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It's telling us to vote for PALIN in 2012.

What the FUCK google ads.




Well she does have the qualifications to be a news analyst now...

But WTH would she be running for?




Oh come on! She has the experience to lead a nation! I mean, she served on the Wasilla city council for 4 years and was the mayor for 6. And this is a major city of about 5,500 people!! Then she was Alaska's governor for a half a term!

And she doesn't use a teleprompter. She's old school. She writes notes on her hand!




She's had more executive experience than Obama, who built his career merely on community agitation and avoiding controversial votes.




No matter how much mud you throw at the horse, it will still look better than the brainless nag. :p




She's had more executive experience than Obama, who built his career merely on community agitation and avoiding controversial votes.
And what was the one thing they harped on Obama about? His lack of experience. Now it'll be a good thing when the Republicans talk about it. You watch. The spin machine will be in full swing.




She's an energetic, forthright Washington-outsider who still has more leadership experience than our disaster of a president.

You guys are just grouchy because you can't reconcile your desire to bang her with your fear and hatred for all things good and sensible in the world.




She's had more executive experience than Obama, who built his career merely on community agitation and avoiding controversial votes.
And what was the one thing they harped on Obama about? His lack of experience. Now it'll be a good thing when the Republicans talk about it. You watch. The spin machine will be in full swing.[/QUOTE]

I laid into a buddy about this who was trying SO HARD to convince me she was just so ready to lead this nation. It's so blindly hypocritical it just pisses me off. This lady is the WORST candidate for them to go with for so many reasons but when they tout her "experience"? Barf.




She's had more executive experience than Obama, who built his career merely on community agitation and avoiding controversial votes.
And what was the one thing they harped on Obama about? His lack of experience. Now it'll be a good thing when the Republicans talk about it. You watch. The spin machine will be in full swing.[/QUOTE]

I laid into a buddy about this who was trying SO HARD to convince me she was just so ready to lead this nation. It's so blindly hypocritical it just pisses me off. This lady is the WORST candidate for them to go with for so many reasons but when they tout her "experience"? Barf.[/QUOTE]

Sshhhh! Dude! Ixnay! I'm orkingway the iberalslay into a othfray!

PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012! PALIN 2012!




:: Looks for supposed frenzy and sees nothing ::





Oh sorry.

GO SARAH! She'll git them that TOOK MA JERB!!!!

---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 AM ----------

:: Looks for supposed frenzy and sees nothing ::

Oddly enough I could get into a frenzy over this. Few things make me get really pissed off but the blind, hypocritical support of this fame hungry, sorority girl, piss poor politician just makes me raaaaaaaaaaaaaaage.




Eh, I probably blew it when I accused Dave of "hating and fearing all that is good and sensible." I'm sure at that moment the light went on and he said, "Ok, GB's trollin'." This thread was just such a delicious target, I couldn't resist.

Yeah, anyway, Palin's not the worst candidate ever put up by either party, but she's not what is needed, and she won't win. Of course, what's needed is a Libertarian... but they won't win either.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Washington Outsider - republican
Dolt with no experience - democrat




Washington Outsider - republican
Dolt with no experience - democrat
Of course during the election that was merely flipped around by democrats so I guess the hypocrisy goes every which way huh? It's that sort of hypocrisy on both sides that just has me fed up with politics right now.




I wish I had more to say, but I feel like I've said it a hundred times. Sum it up to me feeling sorry for those who want a serious Republican party. As it stands now, there's not a whole lot to take seriously.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I don't remember Obama being touted as a Washington Outsider nearly as much as Palin.

And Palin gives us plenty of reasons to think she's a dolt other than her lack of experience.




See, I knew this would be the ultimate consequence of GW Bush's presidency. Not the middle east conflicts, or terrorism, or any of that garbage. The worst thing to come out of his presidency is that now we have to put up with these 'straight talking', good ol' boy/girl, frat-house/sorority-house dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks good-looking jerkwads who think they can just schmooze their way into higher office.

Sad thing is, a great many probably will.





Obama has a background in Constitutional Law and graduated from Harvard magna cum laude.

