[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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...no. Dave is RIGHT here, the hand positions have their names, dammit, Spock doing the shocker doesn't make it the spocker cause there already *is* a spocker and it's not the shocker. The shocker can easily be defined with the infamous "two in the pink, one in the stink" while the spocker would have to be 2 and 2.
No, but that was the only picture used at the time. I didn't feel the need to GIS to prove a point that's almost as useful arguing about as Dr Who.


Staff member

Now, had Nemoy been doing the shocker while the other guy did the Spocker I would have been on the floor.
Yeah, the problem is Nimoy doing the spocker would just look like Nimoy doing the "live long and prosper" salute, so it would take a lot from the potential hilarity
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