I learned something today..

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By pressing the Esc button I can stop animated gifs from, well, animating. This is in firefox, but maybe it's like a general function in browsers.

Anyone know any other handy browser tips I/we might not be aware of?
Yeah a simple refresh does the trick. It's mainly usefel if you're on a slow connection, or if people make annoying/annoyingly large gifs.
And I love your dancing Shakey :D


So, how bout those Celtics? That three pointer from half court by Utah to win the game the other night must have been a crushing defeat
THat's a neat trick.. I love little things like that. The other day I discovered Windows 7's "shake the window" trick to minimize everything else. Pretty awesome, too.
I found Windows 7's "return to desktop" button is at the bottom right of the screen. I missed that button.
Cool! I would have used the heck of it before my coputery friend came and fixed my computer's overheating problems, but it's still a neat trick!


If you press CTRL + Enter instead of just "Enter", it'll add the www. & .com automatically.
So basically, if you typed halforums it'd pop up with www.halforums.com.


Staff member
THat's a neat trick.. I love little things like that. The other day I discovered Windows 7's "shake the window" trick to minimize everything else. Pretty awesome, too.
For Mac users, Macs have done that for-like-ever with cmd-opt-h.


Staff member
GS, for that little tidbit, we should shake hands sometime.
And hitting Windows-E brings up Windows Explorer.

Alt-Tab moves you between active windows. I thought everyone knew that and I did it the other day and my boss went, "How'd you DO that?!?"


Staff member
CMD-tab for mac. cmd-` (backtick) for cycling through a program's windows. In Mac OS, the little overlay that pops up is also mousable, and other shortcuts that affect programs work. cmd-tab to program icon, let go of tab and hit q to quit or h to hide. Useful for closing a bunch of programs quickly)


If your computer starts shutting down for some reason and you don't want it to, open up Word very quickly. If you're fast enough it'll open and then save 'Do you want to save this document?' since it's a new one, hit cancel and the shutdown is averted.

Also I was going to mention Windows+D but you stole it GS.


Staff member
Windows-Break opens a Systems menu. I found this one by accident as one day I hit windows-a, windows-b, windows-c....Just to see what the keys would do.
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