to me, that Buckley is again taking a queue from another webcomic, long enough that most will have forgotten.

That being said, the art has been better. The story? Not so much.

Cuyval Dar

Wow, this is sad. The same people who defend Kurt are hating on Buckley. I guess that I expected better.
That said, Buckley has greatly improved his artwork. His writing on anything not geek/gaming related could certainly use work, but at least it's better than Scott at this point.
Yeah if you can't tell the difference between the 2004 and now, I dunno what to tell you.

Not to mention Tim had a real bad habit of just having two directions his characters could face, a handful of facial expressions and alot of his characters looked horribly similar. Not very much the case in the recent art.
I wouldn't say the actual art has improved, but it sure is a lot less cut and pastey lately.

It's also getting a lot less text heavy, which is a good thing. At this point, yeah, I pay more attention to CAD then PVP, but that's mostly because PVP has been stinking on ice lately.


Well, I saw the difference. Which amounts to as much as 'I have eyes and look at things with them' as far as I'm concerned.
I distinctly remember having to avert my eyes at some point this past week because the mouths on the characters were way too high and kinda freaked me out.


I wouldn't say the actual art has improved.
I'm guessing you didn't actually look at the links.[/QUOTE]

Of course his art style changed over the course of 6 years, but it's been in it's current incarnation for a few years now.

If you're commenting on recent improvements, changes over a few years ago don't really count.[/QUOTE]

So you see absolutely zero difference between the linked 2008 comic and the linked 2009 comic? None at all?



I've been thinking about posting this for a while, now.

Tim's art and storytelling still aren't great, but the little improvements that he's made in recent months make some huge differences. In this current storyline, we've been able to tell what ethan's thinking simply by the look on his face, (in this case, he's thinking "dead god am I high up" in the upper-right panel), and we've seen writing that actually borders on character development.

Heck, we've seen both happening in the same comic.

There is nothing like this in Buckley's comics from a year ago. I challenge you to prove that claim wrong.

Like it or not, the guy has gotten better.


Well, the eyes are always way too high up on the head, too. I think Tim keeps it that way because he doesn't want to change character designs too much.


A webcomic without perfect anatomy! That's terrible. He should be more like... uh... that one comic... that...

Alright, I'm bailing out on this right now. No webcomic has perfect representations of things.
The artwork is better than it used to be. I'm still not interested in reading the comic, but the art is different and less samey.

I stopped reading PVP about a year ago, as well, so I don't know how that's progressed, if it has.
Yeah this was mainly meant to point out the growth in his artistic talent, not really so much his stories.

Though his characters have come and gone through alot of development since the "lolmiscarriage".
It's "better" as in it's, as LB said up top, less "samey".

He has grown but honestly I feel like Scott has blown him out of the water as far as art progression.

Of course Gabe has topped them all...
Considering Scott traces some of his better artwork from already drawn articles from other artists, I don't give him as much credit.
Whatever the reason is, it's not "impressive artwork progression".
I think he's shown a strong improvement in his art in the last few years. Go look at older stuff then at the wedding arc. His writing has declined, rather severely in my opinion, but his art overall, not just when he traces (which how often is that, do we know?), has gotten much better.
Just my opinion though. I still think Tim's characters look like lazy eyed goofs. They just have a few extra facial expressions now.
Tim's gaming comics look a lot better than his personal character comics.
Well his gaming related strips have always been funny... it's everything else that's facepalm worthy.


Considering Scott traces some of his better artwork from already drawn articles from other artists, I don't give him as much credit.

I was going to say the same thing. He's a tracer. Kurt and Buckley are still pretty much the same damn thing.
I wasn't saying that Tim's art hadn't improved. I just mentioned that he, like Kurtz, really stepped up the art around the time of their wedding arc. I have noticed that he's been using more angles and Lilah looks a little more feminine than the bobblehead with curves she's looked like for quite some time.

What I did point out, and I'm undeterred in my opinion of, is that the timing is a little suspect. Enough time has passed that most casusal fans will not remember Kurtz's wedding arc and the artwork upgrade he did around that time. Tim has always found, um, "inspiration" in the direction of other webcomics.

But, his art has definitely improved. It's not hard to see.
from the 'why we don't talk about pvp anymore' thread:
Have you not watched his live stream? He takes pictures off the net and traces them. He does that with everything but his characters. Even the shotgun in his zombie arc was pulled off google and traced. It's a smart idea as it saves him time but it explains the contrast in style where his characters look cartoony and other characters look real. And it's not like he's being sneaky about it. He lets you watch him draw in his live feeds and is open about it.
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