A lady...

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... came up to me on the street and pointed at my leather jacket and sneered, "You know a cow was murdered for that jacket?". I replied in a psychotic tone, "I didn't know there were any witnesses. Now I'll have to kill you too."

Her face?



Staff member
Thats okay, if it makes you feel better to make a picture when you could not say anything to the lady who pointed at your coat on the street, then so be it.

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ----------

Just like Jesus on Quantum Leap.
This is true....my son.
Because a cow was killed just for the leather. :eek:rly: I'm sure many a delicious medium rare steak was eaten to make your leather jacket.

I hate nuts like that, they're like the morons who claim using a ton of paper is the cause of deforestation. Because in the entire history of paper it never occurred to anyone to farm trees. :rolleyes:
Are you sure you said that?

Not to back Shannow or anything but there have pleanty of times that someone has said something to me and I couldn't respond right away because I'm shocked by how abropt it was. Then, later, what I should have said comes to me.

This sounds like one of those instances.
Wow, thats a flashback to 1991. A small underfed student ran up to me and had a similar question for me then.


Staff member
One time my wife and I had the kids in the mall. We were all wearing Dallas Cowboys jackets. I was wearing one of mine, my wife was wearing my other one because hers was wet. My son was wearing his and my daughter was wearing the one my son grew out of - mainly because it was funny by that point.

We got into the elevator at the mall and this snooty woman looks at all of us, rolled her eyes and said, "You know, it's not hard to be Dallas Cowboys fans!" (This was in the 1990's when they were really good.)

I looked right at her and said, "Or to see that you like Hagen Daas, you bitch."

Her face WAS priceless and I have a witness to it.
when I was in my 20's, and I flew over the country for Metro Networks, I once met a hari krishna in the airport. He was trying to sell me a copy of the Bhagavad Gita. He got all excited when I'd told him I'd read it. The conversation was short, and went something like this:

him: "So, you're a vegetarian then?"
me: "Nope, just because I've read your book doesn't mean I buy into it."
"But scientists say that cows know when they're about to be slaughtered, and release fear hormones. It's like you're eating their fear!"
"Stop it man. You're making me hungry."


Staff member
Are you sure you said that?

Not to back Shannow or anything but there have pleanty of times that someone has said something to me and I couldn't respond right away because I'm shocked by how abropt it was. Then, later, what I should have said comes to me.

This sounds like one of those instances.
The french have a expression for it, is something like "Spirit of the stairs", I know what I mean, so times I think about the past, year before, and think about something good or smart, though not always in a confrotation.

Wow, thats a flashback to 1991. A small underfed student ran up to me and had a similar question for me then.
Your reaction?

when I was in my 20's, and I flew over the country for Metro Networks, I once met a hari krishna in the airport. He was trying to sell me a copy of the Bhagavad Gita. He got all excited when I'd told him I'd read it. The conversation was short, and went something like this:

him: "So, you're a vegetarian then?"
me: "Nope, just because I've read your book doesn't mean I buy into it."
"But scientists say that cows know when they're about to be slaughtered, and release fear hormones. It's like you're eating their fear!"
"Stop it man. You're making me hungry."
hmmm.... fear.


Staff member
I usually just clam up and think about what I'd like to say. I rarely have the balls to say something. But when I was in the dorms, my roommate's friends pissed me off so often that I just had to.

So, I'm short, overweight, and brunette. My roommate was too, but we looked nothing alike. My nose is long, hers was short and up-turned. My hair's dark, hers had traces of blond. And our weight was distributed completely differently as well. Long story short, you could describe us both as short, overweight, and brunette, but we're not identical.

But every time her dopey friends were in the room, they'd say something like "It's soooo weird, you could be twins!!!" They were all bleached-blond stick figures who, I'll admit, all looked the same to me... but I'd had it.

ME: So all non-skinny, non-blond people look alike to you?


I didn't see them much after that, which was fine with me.
At my great-aunts funeral, I was a pall-bearer. Alas, I didn't know this great aunt very well, and Catholic funerals are the bomb, yo, so I was feeling particularly smartassed.

As the deacon walked in front of us, blessing us each with "Peace Be With You", I could not hold it in anymore and after I was blessed with "Peace Be With You" I responded with

"And May the Force Be With You"

My uncle burst out laughing and my dad smacked me in the back of the head - but it was worth it.


Staff member
At my great-aunts funeral, I was a pall-bearer. Alas, I didn't know this great aunt very well, and Catholic funerals are the bomb, yo, so I was feeling particularly smartassed.

As the deacon walked in front of us, blessing us each with "Peace Be With You", I could not hold it in anymore and after I was blessed with "Peace Be With You" I responded with

"And May the Force Be With You"

My uncle burst out laughing and my dad smacked me in the back of the head - but it was worth it.
That was just terrible, terrible thing to do.

My congratulations :)
Reminds me of one of my favorite movie quotes

Hedwig: Ladies and gentlemen, do you like the pelt? Be honest, because some *bitch* stopped me on the way in. "What poor and unfortunate creature had to die for you to wear that?"
Hedwig: My Aunt Trudy, I replied.


Staff member
Are you sure you said that?

Not to back Shannow or anything but there have pleanty of times that someone has said something to me and I couldn't respond right away because I'm shocked by how abropt it was. Then, later, what I should have said comes to me.

This sounds like one of those instances.
Pretty much this.


A lady...

1. Doesn't leave her escort
1B. It isn't fair, it isn't nice.
2. Doesn't wander all over the room and blow one some other guys dice.
3. Doesn't flirt with strangers
3B.She'd have a heart, she'd be nice
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