Sarah Palin has a Bachelor's degree in communications which took her 7 years from 5 different colleges (she went to the University of Idaho twice).

Obama has a background in advocacy and working with poor and civil rights.

Sarah Palin has a nice ass.

I could keep going about Obama but I'm pretty much done with all Sarah's positive traits.




Obama has a background in Constitutional Law and graduated from Harvard magna cum laude.

Sarah Palin has a Bachelor's degree in communications which took her 7 years from 5 different colleges (she went to the University of Idaho twice).

Obama has a background in advocacy and working with poor and civil rights.

Sarah Palin has a nice ass.

I could keep going about Obama but I'm pretty much done with all Sarah's positive traits.
Palin was governor of a state for 2.5 years, she can also produce a legitimate long-form American birth certificate.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

she can also produce a legitimate long-form American birth certificate.
you are not serious there is no fucking way you are serious oh my god you are serious you are actually serious thank god you are in canada


Kitty Sinatra

Sarah Palin has a nice ass.
I'm sold.

Palin 2012!

Attention all Republicans of the United States
Attention all Republicans of the United States
Attention all Republicans of the United States
We have assumed control
We have assumed control
We have assumed control
You betcha!




she can also produce a legitimate long-form American birth certificate.
you are not serious there is no fucking way you are serious oh my god you are serious you are actually serious thank god you are in canada[/QUOTE]

I guess you weren't around when I was actively proving he was born in the US, including proving that the Bamford fraud was a forgery.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

she can also produce a legitimate long-form American birth certificate.
you are not serious there is no fucking way you are serious oh my god you are serious you are actually serious thank god you are in canada[/QUOTE]

I guess you weren't around when I was actively proving he was born in the US, including proving that the Bamford fraud was a forgery.[/QUOTE]

okay, whew.




Although he still hasn't produced a legitimate long-form American birth certificate.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Sarah Palin has a nice ass.
Don't underestimate Obama's butt. He works out every day.




Yeah, Obama hotness



Beck/Palin 2012. You know it makes sense.

Horrible, horrible sense.


Kitty Sinatra

Beck/Palin 2012. You know it makes sense.

Horrible, horrible sense.
My spirits are low in the depths of despair
My lifeblood...
...Spills over...




Beck/Palin 2012. You know it makes sense.

Horrible, horrible sense.
My spirits are low in the depths of despair
My lifeblood...
...Spills over...[/QUOTE]

Bachmann/Palin is what is being bandied about. That's 10 times worse.

I'm concerned about legit stupidity tickets like say Palin/Lieberman.


Kitty Sinatra

Don't come a hangin' around my door
Don't wanna see your face no more
I don't need your war machines
I don't need your ghetto scenes
Coloured lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else's eyes
Now Woman, get away from me




Yeah, Obama hotness
*pic snip*
I just can't believe American media... The next day after that pitch, Good Morning America was talking to "Fashion Experts" saying that he should have been wearing skinny jeans.

1. The complaint should have been that he is the Prez and should not go out in public in Jeans...
2. He's in his mid-forties. Why the hell should he be wearing teenager clothes.


Kitty Sinatra

hmm, I should've done a Bachmann-Palin Overdrive thing.




Obama has a background in Constitutional Law and graduated from Harvard magna cum laude.
And became editor of the Harvard Law Review, despite not publishing a single article in it. Pattern?

Obama has a background in advocacy and working with poor and civil rights.
Much like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.




From Politico
In Obama's time, as it is today, the Harvard Law Review was one of the most important and distinguished legal publications in the world. Founded in 1887, it is the rare self-supporting legal publication compiled and edited completely by students, typically those attending their second or third year at the prestigious school.
After winning a spot on the Review, Obama beat out 18 other contenders to become the first African-American president in the then-103-year history of the Review, and his duties included leading discussions and debates to determine what to print from the mountain of submissions from judges, scholars and authors from across the country, supervising the thorough editing of each issue's contents and giving every article what's known as a \"P-read\" once it was finally considered ready for publication.

Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by President Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush’s potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article “The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion.”

McConnell told Politico, “A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn’t do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view.” McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

What a bad man.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Obama is a good-lookin' man.




