Why I Hate Public Transport

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This pic was taken in the Seoul metro. It's a public service announcement, telling you how to behave on the subway.

I take Honolulu's bus system to campus every day. There's quite a few crazies here. There's this one crazy bum who often shows up at my bus stop (at least five or six different routes go through there). He's always got his hand up to his ear, like he's talking on a miniature cell phone. He usually shouts out weird stuff like "Cyanide the water!" every few seconds. Anyways, the buses are usually late, like everything else in this state, so you can sometimes wait 45 minutes for a bus. Apparently this little old lady had been waiting a long while and the crazy guy had been ranting and raving for that entire time. She yelled "Oh SHUT UP!" and instead of quieting down or ignoring her, he changed his usual rant to "You wanna fight? That's how I roll." There was a bunch of us around so he didn't actually try anything. He just switched back to his tirade about corn syrup.

You should see him walk through a group of Japanese tourists. They don't understand the language but they know something's screwed up. Plus he smells.

Kitty Sinatra

Yeah, other than the occasional crazy person (who is more hilarious or sad than aggravating) my experience on the Toronto transit system has been a dream; there is no reason I'd ever drive in that city if I was downtown or the subway could get me there. The only shitty thing about it is that the subway only really has 2 lines.
Over here it's way to crowded when i use it for any of that crap... all i see is people shoving (the worst are old women) and arguing pointlessly until my ears hurt...
My uncle and my two cousins (when they were still 10-12) almost got run over by a taxi in Manhattan. The driver rolled down his window to yell at him, and my uncle walked up and clocked him in the face.


This pic was taken in the Seoul metro. It's a public service announcement, telling you how to behave on the subway.

I take Honolulu's bus system to campus every day. There's quite a few crazies here. There's this one crazy bum who often shows up at my bus stop (at least five or six different routes go through there). He's always got his hand up to his ear, like he's talking on a miniature cell phone. He usually shouts out weird stuff like "Cyanide the water!" every few seconds. Anyways, the buses are usually late, like everything else in this state, so you can sometimes wait 45 minutes for a bus. Apparently this little old lady had been waiting a long while and the crazy guy had been ranting and raving for that entire time. She yelled "Oh SHUT UP!" and instead of quieting down or ignoring her, he changed his usual rant to "You wanna fight? That's how I roll." There was a bunch of us around so he didn't actually try anything. He just switched back to his tirade about corn syrup.

You should see him walk through a group of Japanese tourists. They don't understand the language but they know something's screwed up. Plus he smells.
Yesterday while waiting for my train at 30th st. Station, one of the homeless guys from outside came in and starting rapping to himself at full volume. At certain points he'd shout "Ima let you win." Over and over and over again.

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------

Over here it's way to crowded when i use it for any of that crap... all i see is people shoving (the worst are old women) and arguing pointlessly until my ears hurt...

When I first started taking the train to Philly: I get on the train after taking a call from my wife with my Blackberry ear buds still in. I totally forget about the earbuds and take a seat. About 10 minutes later this old bag in front of me (who I swear looked like Danny DeVito with a wig) whips around, sticks her face a couple inches from my mine, and yells at me to turn down that fucking N****r music.

I'm completely stunned. I tell her I didn't have any music on. She goes into a rant about how she could hear every word. I tell her to shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

---------- Post added at 03:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 PM ----------

Dude, I get your thing with busting the guys balls but this story wasn't unbelievable at all, dumbass college kids are always starting shit and they get scared by anyone who clearly isn't taking their shit.

Wow, fail at the joke that was there.[/QUOTE]

I got the joke. You can believe what you want. I don't really give a shit.
It's true, when I was in high school back in California my mom (from southern GA) worked as an attendance clerk and made announcements. Someone in my class decided to mock her accent for a cheap laugh and I told him something to the extent of "dude, that's my mom and if you do that again I will kick the crap out of you" and he apologized and shut up. Some people don't have the balls to back up being a total dickbag when they're confronted about it.
The only bus story I can think of from recent memory was when I was riding from the University to the mall. It was suppertime, so the bus was crowded, and this one obviously mentally challenged guy was sitting by a window, hugging himself, rocking, and randomly telling people that he was claustrophobic, had PTSD, and was liable to freak out and punch someone by accident.

