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How Do You Make a Living?



I'd like to know what everyone does here for their job! :)
I myself am a web designer who works in a fancy little office in a big building. My tasks variate between designing huge Content Management Systems and for big businesses to creating flash videos for tiny companies you've never heard of. It's a pretty fun job, and I get to be creative. The pay isn't so bad either if I say so myself. :p

How about you? :)




Quality Assurance Specialist at a University in Omaha, Nebraska. Basically if the counselors don't do their jobs I say, "Naughty, naughty!" and then they have to kiss my ass.

edit: You're going to be surprised at the professionals we have here. Per capita we have more people here with advanced degrees than any other place I've ever seen.



Quality Assurance Specialist at a University in Omaha, Nebraska. Basically if the counselors don't do their jobs I say, "Naughty, naughty!" and then they have to kiss my ass.

edit: You're going to be surprised at the professionals we have here. Per capita we have more people here with advanced degrees than any other place I've ever seen.
Does it make you feel all man like?




Only when they beg me for their jobs. I make them kiss my pinky ring and genuflect.



I have no job sadly. I am a law student which means that I am in the process of spending money now in the hopes of making money later.

But when I did have a job I was a preschool teacher. I loved it.




Network Support for 150+ users. I am basically a one man shop, all network and desktop support.




Graduate student. We get a stipend. It allows me to have shelter and food, which is better than the majority of the world, so I am grateful.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Right now I don't, I live with my parents and they pay for everything... Wich, while greatly greatly convenient, makes me feel bad sometimes. Right now I'm studying a Master's degree in scriptwriting, directing and producing, and I hope to be able to make a living being a university teacher and a writer or, ideally, just writing.




I work for a smallish bank. I'm a computer operator, I do pretty much anything involving computers. I also get the mind shatteringly boring job of reconciling our accounts with other banks, and some internal accounts. Plus any other odd jobs no one else wants to do.




currently I am contracted by CompuCom to work for Intel as a PCLD Tech but I hope to get moved up to a Service Center Tech position the next time a spot opens.




I used to work doing motion graphics for game shows and medical DVD's until I went back to grad school. Now I'm a full time student, an adjunct professor at a local college and I manage a independent coffee shop. I stay busy.


Wasabi Poptart

Stay-at-home mom to two children (4 years old and 5 months old) and full-time college student majoring in psychology. I was a casino finance supervisor. I also worked as the accounts manager/delivery person/salesperson for my parents' saw sharpening business. I worked in retail for a while and had several secretarial jobs, too.



I make boxes. Corrugated cardboard to be exact.

For now at least.

I took this job because it kept me in the paper converting/printing industry. I've spent the last 15 years working on various types of printing presses. I've made everything from wrappers for fast food places on a 5 color, old ass Kidder-Stacey press, to making kool-aid packages ore-ida bags on a 5 year old 10 collor Rotomec rotogravure press. Currently I am working on a 10-15 year old rotary die sheet fed press that I am enjoying very much. the pay sux though.



Frankie Williamson

I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.



I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.
Whoa. You're a cop in my town?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I proofread.



Frankie Williamson

I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.
Whoa. You're a cop in my town?[/QUOTE]

Nay sir, I'm a cop in every town. We're all the worst people. When we wake up in the mornings, all we think about is how we can make the lives of the people we "protect" miserable. Hell, I think we eat babies sometimes, just for kicks.




I actually had to leave my job, and I'm aggravated about it. It means I'm totally dependent on the parents, maybe even til the summer. I'm guaranteed a job then with my old boss both in the dorms as a desk worker AND at the summer class center as an operator. I was a desk worker for years, but they could only offer me hours from 1am - 4am this semester, so I said so long. There's no way I can work that on my schedule. I'm in the process of looking for another campus job or a tutoring gig. There are a few of those available, but a lot are high school. On weekends I'll probably be cooking for my neighbor as much as possible... not much, but something at least. At least I'll have plenty to do, school-wise, so I don't feel totally useless.




I'm an intern at a small wealth management firm, so I do all the work that my bosses don't have time to do or don't want to do. Lately, most of that work as been revolving around cost basis. It's a good job, but I'll be so glad after April 15th when we're finally done with all this.




I wander the earth...meet people. Have andventures and shit. Like Caine from Kung Fu.




Cloud of smoke and I'll appear, some would say a master of surprise. I've been called a cunning mind, hiding behind a shadowy disguise. Sometimes I don't even really know for sure, I do know however, that all the guys are out of luck.



