Why is Shego stalking me...

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Yes you can, and lemon juice just makes the paper cuts, woooonderful!
Clearly. Don't tell me you look as awesome as me, too...*checks picture*

Well, damned if you don't.

Are you *sure* you're not a long lost brother?
Cute.... but should be click-able and do emotes and strip and dance..etc.

At this point, she makes the MS Word Clip more useful.

ps: can we have moar for other posters, like MEEESSS? :)


Does it seem odd that when I saw the words "dead link" I felt bad for Hylian?
Folks, I don't know what is going on. All I know is Dave is gone and Gusto and NR and I are trying to hold the place together. I have Gusto writing code non-stop and NR is literally cradling the server right now.
Something crazy is happening, I think Daves soul literally held things together and now he's gone.

And something has replaced him.


I've got some Shego avatar on the bottom right screen on the forums.
Don't know why as I mainly post in the media and video game section?

Guess I'm an easy target? *scratches head* if its spamming I hate spamming
It's happening to all of us son.

We are fighting against the storm over here in Mod central but... oh no... oh Lord no... the LOGO... Oh sweet buddha...
Y'know, if I were the server, and the given choice was being stradled by Northie, or be the whipping boy to Shego and Ame, I wouldn't doubt for a second, myself, either.


Damn it man there's got to be another viable alternative solution here.
Use a browser that allows the installation of AdBlock or some other way of blocking specific images on websites. That helps, I guess.a


Captain sir. We can't take too much more of this I'm reading numerous power fluctuations on all levels. We cannot simply take much more
Also, somebody was using the holodeck with a... ahem... private program, it malfunctioned and now naked cartoon characters are holding him hostage!


Is there a way to get rid of this thing without having to download anything?
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