Obama is a good-lookin' man.
So is Mrs Obama




Shinkuuuuu... HADOUKEN!!!!

(... and Massachusetts)




Gasbandit - Relying on the opinions of others since 1990.


Kitty Sinatra

I thought Xena was Greek. What's she doing voting in an American election?

Also . . . shouldn't she have voted for McCain? Poor guy seems to have been overshadowed.




I'm sorry, did you post something? I tend to adblock all of your sad misguided political "jokes".


Kitty Sinatra

I'm sorry, did you post something? I tend to adblock all of your sad misguided political "jokes".
I didn't realize my jokes were so bad :tear:




I'm sorry, did you post something? I tend to adblock all of your sad misguided political "jokes".
I didn't realize my jokes were so bad :tear:[/QUOTE]
Oh, do you post a hoard of images from the same website?


Kitty Sinatra

Well, it is an archive of lame jokes so I am awfully tempted.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I am so hard right now




Halforum's weak-minded Liberal pseudointellectuals said:

La La La La I can't hear you!!




Halforum's weak-minded Liberal pseudointellectuals said:

La La La La I can't hear you!!
Of course we can't hear YOU. We're hearing all your right wing nutjob talking point buddies. When we hear YOU it'll be a gloriously cold day in Hades.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I block your pictures that have less content than 1940's propaganda posters.

I read your words and reject nearly every single conclusion you reach about everything.




I think Dave and Charlie have pretty much said what I am thinking atm. These fine gentlemen have hit the nail on the head.




So "I think we would have been worse off under McCain than Obama" is now a right wing nutjob talking point position? Interesting.

But what you three are really saying is "we can't deal with information contrary to our position, so instead we will belittle the medium in which the information is delivered, and that way we can look smart without actually having to address the opposition."



So "I think we would have been worse off under McCain than Obama" is now a right wing nutjob talking point position? Interesting.
No, but this is:


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

There is no more information in your pictures than a Michael Moore film.




There is no more information in your pictures than a Michael Moore film.
Oh shit. Now it's on.





So "I think we would have been worse off under McCain than Obama" is now a right wing nutjob talking point position? Interesting.
No, but this is:


Nah, that's just funny, is what that is. Funny because it's true.

There is no more information in your pictures than a Michael Moore film.
That is a statistical impossibility.


Kitty Sinatra

There is no more information in your pictures than a Michael Moore film.
That is a statistical impossibility.[/QUOTE]

I'm confused. I know you're suggesting that there's zero info in a Moore film, but I'm trying to figure out how you translate "No More" into "Less."

But anyway. This thread isn't as fun as it should be. Someone poured a jar of serious into it.


Philosopher B.

She's had more executive experience than Obama, who built his career merely on community agitation and avoiding controversial votes.
I kind of miss Invader. :p




She's an energetic, forthright Washington-outsider who still has more leadership experience than our disaster of a president.





I block your pictures that have less content than 1940's propaganda posters.

I read your words and reject nearly every single conclusion you reach about everything.
It's lose lips like yours that sink ships.




Uh oh. NR fell for Gas' obvious attempts at trolling. And our obvious attempts at trolling back.





I block your pictures that have less content than 1940's propaganda posters.

I read your words and reject nearly every single conclusion you reach about everything.
It's lose lips like yours that sink ships.[/QUOTE]
What the hell did you just say?




I block your pictures that have less content than 1940's propaganda posters.

I read your words and reject nearly every single conclusion you reach about everything.
It's lose lips like yours that sink ships.[/QUOTE]
What the hell did you just say?[/QUOTE]

It sounded like some kind of racial slur, but I'm confused as to its meaning.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Loose lips sink ships. It was a WW2 Propaganda Poster catchphrase. Now the joke is RUINED




Loose lips sink ships. It was a WW2 Propaganda Poster catchphrase. Now the joke is RUINED
No, no, he said "lose". Clearly something else entirely.




Uh oh. NR fell for Gas' obvious attempts at trolling. And our obvious attempts at trolling back.

Nah. That was just the greatest piece of comedy I've heard in ages :p




Sorry I am late a day, work, as usual.