Frankie Williamson

Here comes!




I used to be a Medical billing analyst until the "layoff". Right now, I'm a customer service rep at an inbound call center while going to school for an IT degree.

Incidentally, YAY, I'm employed again!



I used to work for a big Pharma company in conjunction with my research being done at a Children's Hospital, but since management people are greedy idiots, I lost my position after a whopping 8 months because my entire department got shit canned. I now work at a university that's in the same city running the Mass Spec in their core facility. The pay is about half of what I earned before, but good for a job that I found almost a month after I got dumped. Little do they know, I have a professor position lined up in August at nearby community college (actually they do know, which is why their kissing my ass in hopes I stay). Muahahhahahahahahaaha!

On the side, I run a janitorial business with my wife where I get to yell at lazy immigrants when they don't clean right.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.
Whoa. You're a cop in my town?[/QUOTE]

Nay sir, I'm a cop in every town. We're all the worst people. When we wake up in the mornings, all we think about is how we can make the lives of the people we "protect" miserable. Hell, I think we eat babies sometimes, just for kicks.[/QUOTE]

He makes every moment a Kick the Dog moment.



Damn, we have a lot of talented people here... Anyway I pretty much try and survive in any country Im in, and currently I'm working as an English, Malay and Portuguese teacher, while teaching Yoga and the odd translation/interpreter job.

Funnily, I graduated in Advertising and Islamic Theology, go figure.
I wander the earth...meet people.
Man, that was my line back in the imageboards, when I actually did wander around.

I feel old.




I sell cell phones and cell phone accesories.




I'm a pimp. It's quite hard out here for me. Indeed.


General Specific

General Specific

I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.
Whoa. You're a cop in my town?[/QUOTE]

Nay sir, I'm a cop in every town. We're all the worst people. When we wake up in the mornings, all we think about is how we can make the lives of the people we "protect" miserable. Hell, I think we eat babies sometimes, just for kicks.[/QUOTE]

He makes every moment a Kick the Dog moment.[/QUOTE]

TV TROPES? NOOOOOOOOOOOO *gets pulled into a vortex and does not emerge for 3 hours*




Teaching in Ch-Ch-China....BUT my contract runs soon so I'm looking for other work.



I'm a pimp. It's quite hard out here for me. Indeed.

You lucky you ain't flaunting yo shit on my corna, mmmhmm. Ain't no one got no bottom bitch like Chaz da pimp. Bow Chica Bow WoW!




I develop software for my municipality and I'm something like the Database Administrator here. Basically I am the one to blame if someone's taxes are miscalculated.




Currently working in procurement for metal fabrication company. I spend the day negotiating deals, spending money and talking like Cartman. "You're bustin my balls here man, you're bustin my balls."



Teaching in Ch-Ch-China....BUT my contract runs soon so I'm looking for other work.
Isnt a team of black-clad Chinese special police supposed to burst through your window and take you away for just entering here?




I'm a computer programmer, play irish music on and off with bands (and have a couple CDs out), and teach kung fu.



I try to provide a much wanted service.




I would have gone with:



I'm an accountant. Sorta. I was, until my CEO started fucking things up. Normally that's just business as usual except that he stopped wanting to hear about how we're losing money so now instead of listening to what I have to say he just wants me to ignore everything that's going on and not mention it to any of the partners.

When the housing and development markets where not in the crapper I used to do consulting work as a Archaeologist. It was great pay too. Hopefully that'll get better and I can start doing it again.




I play an oceanographic research technician.




I'm Manager of Market Research and Product Development at a large Canadian financial institution. I create products and services that you want to spend your money on - and then I determine at what point the service fees we ding you for will cause you to leave. I also run market surveys and run focus groups to back up my development work. I get to be half numbers nerd and half creative dude. I am never bored.




I'm a grad student in translation and interpretation. I take freelance translation and interpretation cases, which is enough to feed me while I'm in school. After graduation I want to leave the freelance field (too unstable for my tastes) and find a regular job.




I go to far away countries, meet interesting people and then kill them. (Then bring them back to life)




I don't know if i make enough money to count as making a living... but the lack of stress is pretty nice while finishing my master's.




I'm HR Manager for a web company.




