My very own, genuine manbawww thread.

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Call her at three in the morning and breathe heavily down the phone until she hangs up.

Drives the ladies wild.
Is Jake making a reference to the time TNG - TheNeonGrue - went semi-stalker on some girl that worked at a restaurant?
You know, it doesn't actually count unless he went to Subway at least twice over it...

Wow, pretending she was pregnant just to see your reaction? That's awful.
I think I fainted when she told me she had a bun in the oven.I was still in college. I already planned on throwing school and getting a job somewhere to support the kid.It was all pretty crazy.

And the Philippines being such a rigid catholic country,I would have had to marry her.[/QUOTE]

Wow, she must have watched way too many telenovellas...
Just FYI, she dropped me as a friend on Facebook a little while ago. Truth be told, it doesn't feel too bad. At least I can say I tried. This could mean she just doesn't want either of us to be tempted to chat, she really wants more space, or she's completely throwing away the friendship. Either way, we won't see each other until the break's over.
Your friendship is over. It died out the day you broke up and you need to get over it.

Don't fool yourself that it will be any different when winterbreak's over. she'll eventually see new people and you'll have to be ready for that.
I'm getting over it, but it just doesn't seem right that I did exactly what was required of me and yet this still happened. I didn't call, text, chat, or message her at all. Our only indirect contact came when we were commenting on shared friends' statuses. Even then we didn't address each other. Not only did she take me off her friend list, she completely blocked me as well. I think that's just rude.

I'll be fine. Still sucks, though.

Btw, what should I do when I bump into her on campus? I know it will happen because we spend a lot of time in the offices and library.
Btw, what should I do when I bump into her on campus? I know it will happen because we spend a lot of time in the offices and library.
Pretend she doesn't exist.

But honestly, does it matter? She's no more than a stranger now - that's the position she's clearly put your relationship in.

Ignore her and her overreactions.
I'm getting over it, but it just doesn't seem right that I did exactly what was required of me and yet this still happened. I didn't call, text, chat, or message her at all. Our only indirect contact came when we were commenting on shared friends' statuses. Even then we didn't address each other. Not only did she take me off her friend list, she completely blocked me as well. I think that's just rude.

I'll be fine. Still sucks, though.

Btw, what should I do when I bump into her on campus? I know it will happen because we spend a lot of time in the offices and library.
Nod and a wave. The classic acknowledgment of a nonfriend who you wish no particular harm towards.
I'm getting over it, but it just doesn't seem right that I did exactly what was required of me and yet this still happened. I didn't call, text, chat, or message her at all. Our only indirect contact came when we were commenting on shared friends' statuses. Even then we didn't address each other. Not only did she take me off her friend list, she completely blocked me as well. I think that's just rude.

I'll be fine. Still sucks, though.

Btw, what should I do when I bump into her on campus? I know it will happen because we spend a lot of time in the offices and library.
Nod and a wave. The classic acknowledgment of a nonfriend who you wish no particular harm towards.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty much my reaction towards my only Ex who I actually still like. I just give the hi sign and move on. If he's interested in talking, it's up to him to strike up the conversation.

Course, I did the exact OPPOSITE of what we're telling BigIron to do with that guy and I think I may have scarred him for life against relationships.

Not one of my better years as a human being in general.
Tell her that just got some test results back, and, well, she may want to talk to her doctor. Then go on about your merry way.
And when that pretty girl charges you with sexual assault, you can subpeona her as a character witness. Which you'll probably think is a good idea.
There's another matter that deserves consideration. She and I share practically all the same friends on campus. How can I organize group activities (Super Bowl party, karaoke night, etc.) without causing more trouble? If I invite her, I can be accused of invading her space again. If I don't, then I can be accused of callousness instead.

And this isn't just a hypothetical situation. It WILL happen sooner or later as long as we're both still part of the same circle of friends.
(shrug) she clearly wants nothing to do with you. Don't look for reasons to interact with her again. If you end up at the same parties, fine, whatever, but dude, leave her alone. I don't really think you have to worry about being labeled callous.
(shrug) she clearly wants nothing to do with you. Don't look for reasons to interact with her again. If you end up at the same parties, fine, whatever, but dude, leave her alone. I don't really think you have to worry about being labeled callous.
A bit of an update here. The semester just started today. Our stuff is in the same building so we crossed paths on two occasions. I didn't say a word and simply walked on. Not in a huff or anything like that; I just walked by. I didn't notice what her reaction was, but she didn't say anything either. I was not prepared to see her again, and she probably felt the same way (or so I heard from some mutual friends).

No, I haven't made any attempts to interact with her. I know those backfire.
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