But I saw these today and had to bring them back over here. I'll imageshack them, just for our resident finger-in-ear society ;)


Kitty Sinatra

It's like Sarah Palin was Obama's opponent last election! Poor, forgotten John McCain.




It's like Sarah Palin was Obama's opponent last election! Poor, forgotten John McCain.
Actually, if you listened to the democrat candidates, pundits and supporters, Obama's opponent last election was George W. Bush.




It's like Sarah Palin was Obama's opponent last election! Poor, forgotten John McCain.
Actually, if you listened to the democrat candidates, pundits and supporters, Obama's opponent last election was George W. Bush.[/QUOTE]
Considering McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time, might as well have been. :sneaky:




It's like Sarah Palin was Obama's opponent last election! Poor, forgotten John McCain.
Actually, if you listened to the democrat candidates, pundits and supporters, Obama's opponent last election was George W. Bush.[/QUOTE]
Considering McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time, might as well have been. :sneaky:[/QUOTE]

Except that's a complete fallacy, since Bush never got a vote in the senate, and if you judge by the same criteria, even Harry Reid voted "with Bush" most of the time.




It's like Sarah Palin was Obama's opponent last election! Poor, forgotten John McCain.
Actually, if you listened to the democrat candidates, pundits and supporters, Obama's opponent last election was George W. Bush.[/QUOTE]
Considering McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time, might as well have been. :sneaky:[/QUOTE]

Except that's a complete fallacy, since Bush never got a vote in the senate, and if you judge by the same criteria, even Harry Reid voted "with Bush" most of the time.[/QUOTE]
Is that why I don't like Harry Reid?

You know exactly what I mean. Or you don't and I'm sad for you.




Is that why I don't like Harry Reid?
Man, I don't know why you don't like Harry, he likes you as long as you don't use that negro dialect. ;)




Is that why I don't like Harry Reid?
Man, I don't know why you don't like Harry, he likes you as long as you don't use that negro dialect. ;)[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, that's one of the reasons I don't like Harry Reid!




It's like Sarah Palin was Obama's opponent last election! Poor, forgotten John McCain.
Actually, if you listened to the democrat candidates, pundits and supporters, Obama's opponent last election was George W. Bush.[/QUOTE]
Considering McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time, might as well have been. :sneaky:[/QUOTE]

Except that's a complete fallacy, since Bush never got a vote in the senate, and if you judge by the same criteria, even Harry Reid voted "with Bush" most of the time.[/QUOTE]
Is that why I don't like Harry Reid?

You know exactly what I mean. Or you don't and I'm sad for you.[/QUOTE]

I know what you're trying to insinuate, which is false. McCain was tarred as being "the same as Bush," which he wasn't and isn't. Granted, he was still the wrong candidate... but he was not Bush.




It's like Sarah Palin was Obama's opponent last election! Poor, forgotten John McCain.
Actually, if you listened to the democrat candidates, pundits and supporters, Obama's opponent last election was George W. Bush.[/QUOTE]
Considering McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time, might as well have been. :sneaky:[/QUOTE]

Except that's a complete fallacy, since Bush never got a vote in the senate, and if you judge by the same criteria, even Harry Reid voted "with Bush" most of the time.[/QUOTE]
Is that why I don't like Harry Reid?

You know exactly what I mean. Or you don't and I'm sad for you.[/QUOTE]

I know what you're trying to insinuate, which is false. McCain was tarred as being "the same as Bush," which he wasn't and isn't. Granted, he was still the wrong candidate... but he was not Bush.[/QUOTE]
Everything he said during the campaign was pretty close Bush's policies. This made it pretty easy for me to decide where my support lay. Besides, you say "tarred as being 'the same as Bush'" like it's a bad thing.




It's like Sarah Palin was Obama's opponent last election! Poor, forgotten John McCain.
Actually, if you listened to the democrat candidates, pundits and supporters, Obama's opponent last election was George W. Bush.[/QUOTE]
Considering McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time, might as well have been. :sneaky:[/QUOTE]

Except that's a complete fallacy, since Bush never got a vote in the senate, and if you judge by the same criteria, even Harry Reid voted "with Bush" most of the time.[/QUOTE]
Is that why I don't like Harry Reid?