Cloud of smoke and I'll appear, some would say a master of surprise. I've been called a cunning mind, hiding behind a shadowy disguise. Sometimes I don't even really know for sure, I do know however, that all the guys are out of luck.
Here comes!
Darkwing Duck!

View attachment 262



Kitty Sinatra

I build dashboards for an SUV - sorry, a "compact crossover" - no one buys.




Cloud of smoke and I'll appear, some would say a master of surprise. I've been called a cunning mind, hiding behind a shadowy disguise. Sometimes I don't even really know for sure, I do know however, that all the guys are out of luck.
Here comes!
Darkwing Duck!

View attachment 262[/QUOTE]




Y'know, I'd assumed that was a reference from a book/poem/comic or something, but upon a Google search I find only your post. OC? In my Halforums?




I work for Securitas, protecting stuff people will pay to have protected by other people than Frankie over there. Also work as technical helpdesk for a big international firm. Coordinate labour, follow up subcontractors, blahblah.
Masters in Philosophy and in Cultural Management.




I am currently halfway in a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy. No job, unfortunately, but I have enough money to provide for myself for awhile.




I work full time as a software engineer on the computers that control your car. I also do consulting on the side making neat electronic gadgets.




I also do consulting on the side making neat electronic gadgets.
You should make an electric butter knife that melts the butter as you spread. Now that would be a neat electronic gadget.



What do you do with a philosophy degree?




sent you a PM about your job, Bubs, let me know if you got it.




Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say "geologist". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go "Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)




sent you a PM about your job, Bubs, let me know if you got it.
Uh oh: http://www.bash.org/?258908




i wish, that would be fun.




I spend half my time as a scientist in a start-up biotech company working on microbial biofuels and drug discovery platforms. The other half is spent as a consultant for a local big university developing hospital pathogen detection and monitoring systems. I also get some pocket money from small programming jobs.




I'm a Co-op at IBM. That's like an intern, but I get paid. I alternate between working full time and going to school to complete my Bachelors in Computer Science. I'm also a PFC in the Army Reserves.

This is video that shows the end result of what I had been working on since late August.



Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\"geologist\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches... http://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...4fa48065e1179699df8ec098b59&ie=/sdarticle.pdf




I am a contract professor teaching psychology at a University in Minnesota. I teach all the "core classes", meaning the dry, dry, dry classes, like statistics and experimental design and I do so happily. These classes play to my strengths, I think. I want to spread my wings a little, though, so I am presently hunting for jobs that can provide me with research space, a lighter schedule, and some start up money so I can get my own lab going. By the way, I specialize in memory but have a project centered on trying to understand intuition going as well. I only have co-authorship on one paper, sadly, but I am itching to pull together some of the research I've been working on...if I can just get it all to tell a coherent story. :-\




Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches... http://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...4fa48065e1179699df8ec098b59&ie=/sdarticle.pdf[/QUOTE]

This is the best I've got: second author here, though I wasn't involved in the actual writing. http://plankt.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/28/9/831




sent you a PM about your job, Bubs, let me know if you got it.
Uh oh: http://www.bash.org/?258908[/QUOTE]

Man, talk about a crap-your-pants moment...


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

sent you a PM about your job, Bubs, let me know if you got it.
Uh oh: http://www.bash.org/?258908[/QUOTE]

Man, talk about a crap-your-pants moment...[/QUOTE]

More like a Crowning Moment of Awesome




sent you a PM about your job, Bubs, let me know if you got it.
Uh oh: http://www.bash.org/?258908[/QUOTE]

Man, talk about a crap-your-pants moment...[/QUOTE]

More like a Crowning Moment of Awesome[/QUOTE]

Gah! Stop, I'm at work and have very little self-control.




Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\\"geologist\\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches... http://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...4fa48065e1179699df8ec098b59&ie=/sdarticle.pdf[/QUOTE]

Strange, I never pictured you as a Malgorzata Sudol...



I'm an economist workin' in the gubmint.

Here's a link to a paper I wrote about cellulosic ethanol:





Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\\"geologist\\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches... http://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...4fa48065e1179699df8ec098b59&ie=/sdarticle.pdf[/QUOTE]

Well, if we're flaunting E-peen, patents 5727154, 5987505, and 6256665 are mine ;)



I'm a QA Engineer for a company that makes DVR set top boxes.



Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\\\"geologist\\\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\\\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches... http://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...4fa48065e1179699df8ec098b59&ie=/sdarticle.pdf[/QUOTE]

Strange, I never pictured you as a Malgorzata Sudol...[/QUOTE]

hey hey hey, first author biatch. Margaret was our technician!




