How Do You Make a Living?

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Staff member
I'm the "IT guy" and Production Director at a radio broadcasting company. This means I fix the computers when they break (and sometimes fill in for the engineer when he's not available), and I am also in charge of the part of the business that makes radio commercials.
I'm the "IT guy" and Production Director at a radio broadcasting company. This means I fix the computers when they break (and sometimes fill in for the engineer when he's not available), and I am also in charge of the part of the business that makes radio commercials.
You remind me an awful lot of a guy I used to know in Houston named Doc. He works in radio, is the IT guy, and loves to argue politics.
Heh tomorrow I may be calling Mr_thehun about pricing, while consultanting with Simfers on the contract to build Frankie his ammunition boxes.
Well, if they're for us, make sure they're as awkward and unwieldy as possible.

Nothing RCMP standard issue should be easy to use. We might actually be able to do our jobs then.[/QUOTE]

Bah! Next thing you'll want them functional and low cost! You're getting expensive, difficult and unreliable ammo boxes with instructions in both English and French and you'll like it!


Archaeologist? No shit! That sounds awesome.
It can be.

I pretty much mention the side job of archaeology every time people ask what I do. It helps distract from the extreme lameness of my main job.
Archaeologist? No shit! That sounds awesome.
It can be.

I pretty much mention the side job of archaeology every time people ask what I do. It helps distract from the extreme lameness of my main job.[/QUOTE]

Part of the reason I really want to make it as a writer is so that I can hopefully be respectable enough to rub shoulders with interesting people like that. Then, I plan to say something along the lines of "You know ... I might like to do some research for a character who is an Archaeologist ... do you mind if I spend a few weeks/months on your dig site?"

Most people might still say no. But I feel like giving the 'character research' excuse could possibly make any request sound legitimate, even if it's just my own curiosity, and even if it still gets rejected. The ultimate scam I hope to pull off is to write something that deals heavily with Antarctica, simply so I can apply to go there under the National Science Foundation's Antarctic Artists and Writers Program.


Archaeologist? No shit! That sounds awesome.
It can be.

I pretty much mention the side job of archaeology every time people ask what I do. It helps distract from the extreme lameness of my main job.[/QUOTE]

My brother's "archeology" job involves going to construction/dig sites in california and make sure there's nothing valuable in the ground while they're digging.
AKA do nothing unless they find something, which is rare.


I've heard that before. In Arizona it's a lot different. All the archaeology must happen before the construction. The Nations have very good legal representation so that helps.
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