You know exactly what I mean. Or you don't and I'm sad for you.[/QUOTE]

I know what you're trying to insinuate, which is false. McCain was tarred as being "the same as Bush," which he wasn't and isn't. Granted, he was still the wrong candidate... but he was not Bush.[/QUOTE]
Everything he said during the campaign was pretty close Bush's policies. This made it pretty easy for me to decide where my support lay. Besides, you say "tarred as being 'the same as Bush'" like it's a bad thing.[/QUOTE]

Oh it was most definitely a bad thing. The reason the Democrat party was swept into power in 2006 was because voters, even conservative voters, had become disgusted with republicans "spending like drunken democrats" (if only they knew, eh?), and in particular bush budgets that bloated over the trillion dollar mark with new drug entitlements and other discretionary spending. No matter you be on the left or the right, being compared to Bush was not a favorable comparison : The left hated him for the war on terror, the right hated him for... well, what I just said. You don't get Bushesque approval numbers because everybody's mad at you for just one thing.

As for the campaign, if there's anything we can definitely take away from the Obama presidency is that what you say during the campaign is in no way indicative of where your loyalties and priorities lie... you say what you think you need to say to get elected. Previous to his run for the presidency, McCain was the poster child for RINOs, often called "the liberal media's favorite republican" for his repeatedly demonstrated tendency to break ranks and cross the aisle. Plus, there was McCain-Feingold and McCain-Kennedy... neither of which exactly got him any conservative brownie points.




I don't know if you know this, but people like blank spaces. Walls of text make reading nearly impossible.

Break it up, man! I promise I'll have a much easier time reading what you write.




I don't know if you know this, but people like blank spaces.
The '08 election summed up in one sentence :D

Walls of text make reading nearly impossible.

Break it up, man! I promise I'll have a much easier time reading what you write.
Come on, man! That was two very short paragraphs! And there was even an extra line feed between them!




This is what it looks like to me. I'm just saying if you want to rant and rave, it works better if you don't have over 100 words strung together in a line like that.

It is the internet. It doesn't have to be a full paragraph.




1) Your text size is totally jacked up. Hold CTRL and roll your mouse roller down a click or two.

2) You're squishing the forum to only take up half your 1440 horizontal pixels, IE trying to make a site intended to be viewed @ at least 1024x768 (preferably 1280x1024 or more) be scrunched into an, at most, 800x800 block. No wonder it looks like a wall to you, it's more along the lines of a tower of text.

3) What size is your monitor? If you're running at 1440x900... which is what I'd expect a 19 inch or less monitor to be.. if you're running a 22" or larger monitor, you probably aren't at native resolution.

Here's how the post looks when properly viewed (my monitor at work isn't widescreen, but it's a 19" 1280x1024)




Which is still too obnoxious for decent reading. It's not an essay, Gas, it's a forum.

Sheesh, last time I try to help.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Krisken, stop being such a dolt. It looks really stupid to cry over reading 10 sentences. You're making GasBandit look good :p




Krisken, stop being such a dolt. It looks really stupid to cry over reading 10 sentences. You're making GasBandit look good :p
Offer a suggestion= Crying and make Gasbandit look good.

Sometimes I don't get this place.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Cry was a poor word choice. But complain. This is a discussion forum, not Twitter.



1) Your text size is totally jacked up. Hold CTRL and roll your mouse roller down a click or two.

2) You're squishing the forum to only take up half your 1440 horizontal pixels, IE trying to make a site intended to be viewed @ at least 1024x768 (preferably 1280x1024 or more) be scrunched into an, at most, 800x800 block. No wonder it looks like a wall to you, it's more along the lines of a tower of text.

3) What size is your monitor? If you're running at 1440x900... which is what I'd expect a 19 inch or less monitor to be.. if you're running a 22" or larger monitor, you probably aren't at native resolution.

Here's how the post looks when properly viewed (my monitor at work isn't widescreen, but it's a 19" 1280x1024)

Still a big wall o text gas. Dear god.... can't you be a little concise? Seriously, stop bitching about congress and start cutting the pork from your own posts.




