[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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Staff member
I think it's supposed to be heretics. And why does drawing the fuzzy creatures call for the YIFF! sounds? That's disturbing.


Um, no? My best friend's little brother was addicted to Mario when I was ten and we made fun of him, does that count?

What are you doing up at 6 in the morning anyway?


Oh, wait, Mario kills turtles? And that's scratch and ginger and the crazy guy from TMNT who wore the hockey mask?

Ok. Phew, thought I'd have to turn in my nerd credentials.

You know, I have the genuine #1 issue of TMNT.


Oh, wait, Mario kills turtles? And that's scratch and ginger and the crazy guy from TMNT who wore the hockey mask?

Ok. Phew, thought I'd have to turn in my nerd credentials.

You know, I have the genuine #1 issue of TMNT.
They're fucking Koopas!


Oh, wait, Mario kills turtles? And that's scratch and ginger and the crazy guy from TMNT who wore the hockey mask?

Ok. Phew, thought I'd have to turn in my nerd credentials.

You know, I have the genuine #1 issue of TMNT.
They're fucking Koopas![/QUOTE]

Is that legal?

[edit: ninja'd, curses]


Staff member
Oh, wait, Mario kills turtles? And that's scratch and ginger and the crazy guy from TMNT who wore the hockey mask?

Ok. Phew, thought I'd have to turn in my nerd credentials.

You know, I have the genuine #1 issue of TMNT.


Staff member
The Soviet swine cannon demands to be captioned.

"Ve are out of anezthetic. Let's use vodka instead."

"Here, comrade Piggy. You drink for Papa Stalin now."


"Guysh... I'm shooo washted now... I love you, but I thinksh I'sh gonna shleep now... shleepy shleepy..."

"Comrade soldiers, bring ze wasted piggy here! Ve shjall make practical joke on him while he sleeps!"
"Yes, comrade commissar!"

"Lift vith feet, not vith back, you dumbnik!"

"Comrade commissar, ze piggy is loaded. Ve may commence practical joke."

"Prepare to fire."




"Impressive. Ve shall conquer space with ze drunken pigs."

"My underpants are made ov ze trashbag."



"Eugh... Fuck you, guys. Seriously, fuck you..."

SOLDIERS: "Yay. Ve is happy 'cause drunk piggy practical joke made us heroes of the Soviet Union."
PIG: "Fuck you..."¨

"And for film contract, sign here and here and here, initial here..."
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