Typical college idiots were laughing at him, so I tried to distract him by striking up a conversation. We were the only two people on the bus talking, so I was very self-conscious, but we talked about the kinds of music he liked, his family, the food he liked, etc. until we got to the mall and most everyone got off.

The biggest reason I remember that ride was because of the strangers who talked to me afterward, and the reaction of my then-girlfriend. Two girls and one elderly woman stopped me when we all got off the bus, thanked me, and told me that I was the only 'man' on the bus etc. (referring to the dumb college idiots who were just making fun of the poor guy). My own girlfriend at the time (who was on the bus with me) said absolutely nothing about the situation, and actually sort of had this air about her that what I had done was borderline stupid.
I've been riding the DC metro and have no particularly interesting stories. Once this obnoxious 10 year old kid sat next to me and tried to give me a hard time, asked me what I was reading, so I started reading Bulgakov's Master and Margarita to him in Russian. I've had to stare down obnoxious ten year olds a few times, I don't feel like I should have to take crap from anybody on a train. Once this guy who was an obvious crack addict came up to me asking for money, I ignored him and he tapped my hands to get my attention and we got in a big shouting match that resulted in him freaking out and threatening me with a pipe. But he didn't hit me. Called the police at the next station but he got on a train going the other direction before they got there.

I think it's a felony to beat up crack addicts in dc...
Man I do love taking the Metro, it's always something.

I have to admit it's pretty tame though, probably because of the ever looming threat of TERRORISTS.

Also, I love public transportation, and would be hard pressed to live without it at this point in my life.


Staff member
I got the joke. You can believe what you want. I don't really give a shit.
i knew you would get the joke and have a laugh, hence said joke. Was more surprised that someone decided to white knight for you on something so obvious.

Although, perhaps I was wrong there, tough guy.
The only bus story I can think of from recent memory was when I was riding from the University to the mall. It was suppertime, so the bus was crowded, and this one obviously mentally challenged guy was sitting by a window, hugging himself, rocking, and randomly telling people that he was claustrophobic, had PTSD, and was liable to freak out and punch someone by accident.
Hey, that was probably me! Thanks for the chat!


I got the joke. You can believe what you want. I don't really give a shit.
i knew you would get the joke and have a laugh, hence said joke. Was more surprised that someone decided to white knight for you on something so obvious.

Although, perhaps I was wrong there, tough guy.[/QUOTE]
I'm not white knighting it's just that I seem to recall you giving the same kind of reply to any story Chaz posts. If it was a one time thing I might assume it was a joke. I'm pretty sure random people on the internet don't need me protecting them from another random guy on the internet. Especially since we all live in different goddamn states.


Staff member
Really, I have gone after chaz?

..That is not a joke, I usually just joke around with him on here. I mean hell, look at my sig.


Really, I have gone after chaz?

..That is not a joke, I usually just joke around with him on here. I mean hell, look at my sig.
No no no, I meant I don't give a shit in a light hearted way. I did have a laugh.

I love reading shit that starts out serious and then progressively goes over the top.

---------- Post added at 07:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 PM ----------

I got the joke. You can believe what you want. I don't really give a shit.
i knew you would get the joke and have a laugh, hence said joke. Was more surprised that someone decided to white knight for you on something so obvious.

Although, perhaps I was wrong there, tough guy.[/QUOTE]
I'm not white knighting it's just that I seem to recall you giving the same kind of reply to any story Chaz posts. If it was a one time thing I might assume it was a joke. I'm pretty sure random people on the internet don't need me protecting them from another random guy on the internet. Especially since we all live in different goddamn states.[/QUOTE]

No dude, that's whenever JCM posts about being a jungle man. :laugh:
On my birthday last year, I took the bus into the one city on this island for a movie and dinner, with a stop at the library. While waiting alone at the bus stop that night to come back, a 50+year old lady sat next to me and saw I was reading Preacher (the Vertigo series borrowed from the library) and started taking to me about God and how we must use our gifts. I put the book away before she saw some of the imagery and still had my headphones on, hoping to be ignored, yet she kept talking for 30 minutes, more of the same and asking why I came to Bermuda. As the bus arrived, she walked away with her bags of groceries. Why would she sit and talk to a stranger (thirty-something, 100kg male, not that I look dodgy) at a bus stop for half an hour when she had no intention of taking the bus?
Living in DC, I've not had too much trouble on the metro. I recall one guy having a seizure, which was disturbing.

