What Grades Did You Get?

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Well, most Fall semesters are over now. So for all you college students out there, what grades did you get?


Game Mod Development - A (this was actually my hardest class, but it was also the most interesting one so it was the only one I put any actual effort into)
Foundations of Computer Science I - B
History of Medicine - B
Computers and Society - B+ (a very, VERY shitty ethics course)
Database System Design and Management - B

Overall, I'm pretty happy with my performance. I think I could've pushed out a B+ in my B classes with a bit of extra effort, but overall I feel that I did good this semester.
Hell if I know. It takes forever for my teachers to post the grades, even though they are supposed to post each graded assignment no later than one week after the due date. I have shit since September not graded.

Fucking slackers.
I won't have my grades until January 6th.

I'm going to go ahead and predict them though

Life Drawing-80%
Classical and Stop Motion Animation- (I have no clue as this teacher has not given me any marks at all throughout the year and I don't know how harshly he marks, but I'll say...) 73%, assuming he marks as harsh as I suspect.
3D Animation- (Again I've not received any feedback yet) 90%
Storyboarding- 95%, but if anyone in my group film has any problems with me this could take a hit.
Layout- 90%

Generally a B is the lowest mark I get (lifedrawing), and I usually turn it into an A by the end of the second semester at the cost of droping a + from the end of one of my other marks. This year looks to be different though, as either I've really improved, or my awesome lifedrawing teacher is an easy marker. So I've got high hopes.


Staff member
Geology lab--A

Education Block 1: 9 hours of English/Language training and service learning projects:
A, A, and A.



Wasabi Poptart

I dropped to part-time after having the baby, so this block I only had one math course. I won't know my final grade for at least a week. Considering my average so far for the class is a 98% I'll venture to say I'm getting an A (unless I completely fucked up then I might get a B).


So far B+ in Quantitative Chemistry lab. It's supposedly the hardest lab course, which no one bothered to tell me before I took it. I raged so hard while I was in it. There was no communication between the TA's and professors (they hated each other as well), there was poor planning in labs, material was pretty much non-existent and policies made no such sense. It was a clusterfuck.


I'm the only person I know who works for C's, and if I get a B or an A I cut back my work to try and equalize to a C.

It helps that I'm dropping out after this year because a History degree was a dumb idea anyway. Anyway, I'm guessing... C's.
I know what grades I'm *giving*. Some korean students of mine are going to be ruing the day they turned in their notebooks late.
I'm so jealous. I've never gotten to make someone rue the day.
It's fun. I got to dole out some punishment via grades as well. It's easy to give someone a failing grade when you know they deserve every bit of it. I had some kids give me attitude all semester, never do their work/study, and one even skipped my final. Well, now they get to spend their summer taking the class over while I'm on vacation.

Philosophy: C
Western Civ 2: C
Psychology: A
Programming in Alice(EZ MODE): A

I should have done better in Western Civ, History has always been a strong point of mine but I was lazy on both the midterm and the final and didn't write anywhere near the required length for the essay questions.


Senior in HS,
AP English Literature - 97%
AP Physics 75%
Government 100%
Ceramics 95%

(which evens out to a straight 4.0)
Our grades aren't posted until 01/01/10, but with the exception of one class, we had online percentage grading, so as near as I can tell-
Intro to Psychology- A (this is the one that's not really for sure because the teacher doesn't believe in using the online portion of the course website)
Intro to Economics- A- (92%)
Written communications- A+ (98%)


Physics - 60
English - 68
Social - 78
Game Design - 95

I should try harder.

