Who's Been Giving Tim Lessons?

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The tracing doesn't bother me at all, for either comic.
Nor I. Go look at the Joe Quesada feature on Neworama or wherever. He uses references photos for all his shots. Granted, he at least takes his own pictures usually but still, it's an accepted part of comic art. I'd rather see them, like Mignola and other greats, make their own reference photo's but... eh, I understand.


Staff member
Yeah, but a reference photo is different from tracing. You still have to actually draw the thing. I would go so far as to say that if you aren't using reference photos when you can, you're not doing it right. Something just doesn't sit right about tracing, though. I don't know what it is, either.
Well, I know what guys like Quesada and Mignola do is they take the reference photo and trace, usually for the layout, then they generally re-draw the entire thing (although they may just trace the layout, I'm not sure, probably depends on time/preference, etc).
I used to think it was evil as well, then the more I saw how normal it was in the comics industry I just kind of went... meh.
Now copy paste... thats a different ball game.
Again, it's not about the tracing, it's the fact that on the whole Tim's art has improved. From his backrounds, to his characters even his inanimate objects have more detail and depth.

Someone decided to bring Scott into the mix, and I just simply stated that "growth" doesn't come from tracing shit.


Staff member
I've been reading through a few of the latest strips and I have to say it's FAR different than it used to be. Sure, certain panels might be similar, but the writing, direction, character interaction and almost everything about it is better.

I've re-bookmarked it.
He has definitely stepped away from using the same technique. Is it OMGTOTESAWESOME? No, but it's an admirable step in the right direction!

I haven't read cad since he inherited the game store, so I was in for a shock!

---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------

Wow... so I am going backwards from the partial nudity one, and I am impressed! :D
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