I hunt giant man-eating penguins. On my free time I wrestle with wolverines, butt-naked in six feet of snow.

Naw, just kidding... just three feet.

Naw, let's be serious. Grad student, English major. Finishing up my Master of Arts thesis (only need to finish a five-page summary and I'm done). When I graduate, I start looking for a job as a teacher, but in case of unemployment I still remain at the university, trying to get a second teacher's license. Already have one for English, am now aiming for History and Civics.




Let's see...director of software development, database administrator, and data security officer at a local college.

What's that all mean? I'm just responsible for making sure all information is secure and available for everyone that needs it in a neat and tidy package that everyone can be happy with. So, my job is a myth.




Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\\\\"geologist\\\\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\\\\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\\\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches... http://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...4fa48065e1179699df8ec098b59&ie=/sdarticle.pdf[/QUOTE]

Strange, I never pictured you as a Malgorzata Sudol...[/QUOTE]

hey hey hey, first author biatch. Margaret was our technician![/QUOTE]

Your name is Matt?! Kinda disappointing.




Not getting anything but a ScienceDirect login. The journal subscriptions here suck.




Not getting anything but a ScienceDirect login. The journal subscriptions here suck.
You can't read them, either. Once you get a login it tells you you have to pay to read them.



Not getting anything but a ScienceDirect login. The journal subscriptions here suck.
You can't read them, either. Once you get a login it tells you you have to pay to read them.[/QUOTE]

Well yeah, you can only read the abstract. Dave, your university should have a subscription.



Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\\\\\"geologist\\\\\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\\\\\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\\\\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches... http://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...4fa48065e1179699df8ec098b59&ie=/sdarticle.pdf[/QUOTE]

Strange, I never pictured you as a Malgorzata Sudol...[/QUOTE]

hey hey hey, first author biatch. Margaret was our technician![/QUOTE]

Your name is Matt?! Kinda disappointing.[/QUOTE]

Where you expecting George?



I write Research and Development and Material Transfer agreements for the US ARMY mostly focusing on 3rd World disease research. In the spare time i foster dogs and im trying to get my my biology credits inline to go to med school.




Did I tell you about the level of education here? I have 2 Master's degrees and by most accounts I'm the dumb guy.


Rob King

Rob King

What do you do with a philosophy degree?
Deliver pizza and/or drive a cab! That was always my dream!

When the housing and development markets where not in the crapper I used to do consulting work as a Archaeologist. It was great pay too. Hopefully that'll get better and I can start doing it again.
Archaeologist? No shit! That sounds awesome.

As for myself, I'm currently the driver/packer for the local food bank. It was full time for Christmas, but I'm back down to part time hours, which means I need to have a second job in order to pay uncle bills. So I also do a bit of homecare on the side. I'm also currently taking a class that should see me with a 'certificate' in Teaching English as a Second Language. I plan on doing a bit of travel with that, banking some money, and eventually finishing my Philosophy degree (of which I have about half the courses completed)

My ultimate goal is to be an itinerant writer. To this end, I had been researching and planning a trip (more like a 6-10 week expedition) to Haiti, and working on a few short stories and a novel or two. On the Haiti side of things, that Earthquake has really messed things up, but I still intend to go sometime this year. As far as writing goes, I find it difficult to stay focused on one project until it's done, but I did manage to be pretty consistent blogging 5 days a week from Nov 2nd - Jan 8th about the Salvation Army's Christmas operations (link in sig). So I'm hopeful about that.




I work in customer service for a major financial firm's retirement department.

I do not have a degree. My wife makes almost 25% more money than I do. I love this fact.



Frankie Williamson

I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.
Whoa. You're a cop in my town?[/QUOTE]

Nay sir, I'm a cop in every town. We're all the worst people. When we wake up in the mornings, all we think about is how we can make the lives of the people we "protect" miserable. Hell, I think we eat babies sometimes, just for kicks.[/QUOTE]

He makes every moment a Kick the Dog moment.[/QUOTE]

Actually, most people seem to think we have ticket quotas of some sort. In actuality, we have dog to boot ratio quotas we need to keep high.



I work at a Ben and Jerry's making icecream in the factory. I just recently graduated with a BA in digital media, but since its an art degree and there is a recession I haven't been able to get a job using it yet.