Are people really complaining about 2 paragraphs of reading? Good lord people. There are walls of text on this board so big it makes china look bad and 2 paragraphs has people upset?



These are GB paragraphs. 1% sense 99% blah blah blah.

Just trying to do Gas and the world a favor by cutting the blah.




I don't know why I have to say this. I wasn't upset, I was just offering a friendly suggestion.

Christ, people, you'd think I stomped on his foot and called him a man-whore.

I've got it now. Don't offer suggestions to make the reading easier. I'll just ignore the post altogether.




Are people really complaining about 2 paragraphs of reading? Good lord people. There are walls of text on this board so big it makes china look bad and 2 paragraphs has people upset?
You have to keep your target audience in mind. Once (on the image boards) I posted 3 sentences together, and got about 6 TL;DR responses. Heh.



Are people really complaining about 2 paragraphs of reading? Good lord people. There are walls of text on this board so big it makes china look bad and 2 paragraphs has people upset?
You have to keep your target audience in mind. Once (on the image boards) I posted 3 sentences together, and got about 6 TL;DR responses. Heh.[/QUOTE]

Were they three pointless sentences? That would be a factor.




Are people really complaining about 2 paragraphs of reading? Good lord people. There are walls of text on this board so big it makes china look bad and 2 paragraphs has people upset?
You have to keep your target audience in mind. Once (on the image boards) I posted 3 sentences together, and got about 6 TL;DR responses. Heh.[/QUOTE]
It has NOTHING to do with target audience. The human mind is set to ignore blocks of text. It's why resumes are built with blank areas in mind.

4 C's, people. Clear, concise, complete, and correct. It really isn't a hard concept.

Of course, we could just keep writing the same rambling crap over and over and say "I win" when people have no clue what you are talking about.




is that tatto real? It looks so fake.


Kitty Sinatra

4 C's, people. Clear, concise, complete, and correct. It really isn't a hard concept.
Yeah, you'll never see that last C here Krisken.




Look, I'm sorry, but if 7 sentences divided into 2 paragraphs is too much for someone to handle, that person needs to go back to elementary school. Yeah, people hate huge amounts of text and nobody reads them. That's why all scientific journals just copypasta twitter feeds, and why Harry Potter sold so horribly.

It's a forum, not IRC. Discussion often merits lots of words. Complaining about lots of words is asinine - it's the 1-sentence snark posts that should get the ire. Hell, I remember when it took at least 5 paragraphs of 10 sentences each to merit a TL;DR... there has been quite the dumbing down around here since then I guess.


Kitty Sinatra

there has been quite the dumbing down around here since then I guess.
Well yeah. Invader left.




Look, I'm sorry, but if 7 sentences divided into 2 paragraphs is too much for someone to handle, that person needs to go back to elementary school. Yeah, people hate huge amounts of text and nobody reads them. That's why all scientific journals just copypasta twitter feeds, and why Harry Potter sold so horribly.

It's a forum, not IRC. Discussion often merits lots of words. Complaining about lots of words is asinine - it's the 1-sentence snark posts that should get the ire. Hell, I remember when it took at least 5 paragraphs of 10 sentences each to merit a TL;DR... there has been quite the dumbing down around here since then I guess.


Kitty Sinatra

Oh damn. How did I miss that opening?




Look, if you want to obfuscate your point by rambling in 7 sentences what could be said in two, that is your problem, not mine. It isn't "dumbing down" to use clear and concise sentences.

I'll make it clear for you. If I have to read run on sentences that don't make sense, you can argue with yourself. I know how much you like having someone to argue with though.




Look, if you want to obfuscate your point by rambling in 7 sentences what could be said in two, that is your problem, not mine. It isn't "dumbing down" to use clear and concise sentences.

I'll make it clear for you. If I have to read run on sentences that don't make sense, you can argue with yourself. I know how much you like having someone to argue with though.




Look, if you want to obfuscate your point by rambling in 7 sentences what could be said in two, that is your problem, not mine. It isn't "dumbing down" to use clear and concise sentences.

