What Grades Did You Get?

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I had a great semester. The kids have been put in a ton of effort and I've seen them grow a ton, but there are those few that just refused any help given them.

After I try once or twice... *shrug*, nothing else I can do.
Yup. Some students seem to just think they are there to have knowledge poured into their head. Instead, it is more like a trough. You can lead a student to knowledge...[/quote]

Honestly, there was a group of them that I just don't know how they made it through high school. They terrified me in ways I didn't know I could be terrified.[/QUOTE]

Even more terrifying: You get used to, and even expect, this very thing.[/QUOTE]

Thats what I've heard... :(
I had a great semester. The kids have been put in a ton of effort and I've seen them grow a ton, but there are those few that just refused any help given them.

After I try once or twice... *shrug*, nothing else I can do.
Yup. Some students seem to just think they are there to have knowledge poured into their head. Instead, it is more like a trough. You can lead a student to knowledge...[/quote]

Honestly, there was a group of them that I just don't know how they made it through high school. They terrified me in ways I didn't know I could be terrified.[/quote]

Even more terrifying: You get used to, and even expect, this very thing.[/quote]

Thats what I've heard... :([/quote]

Being a second time around student, people like this piss me off to no end.

Edit: I mean the students, not the teachers.


Staff member
I got a paycheck. I guess that is like a grade, saying I am doing well enough to earn pay and continue to work earning said pay.

Victorian Literature - A
History and Structure of the English Language - A
Senior Capstone - B
Creative writing - Non-Attendance Fail (!!!!!!!)

Apparently my fucking college lost the paperwork I submitted last October to withdraw from one of my classes, and my teacher had no choice but to submit an F for my grade. I'm going to be making an appeal to the Dean, but I'm royally screwed if they don't take care of this for me.

Merry fucking Christmas.

Philosopher B.

^ Jesus, that sucks.

I haven't gotten my grades yet. I'm pretty sure they'll all be A's and B's, except for Sound Com, whose mammoth tests I procrastinated on studying for. I'm hoping against hope that I'm-a get a C on that one. If not ... urgh.

Victorian Literature - A
History and Structure of the English Language - A
Senior Capstone - B
Creative writing - Non-Attendance Fail (!!!!!!!)

Apparently my fucking college lost the paperwork I submitted last October to withdraw from one of my classes, and my teacher had no choice but to submit an F for my grade. I'm going to be making an appeal to the Dean, but I'm royally screwed if they don't take care of this for me.

Merry fucking Christmas.
Did you get a copy of the confirmation? And... they still fucken use paper to track shit? Holy crap, it's all web-based here! This sucks balls.



Victorian Literature - A
History and Structure of the English Language - A
Senior Capstone - B
Creative writing - Non-Attendance Fail (!!!!!!!)

Apparently my fucking college lost the paperwork I submitted last October to withdraw from one of my classes, and my teacher had no choice but to submit an F for my grade. I'm going to be making an appeal to the Dean, but I'm royally screwed if they don't take care of this for me.

Merry fucking Christmas.

Holy fucking shit, you're living one of my most re-occuring nightmares in undergrad: Dreaming that you just found out you've had a course on your schedule that you never attended.
Holy fucking shit, you're living one of my most re-occuring nightmares in undergrad: Dreaming that you just found out you've had a course on your schedule that you never attended.
Sweet mercy. I did that very thing this semester. It was a journal club class, and I presented, but I didn't go to any of the in-class meetings to discuss the paper after it was presented.

I was checking my grades last week and saw that class listed and I almost shat myself. It was a jacked up semester, but I still don't see I how I could forget that I was enrolled in another course. The prof was really cool about it. He just told me that he knew I was doing good work in the lab and I usually asked questions during the presentations and seminars. Lucky.

HowDroll, physically go to every office you can find and talk to people face to face if you can. Hope it works out.

Victorian Literature - A
History and Structure of the English Language - A
Senior Capstone - B
Creative writing - Non-Attendance Fail (!!!!!!!)

