Describe your dream web browser feature(s), things you wish you could do with it.

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And err, Chrome does have a "Home" button, folks, just have to turn it on manually :-P Options > First tab > somewhere mid-way "display button"
I would appreciated this fact more if google wasn't my homepage. The address bar (plus alt-home) makes that less than useful for me. Now if you could tell me a way to have an "I fell lucky" search within the address bar you would be my hero.
And err, Chrome does have a "Home" button, folks, just have to turn it on manually :-P Options > First tab > somewhere mid-way "display button"
I found there is also an extension to add a favorites button. If only it could support noscript.

Zumbo Prime

I'd say pretty much Firefox's customization, Chrome's speed, and being able to use that goddamned Windows Media Player plug-in.


Staff member
To a semi-pro web dev like me, HTML5 is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Finally, we're recognizing that asynchrony and media are core features.


It's actually preferred to use the YouTube beta for that instead of this plugin (it's redundant).
Huh. How long has that opt-in thing been there? Last I checked /html5 it was just a test video with a 3D thing.


EDIT: Oh... They're really gonna use h.264? Rather than the functionally equivalent, open source theora? So only browsers whose creators (Apple, Google) are willing and able to pay the licensing fee will work with it... :/

EDIT(2): Quality's a bit... lacking. Though it *is* a test, after all. Guess I'll have to stick to Flash for now.


Ah, well, that's good to know, thanks for the info. Firefox just needs it to be not "patent-encumbered"...

What with the Opera browser not being open source, I wonder what they will go with for the HTML 5 video...


I used to use Ubiquity. But since I started using Opera more, I became used using search keywords in the URL bar, so now I use Omnibar.

Also, why is the latest Ubiquity not compatible with Firefox 3.6?
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