Data Structures & Discrete Math II - B
Intelligent Systems (Honors) - B
Information Management - B
Software Engineering II - A
Professional & Technical Writing - A

Kinda irks me that two of those Bs (same teacher too) are an 88 and an 89. She smiled u_u
PCR and DNA Sequencing/Fragment Analysis: A-
Immunology: A-
Biochemistry: A
Independent Research (lab presentations on my individual research and whatnot): A
English: A

I've been trying to work on my GPA for graduate school admissions, and--considering PCR was one of the toughest classes I've taken taught by one of the toughest (but my personal favorite) professor at the school--I think I've done pretty well :)
I'll only have my grades come february, as I still have to do all my exams (they're in january)

They'll probably all be C/B's though. Presuming I keep the average up.
Still waiting on mine, but I'm pretty sure I fucked over my 4.0 this semester. The last few weeks, I have been entirely unable to make myself give a shit about school, and then I screwed up the due date for my (senior capstone!) term paper and turned it in 24 hours late. I'm probably fucked.
dayum, i wish grades here were given like in the US.

here at Uni, when you have 70% average, you're damn good. only a few people get 80+ and maybe 1 or 2 90% and then again, not every year.


PCR and DNA Sequencing/Fragment Analysis: A-
Immunology: A-
Biochemistry: A
Independent Research (lab presentations on my individual research and whatnot): A
English: A

I've been trying to work on my GPA for graduate school admissions, and--considering PCR was one of the toughest classes I've taken taught by one of the toughest (but my personal favorite) professor at the school--I think I've done pretty well :)

They have a class on PCR alone? You kids are so dumb. Seriously though, this was a lab course right? You can cover everything you possibly need to for PCR in like two weeks time. But grats on Immunology. I fucking hated that garbage in college.
I'm probably fucked.
Luckily the workforce doesn't care about your grades, so you're only fucked while you're in school. And seeing as you're a senior, you won't be there for long.[/QUOTE]

Until I try to get into a PhD program :([/QUOTE]

I know people who have gotten into PhD programs without perfect grades. I wouldn't go nuts about not being perfect quite yet.

Also: I haven't finished my grading yet but I'm pretty sure I got a nice bellcurve for my students. Couple of girls who made zero effort are probably going to fail. Stupid freshman.
I'm probably fucked.
Luckily the workforce doesn't care about your grades, so you're only fucked while you're in school. And seeing as you're a senior, you won't be there for long.[/quote]

Until I try to get into a PhD program :([/quote]

I know people who have gotten into PhD programs without perfect grades. I wouldn't go nuts about not being perfect quite yet.

Also: I haven't finished my grading yet but I'm pretty sure I got a nice bellcurve for my students. Couple of girls who made zero effort are probably going to fail. Stupid freshman.[/QUOTE]

Effort (or misplaced effort) is the number one reason students do poorly in my classes. *sigh* Still, I'm just giving myself a B- this semester. I never quite connected with the students which really made it feel like I was playing tug o' war with them to get them learn this semester.
I had a great semester. The kids have been put in a ton of effort and I've seen them grow a ton, but there are those few that just refused any help given them.

After I try once or twice... *shrug*, nothing else I can do.
I had a great semester. The kids have been put in a ton of effort and I've seen them grow a ton, but there are those few that just refused any help given them.

After I try once or twice... *shrug*, nothing else I can do.
Yup. Some students seem to just think they are there to have knowledge poured into their head. Instead, it is more like a trough. You can lead a student to knowledge...
I had a great semester. The kids have been put in a ton of effort and I've seen them grow a ton, but there are those few that just refused any help given them.

After I try once or twice... *shrug*, nothing else I can do.
Yup. Some students seem to just think they are there to have knowledge poured into their head. Instead, it is more like a trough. You can lead a student to knowledge...[/QUOTE]

Honestly, there was a group of them that I just don't know how they made it through high school. They terrified me in ways I didn't know I could be terrified.
I had a great semester. The kids have been put in a ton of effort and I've seen them grow a ton, but there are those few that just refused any help given them.

After I try once or twice... *shrug*, nothing else I can do.
Yup. Some students seem to just think they are there to have knowledge poured into their head. Instead, it is more like a trough. You can lead a student to knowledge...[/quote]

Honestly, there was a group of them that I just don't know how they made it through high school. They terrified me in ways I didn't know I could be terrified.[/QUOTE]

Even more terrifying: You get used to, and even expect, this very thing.
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