Honestly, people in this part of Maryland are like scared rabbits. I've only seen someone shouting once and everyone moved to the other side of the metro platform from him. That's everyday in NYC and nobody reacts that way, so it's hilarious to watch them. I miss New York. Everyone walked faster there than they do here.

The one weird one (this was New York) I remember was I got on the bus to the mall. Little did I know, I got on the right route going the wrong way. I found out when I asked the bus driver and he told me. So this guy in the front of the bus started laughing, which was fine, I didn't care... Then he comes and sits next to me, and starts talking about how he sets up parties for sports stars and has a super model girlfriend. I just nod and smile, and "Oh yeah?" Then he starts asking me personal stuff, like if I have a girlfriend and where does she live, and I decided to start making shit up in return, like "She won't tell me because her dad says he'll kill any other guys she brings over".

Eventually, he got off the bus. The other passengers were just staring at me with these amused looks.
I have seen way to many penises (peni?) on Minneapolis Metro Transit buses. I don't ride them anymore.

Wasabi Poptart

* blows kisses, poses for the paparazzi* Thank you! Thank you! :laugh:
Yesterday while waiting for my train at 30th st. Station, one of the homeless guys from outside came in and starting rapping to himself at full volume. At certain points he'd shout "Ima let you win." Over and over and over again.
Oh man, that reminds me, once, while taking the bus for no work or school related stuff this 15-16 year old was playing Counter-Strike with himself, repeating sounds from the game and stuff... (like loading the shotgun etc.) He obviously had some mental problem, but damn it was hilarious. Freaked out the older people who had no idea what CS was... and of course some jerks started making fun of him and scared him off a bit, but he kept going, just a little less loud.

Zumbo Prime

Despite spending 3 hours a day for a year on buses, I don't have many stories. Except watching a different bus, a driver got pissed at someone and wouldn't let them on his bus. Had to call the supervisor to drive over.
Getting their cocks wet is every frat boys dream, no? Haha. Well, I wish the Transperth Police were as good as yours are!

Oh, yeah.. well.. sorry, but that stereotype is 100% true. My taxpayer money goes to their booze, woohoo!
So they really do hang around in the backyard all day, drinking beer and headbutting each other while playing a halfassed game of rugby? (me thinks I found heaven)[/QUOTE]

Basically. Grow a bit of stubble (or a 30cm long beard, nothing in between. Seriously), buy a barbecue, some snags (sausages), a carton of Emu Bitter, and find an old car to "fix up" and never bother doing any actual work on it and you're fucking true blue Aussie matey![/QUOTE]

It's like fucking West Virginia, only with cooler accents!!!![/QUOTE]

To be correct chaz if you were in the west side of aus (where shadazz and I are from) it would be Aussie Rules Football not rugby. Thatsa for eastern staters.

Oh and shadazz, what up my fellow west aussie. Ever been to geraldton?


Getting their cocks wet is every frat boys dream, no? Haha. Well, I wish the Transperth Police were as good as yours are!

Oh, yeah.. well.. sorry, but that stereotype is 100% true. My taxpayer money goes to their booze, woohoo!
So they really do hang around in the backyard all day, drinking beer and headbutting each other while playing a halfassed game of rugby? (me thinks I found heaven)[/QUOTE]

Basically. Grow a bit of stubble (or a 30cm long beard, nothing in between. Seriously), buy a barbecue, some snags (sausages), a carton of Emu Bitter, and find an old car to "fix up" and never bother doing any actual work on it and you're fucking true blue Aussie matey![/QUOTE]

It's like fucking West Virginia, only with cooler accents!!!![/QUOTE]

To be correct chaz if you were in the west side of aus (where shadazz and I are from) it would be Aussie Rules Football not rugby. Thatsa for eastern staters.

Oh and shadazz, what up my fellow west aussie. Ever been to geraldton?[/QUOTE]

Yup, only once but it was stopping through to Exmouth for a holiday. Why's that?
Just asking. Thats where I live and I ran into somebody from perth the other day who had never heard of it.

So that gives us 2 aussies and a kiwi on the boards i think. We are growing in numbers. Although I do need a new schtick since I'm not the only aussie here anymore :(
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