Basically (as I understand it)
the Supreme court upheld the 1st Amendment regarding freedom of speech regarding private industry posting ads on TV
What I worry about is that.....
Private industry have a LOT more money and facility to broadcast and "drown" out any other candidate that can't afford TV/Radio ads. Now if a TV company (like NBC) wants to broadcast a ton of political ads at NBC expense there is no limit now. This can be a bad thing. A company DO have a limit on how much money they can give to a political figure, but what about if the company instead give political ads instead (which can be in the millions) instead? can you imagine how much power an advertising company has? or private industry with access to it?
Basically (as I understand it)
the Supreme court upheld the 1st Amendment regarding freedom of speech regarding private industry posting ads on TV
What I worry about is that.....
Private industry have a LOT more money and facility to broadcast and "drown" out any other candidate that can't afford TV/Radio ads. Now if a TV company (like NBC) wants to broadcast a ton of political ads at NBC expense there is no limit now. This can be a bad thing. A company DO have a limit on how much money they can give to a political figure, but what about if the company instead give political ads instead (which can be in the millions) instead? can you imagine how much power an advertising company has? or private industry with access to it?