Axe cop will chop your head off

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Looking back on the stuff I wrote as a child, I can't even imagine how it made sense in my head. I remember what a HUGE paradigm shift it was for me in Kindergarten when we learned about punctuation. It dawned on me immediately, as a 5 year old, that everything I'd written up to then was one giant run-on sentences for PAGES and was therefore absolute garbage.

(man it is actually kinda hard to not enter spaces automatically while typing)
Well I used spaces. But I wrote like a 5 year old speaks, using 'and' every six words and never finishing a thought.
Youtube puts things in the url to determine how you get to the video, like if you got there from somebody's channel or from an embedded player or from related videos. Generally, just delete everything after the ampersand in the url and it'll embed no problem.
Youtube puts things in the url to determine how you get to the video, like if you got there from somebody's channel or from an embedded player or from related videos. Generally, just delete everything after the ampersand in the url and it'll embed no problem.
I had tried that with no success. I guess I deleted too much or something?
The easiest way is to just use the url box right above the embed box. It gets rid of all the extra stuff and then all you need is to copy it directly into the forum.



Staff member
Heh, you should see some of the stuff I drew as a kid/pre-teen.

I'm sure that in my parents' place there's at least one whole cardboard box of my 'cartoons' involving the adventures of Conan the Barbarian and Star Wars rip-offs with elements of the latest thing I was crazy about (e.g. one story involving the aliens of Independence Day), as presented by ca... cat-faced... people... including... a cat-woman... love... interest...

Oh my fucking God, I made furry art as a kid! *facepalm*

Philosopher B.

I sometimes liked recreating shit as a kid. Somewhere I still have a tablet filled with my pictorial recreations of every scene from Fieval Goes West. That's every. Single. Scene.

I had a real thing about Fieval Goes West.


Staff member
Part of my interest in history came from the fact that I wanted to draw real-looking armor and outfits for my... eugh... furries. I loved illustrated history books to bits.

Zumbo Prime

This comes dangerously close to the Awesome level of Dr. McNinja.
I can't imagine they need a forum like us. Beside the fact that we're possibly a bit too crude for a comic written by a 5 year old, the artist works for Slave Labor Graphics and has a couple graphic novels out already.


Staff member
That's what I thought, too. But it's always worth a try.

Besides, more and more people are finding Twitter and Facebook an easier and more user friendly option. I've gotten a lot of responses to that effect.


Staff member
Meh, my posting is sporadic now. Not much going on here lately of interest, so I havent been checking.
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