Ahh... high school sports, how I loathed thee.
I'm a fat guy. When I was a kid, I was a fat kid. worse, aside from being fat, I'm also very big. 6 foot even and very wide at the shoulders, even without the fat I'd be a big guy.
I actually liked PE, because we'd mostly just play basketball, and I liked basketball. But whenever these fitness things would come up, I always hated them. There was no way I'd be able to do a pullup, sit-ups I was done with at the 10 count, and running? Yeah, more like a brisk walk.
But none of this humiliated me. I did my thing, did what I could do, and was done. What did humiliate me, though, was during some week long physical fitness thing.
I don't know if it's standard, or a Florida only thing, or just unique to the school I went to, but there was a week of physical events that we had to compete in. You'd sign up for different olympic-style events (shot put, relay, different length races, etc) and compete in the ones you signed up for. You had to sign up for at least two in order to get a passing grade.
The coach, an older woman, then informed the class that some students who weren't physically able wouldn't be required to do more than the shot put. She gave a kid with muscular dystrophy as an example, explaining that she wouldn't force someone with a disability to compete. She then called on each kid, so they would announce what they were signing up for, and she'd write it down. When she got to me, she announced that I was one of those special cases, and I didn't have to compete in anything other than the shot put if I didn't want to.

wtf lady? I'm not disabled!
I signed up for everything. Oh god I hated it. That was a terrible week.