I also sometimes make websites for small businesses and crazy left or right wing propaganda.




Seriously, I'm a geophysicist. Most people don't know what that is, so I usually just say \\\\\\\"geologist\\\\\\\". We're the quantitative geologists--we apply physics to see underground, using things like seismic and EM and radar. I deal usually with EM, and specifically with computer modeling of the governing physics. Why model a fake earth? You have to in order to understand the signals you measure from the real one. I program a lot, and I also get to go out and get dirty in the field collecting data. I teach all of this, too, to ungrateful students :) who mostly go \\\\\\\"Oh noes!1! U got math in mah geology!!1!\\\\\\\"

(Here's the first paper I ever wrote if you're curious)

Sweet, Ph.D.s flaunt your epeens.... Here's my first paper eva bitches... http://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...4fa48065e1179699df8ec098b59&ie=/sdarticle.pdf[/QUOTE]

Strange, I never pictured you as a Malgorzata Sudol...[/QUOTE]

hey hey hey, first author biatch. Margaret was our technician![/QUOTE]

Your name is Matt?! Kinda disappointing.[/QUOTE]

Where you expecting George?[/QUOTE]


Or Max Fightmaster.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I used to make computers my bitches, but management at the company I work for walked in on me, reminded me that the computers are company property, and then made me sterilize them all and seek counseling.

Now I just program , but sometimes, when no one is paying attention, I put in the comments that I know gets them all hot and bothered.




I used to make computers my bitches, but management at the company I work for walked in on me, reminded me that the computers are company property, and then made me sterilize them all and seek counseling.

Now I just program , but sometimes, when no one is paying attention, I put in the comments that I know gets them all hot and bothered.
That kinda reminds me. My company is sending me to Management Training.

Anger Management.

old joke is old.




I am a translator (English to French) for the Canadian Federal government (Department of Defence, to be more precise).


Philosopher B.

How Do You Make a Living?
Some people kick ass for the lord. I don't believe in the lord, so I do it for shits and giggles. I am what you call a freelancer.




Grocery store deli clerk. I cook food for hundreds of people a day, and do all the dishes and cleanup. I'm a one man operation. :)

During the week I'm a [STRIKE]Computer Analyst/Programmer/Business/[/STRIKE]ACCOUNTING student. I've been in 4 different 2-3 year programs for almost last 6 years.




Heh tomorrow I may be calling Mr_thehun about pricing, while consultanting with Simfers on the contract to build Frankie his ammunition boxes.




I used to make computers my bitches
It's okay as long as it's through a hole in a sheet.




I work in a deli. I don't hate it, but I'd like to go back to cooking/tending bar in a pub. I enjoyed that. I was in school for game design for a couple years but it didn't work out. That and getting a job in the field is more about who you know and what you can do than how long you were in college.


The Key of J

I'm still in college, so I do a lot of smaller jobs to get by. IT network monkey is the main paying gig, but on the side I also teach ball room dance lessons and guitar/bass/music theory lessons. I also hold three bar tending licenses and sometimes use them for special events. I also write songs with the hope that my band will make it big (ha ha ha).




I also do consulting on the side making neat electronic gadgets.
You should make an electric butter knife that melts the butter as you spread. Now that would be a neat electronic gadget.[/QUOTE]

Is it ok if, over time, it also burned its logo into the user's hand painlessly?

It's all about branding, baby!




I spend half my time as a scientist in a start-up biotech company working on microbial biofuels and drug discovery platforms. The other half is spent as a consultant for a local big university developing hospital pathogen detection and monitoring systems. I also get some pocket money from small programming jobs.
Biofuels, aye? What sort of metabolic pathway are you using? Bacteria/fungi/algae? Just curious.

Our lab has a side project that is utilizing some fungi for biofuel. Last ASM, I saw tons of posters on biofuel. One guy was using raw sewage and converting it to H2. Another was burning organic matter and then converting the syn-gas into ethanol. Interesting field, and the government was throwing money at people to study it, a few years ago.



Frankie Williamson

Heh tomorrow I may be calling Mr_thehun about pricing, while consultanting with Simfers on the contract to build Frankie his ammunition boxes.
Well, if they're for us, make sure they're as awkward and unwieldy as possible.

Nothing RCMP standard issue should be easy to use. We might actually be able to do our jobs then.






I work for an insurance company :(
Wow its, been about 8 months since I last posted here...


