And what was the one thing they harped on Obama about? His lack of experience. Now it'll be a good thing when the Republicans talk about it. You watch. The spin machine will be in full swing.She's had more executive experience than Obama, who built his career merely on community agitation and avoiding controversial votes.
And what was the one thing they harped on Obama about? His lack of experience. Now it'll be a good thing when the Republicans talk about it. You watch. The spin machine will be in full swing.[/QUOTE]She's had more executive experience than Obama, who built his career merely on community agitation and avoiding controversial votes.
And what was the one thing they harped on Obama about? His lack of experience. Now it'll be a good thing when the Republicans talk about it. You watch. The spin machine will be in full swing.[/QUOTE]She's had more executive experience than Obama, who built his career merely on community agitation and avoiding controversial votes.
Oddly enough I could get into a frenzy over this. Few things make me get really pissed off but the blind, hypocritical support of this fame hungry, sorority girl, piss poor politician just makes me raaaaaaaaaaaaaaage.:: Looks for supposed frenzy and sees nothing ::
Of course during the election that was merely flipped around by democrats so I guess the hypocrisy goes every which way huh? It's that sort of hypocrisy on both sides that just has me fed up with politics right now.Washington Outsider - republican
Dolt with no experience - democrat
Palin was governor of a state for 2.5 years, she can also produce a legitimate long-form American birth certificate.Obama has a background in Constitutional Law and graduated from Harvard magna cum laude.
Sarah Palin has a Bachelor's degree in communications which took her 7 years from 5 different colleges (she went to the University of Idaho twice).
Obama has a background in advocacy and working with poor and civil rights.
Sarah Palin has a nice ass.
I could keep going about Obama but I'm pretty much done with all Sarah's positive traits.
you are not serious there is no fucking way you are serious oh my god you are serious you are actually serious thank god you are in canadashe can also produce a legitimate long-form American birth certificate.
I'm sold.Sarah Palin has a nice ass.
you are not serious there is no fucking way you are serious oh my god you are serious you are actually serious thank god you are in canada[/QUOTE]she can also produce a legitimate long-form American birth certificate.
you are not serious there is no fucking way you are serious oh my god you are serious you are actually serious thank god you are in canada[/QUOTE]she can also produce a legitimate long-form American birth certificate.
Don't underestimate Obama's butt. He works out every day.Sarah Palin has a nice ass.
My spirits are low in the depths of despairBeck/Palin 2012. You know it makes sense.
Horrible, horrible sense.
My spirits are low in the depths of despairBeck/Palin 2012. You know it makes sense.
Horrible, horrible sense.
Don't come a hangin' around my doorBachmann/Palin
I just can't believe American media... The next day after that pitch, Good Morning America was talking to "Fashion Experts" saying that he should have been wearing skinny jeans.Yeah, Obama hotness
*pic snip*
And became editor of the Harvard Law Review, despite not publishing a single article in it. Pattern?Obama has a background in Constitutional Law and graduated from Harvard magna cum laude.
Much like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.Obama has a background in advocacy and working with poor and civil rights.
In Obama's time, as it is today, the Harvard Law Review was one of the most important and distinguished legal publications in the world. Founded in 1887, it is the rare self-supporting legal publication compiled and edited completely by students, typically those attending their second or third year at the prestigious school.
After winning a spot on the Review, Obama beat out 18 other contenders to become the first African-American president in the then-103-year history of the Review, and his duties included leading discussions and debates to determine what to print from the mountain of submissions from judges, scholars and authors from across the country, supervising the thorough editing of each issue's contents and giving every article what's known as a \"P-read\" once it was finally considered ready for publication.
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by President Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush’s potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article “The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion.”
McConnell told Politico, “A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn’t do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view.” McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.