How Do You Make a Living?

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I'm an accountant. Sorta. I was, until my CEO started fucking things up. Normally that's just business as usual except that he stopped wanting to hear about how we're losing money so now instead of listening to what I have to say he just wants me to ignore everything that's going on and not mention it to any of the partners.

When the housing and development markets where not in the crapper I used to do consulting work as a Archaeologist. It was great pay too. Hopefully that'll get better and I can start doing it again.
I'm Manager of Market Research and Product Development at a large Canadian financial institution. I create products and services that you want to spend your money on - and then I determine at what point the service fees we ding you for will cause you to leave. I also run market surveys and run focus groups to back up my development work. I get to be half numbers nerd and half creative dude. I am never bored.
I'm a grad student in translation and interpretation. I take freelance translation and interpretation cases, which is enough to feed me while I'm in school. After graduation I want to leave the freelance field (too unstable for my tastes) and find a regular job.
I don't know if i make enough money to count as making a living... but the lack of stress is pretty nice while finishing my master's.

Kitty Sinatra

I build dashboards for an SUV - sorry, a "compact crossover" - no one buys.


Staff member
Y'know, I'd assumed that was a reference from a book/poem/comic or something, but upon a Google search I find only your post. OC? In my Halforums?
I work for Securitas, protecting stuff people will pay to have protected by other people than Frankie over there. Also work as technical helpdesk for a big international firm. Coordinate labour, follow up subcontractors, blahblah.
Masters in Philosophy and in Cultural Management.
I am currently halfway in a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy. No job, unfortunately, but I have enough money to provide for myself for awhile.
I work full time as a software engineer on the computers that control your car. I also do consulting on the side making neat electronic gadgets.


Staff member
Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say "geologist". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go "Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)
I spend half my time as a scientist in a start-up biotech company working on microbial biofuels and drug discovery platforms. The other half is spent as a consultant for a local big university developing hospital pathogen detection and monitoring systems. I also get some pocket money from small programming jobs.
I'm a Co-op at IBM. That's like an intern, but I get paid. I alternate between working full time and going to school to complete my Bachelors in Computer Science. I'm also a PFC in the Army Reserves.

This is video that shows the end result of what I had been working on since late August.


Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\"geologist\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches...
I am a contract professor teaching psychology at a University in Minnesota. I teach all the "core classes", meaning the dry, dry, dry classes, like statistics and experimental design and I do so happily. These classes play to my strengths, I think. I want to spread my wings a little, though, so I am presently hunting for jobs that can provide me with research space, a lighter schedule, and some start up money so I can get my own lab going. By the way, I specialize in memory but have a project centered on trying to understand intuition going as well. I only have co-authorship on one paper, sadly, but I am itching to pull together some of the research I've been working on...if I can just get it all to tell a coherent story. :-\
Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\\"geologist\\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches...[/QUOTE]

Strange, I never pictured you as a Malgorzata Sudol...
Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\\"geologist\\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches...[/QUOTE]

Well, if we're flaunting E-peen, patents 5727154, 5987505, and 6256665 are mine ;)


Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\\\"geologist\\\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\\\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches...[/QUOTE]

Strange, I never pictured you as a Malgorzata Sudol...[/QUOTE]

hey hey hey, first author biatch. Margaret was our technician!
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