Kitty Sinatra

8 months ago? and you only had 6 posts? Dayum! Why do I remember you?



8 months ago? and you only had 6 posts? Dayum! Why do I remember you?
I thought I had made more posts, maybe some got deleted?
Also I used to post a bit more back in the Image Comics Forum days... But that was a long time ago now.




Your name is Matt?! Kinda disappointing.
Where you expecting George?[/QUOTE]
I'm disappointed that you said you were Polish and you turn out to have a measly 5-letter last name with only a 3:2 consonant:vowel ratio. Weak sauce, man.

---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 AM ----------

Biofuels, aye? What sort of metabolic pathway are you using? Bacteria/fungi/algae? Just curious.
Fungi making biodiesel from waste products is our most promising project, I'd say. From a scientific point of view it works great, but getting it to an economically viable point is the trick.




8 months ago? and you only had 6 posts? Dayum! Why do I remember you?
Who can forget the giant kitty from the Goodies?!?



Your name is Matt?! Kinda disappointing.
Where you expecting George?[/QUOTE]
I'm disappointed that you said you were Polish and you turn out to have a measly 5-letter last name with only a 3:2 consonant:vowel ratio. Weak sauce, man.

---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 AM ----------

Heh, it gets more boring the literal translation of my last name to English is: Newman.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I don't like to translate my surname to english, as it means "little cocks".




A guy's name in the English version of the Old Testament made its way into the name of a Scottish clan and eventually to me. His name was probably totally different in the original Hebrew, so my last name likely has little to no meaning.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly





Boy do I fit in here...





Boy do I fit in here...
Construction paid for most of my undergrad! I'm definitely Blue Collar at heart!




Wood and it's many practical uses is my specialization. :p



I make teenagers cry.




I make teenagers cry.
You take the pictures at the DMV?





I'm the "IT guy" and Production Director at a radio broadcasting company. This means I fix the computers when they break (and sometimes fill in for the engineer when he's not available), and I am also in charge of the part of the business that makes radio commercials.




I'm the "IT guy" and Production Director at a radio broadcasting company. This means I fix the computers when they break (and sometimes fill in for the engineer when he's not available), and I am also in charge of the part of the business that makes radio commercials.
You remind me an awful lot of a guy I used to know in Houston named Doc. He works in radio, is the IT guy, and loves to argue politics.



I make teenagers cry.
You take the pictures at the DMV?

Without a doubt the best response to that that I've gotten.




Heh tomorrow I may be calling Mr_thehun about pricing, while consultanting with Simfers on the contract to build Frankie his ammunition boxes.
Well, if they're for us, make sure they're as awkward and unwieldy as possible.

Nothing RCMP standard issue should be easy to use. We might actually be able to do our jobs then.[/QUOTE]

Bah! Next thing you'll want them functional and low cost! You're getting expensive, difficult and unreliable ammo boxes with instructions in both English and French and you'll like it!



Archaeologist? No shit! That sounds awesome.
It can be.

I pretty much mention the side job of archaeology every time people ask what I do. It helps distract from the extreme lameness of my main job.


Rob King

Rob King

Archaeologist? No shit! That sounds awesome.
It can be.

I pretty much mention the side job of archaeology every time people ask what I do. It helps distract from the extreme lameness of my main job.[/QUOTE]

Part of the reason I really want to make it as a writer is so that I can hopefully be respectable enough to rub shoulders with interesting people like that. Then, I plan to say something along the lines of "You know ... I might like to do some research for a character who is an Archaeologist ... do you mind if I spend a few weeks/months on your dig site?"

Most people might still say no. But I feel like giving the 'character research' excuse could possibly make any request sound legitimate, even if it's just my own curiosity, and even if it still gets rejected. The ultimate scam I hope to pull off is to write something that deals heavily with Antarctica, simply so I can apply to go there under the National Science Foundation's Antarctic Artists and Writers Program.



Archaeologist? No shit! That sounds awesome.
It can be.

I pretty much mention the side job of archaeology every time people ask what I do. It helps distract from the extreme lameness of my main job.[/QUOTE]

My brother's "archeology" job involves going to construction/dig sites in california and make sure there's nothing valuable in the ground while they're digging.
AKA do nothing unless they find something, which is rare.



I've heard that before. In Arizona it's a lot different. All the archaeology must happen before the construction. The Nations have very good legal representation so that helps.