Apparently my fucking college lost the paperwork I submitted last October to withdraw from one of my classes, and my teacher had no choice but to submit an F for my grade. I'm going to be making an appeal to the Dean, but I'm royally screwed if they don't take care of this for me.

Merry fucking Christmas.
Did you get a copy of the confirmation? And... they still fucken use paper to track shit? Holy crap, it's all web-based here! This sucks balls.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can't believe they're still using paper. All my adds/drops are done via the campus website.

Good luck getting that straightened out HowDroll, that sucks majorly.
I mean in a week we're talking about 2010. At my University (which I've gone back to to finish my degree with 1-2 night courses every semester over the years) we've been able to do all of this shit off their website since late 2004. This is deplorable. I really wouldn't take this kind of shit that they fucked up on their paperwork.

(PS: I finished my degree in MIS, just checked my account and since I started attended Concordia University in 2004 and finished last spring I paid a total of $3137 Canadian including all the books I ordered or bought off the site's 2nd hand book store.)

dayum, i wish grades here were given like in the US.

here at Uni, when you have 70% average, you're damn good. only a few people get 80+ and maybe 1 or 2 90% and then again, not every year.
Pfft. I had 79% for my first Masters and 86% for my second. Those other people are just lazy :-P
2 B's and 2 C's from the look of it. Oh, and one grade I have no idea, but I bet either a B or A.

I hate coding medical conditions.

Philosopher B.

Okay, so three of my grades at least have been posted. B+ in Television Industry, A- in Television History & Appreciation, and an A in Media Aesthetics: Sound, Sight, and Story.
We got our official grades posted. I'm proud to announce that I finished out my first semester back in college with a 4.0 GPA.
Well, lets see how my predictions faired.
My predictions:
Life Drawing-80%
Classical and Stop Motion Animation- (I have no clue as this teacher has not given me any marks at all throughout the year and I don't know how harshly he marks, but I'll say...) 73%, assuming he marks as harsh as I suspect.
3D Animation- (Again I've not received any feedback yet) 90%
Storyboarding- 95%, but if anyone in my group film has any problems with me this could take a hit.
Layout- 90%

English B+ (that's 75-79%, so I overestimated)
Life Drawing A (Probably got that one dead on)
Clasical and StopMo A (I'm shocked. This means my classical animation teacher is not a very hard marker, cause I'm pretty sure I averaged only 65-70% in stop mo)
3D B (Again a shocker. Apparently my 3D teacher IS a hard marker despite his extremely laid back attitude)
Storyboarding A
Layout A+

So I over and under estimated every mark, I was all over the place.

Program Cumulative GPA 3.89 Program Term GPA 3.79


Staff member
You guys have no idea (except for the other teachers) how hard it is to come up with final grades. That shit's like 50% subjective. Sure, you get a number at the top of your papers, and there's a grade scale on your syllabus. But the curve is killer to figure out. It can't punish the top earners who really worked for the grade, but it can't leave the class average in the 50s either. In the end, there's actually a good deal of "how the professor feels you did" in the grade.

One of my best friends when I was a post-doc and adjunct in Boston was an old emeritus professor who gave me his enlightened view on grades. "They're just numbers. If the kid made the points for a B, but you feel he deserves an A, give him an A." It's especially true for grad classes, where a C is basically a failing grade, and you expect most students to make an A. Yet, point-wise, they always seem to fall in the 50s and 60s for what I think are easy tests.


Back in high school, as soon as I got my syllabus I'd go through and calculate exactly how much work I needed to do to get an 81-85%(allowing for my average test scores on the subject), and do no more work than that. I learned too late that I could actually get a 4.0 by doing that in AP classes, and got a 3.4 weight/3.6 nonweighted GPA.

Right now I'm in community college and loafing through taking classes that sound interesting rather than actually progressing my major. I can't really resolve whether I'm a terrible student or a great one.

Economics: A-
Early Western History: B
History: B-
Design: Vectors: A+
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