I'll make it clear for you. If I have to read run on sentences that don't make sense, you can argue with yourself. I know how much you like having someone to argue with though.
That's an ignore ;)




Look, if you want to obfuscate your point by rambling in 7 sentences what could be said in two, that is your problem, not mine. It isn't "dumbing down" to use clear and concise sentences.

I'll make it clear for you. If I have to read run on sentences that don't make sense, you can argue with yourself. I know how much you like having someone to argue with though.
That's an ignore ;)[/QUOTE]

Boy, you're just the squickiest little mangina ever, aren't you? You could give nancy lessons to ThatNickGuy.

Go on, ignore me, you little bitch. You're absolutely pathetic.

Short enough? Or is it still TL;DR?




I'm sorry, did you say something Gas? All I saw were ad hominem attacks. I thought you hated those. Oh wait, that is your hypocrisy showing, isn't it?



Look, I'm sorry, but if 7 sentences divided into 2 paragraphs is too much for someone to handle, that person needs to go back to elementary school. Yeah, people hate huge amounts of text and nobody reads them. That's why all scientific journals just copypasta twitter feeds, and why Harry Potter sold so horribly.

It's a forum, not IRC. Discussion often merits lots of words. Complaining about lots of words is asinine - it's the 1-sentence snark posts that should get the ire. Hell, I remember when it took at least 5 paragraphs of 10 sentences each to merit a TL;DR... there has been quite the dumbing down around here since then I guess.
I have no problem reading 20 paragraphs that are worth reading. But yours are just nonsense and blather. THAT is the problem. Krisken's only mistake was trying to get you to stop being a jabbering idiot and actually make sense for your own benefit. That will never happen, he is so naive. In the end you have always believed and will always believe that more words= correctness.

And be serious except for the times when he's singing back up for you, you ignore Covar too because he never has anything worthwhile to say. Also the only people you really pay attention to are the ones who disagree with you so that you can whip out the wall o text and bore them into submission.




Look, I'm sorry, but if 7 sentences divided into 2 paragraphs is too much for someone to handle, that person needs to go back to elementary school. Yeah, people hate huge amounts of text and nobody reads them. That's why all scientific journals just copypasta twitter feeds, and why Harry Potter sold so horribly.

It's a forum, not IRC. Discussion often merits lots of words. Complaining about lots of words is asinine - it's the 1-sentence snark posts that should get the ire. Hell, I remember when it took at least 5 paragraphs of 10 sentences each to merit a TL;DR... there has been quite the dumbing down around here since then I guess.
I have no problem reading 20 paragraphs that are worth reading. But yours are just nonsense and blather. THAT is the problem. Krisken's only mistake was trying to get you to stop being a jabbering idiot and actually make sense for your own benefit. That will never happen, he is so naive. In the end you have always believed and will always believe that more words= correctness.

And be serious except for the times when he's singing back up for you, you ignore Covar too because he never has anything worthwhile to say. Also the only people you really pay attention to are the ones who disagree with you so that you can whip out the wall o text and bore them into submission.[/QUOTE]




Look, I'm sorry, but if 7 sentences divided into 2 paragraphs is too much for someone to handle, that person needs to go back to elementary school. Yeah, people hate huge amounts of text and nobody reads them. That's why all scientific journals just copypasta twitter feeds, and why Harry Potter sold so horribly.

It's a forum, not IRC. Discussion often merits lots of words. Complaining about lots of words is asinine - it's the 1-sentence snark posts that should get the ire. Hell, I remember when it took at least 5 paragraphs of 10 sentences each to merit a TL;DR... there has been quite the dumbing down around here since then I guess.
I have no problem reading 20 paragraphs that are worth reading. But yours are just nonsense and blather. THAT is the problem. Krisken's only mistake was trying to get you to stop being a jabbering idiot and actually make sense for your own benefit. That will never happen, he is so naive. In the end you have always believed and will always believe that more words= correctness.

And be serious except for the times when he's singing back up for you, you ignore Covar too because he never has anything worthwhile to say. Also the only people you really pay attention to are the ones who disagree with you so that you can whip out the wall o text and bore them into submission.[/QUOTE]


more like too much sense;don't care.






Philosopher B.





I'm sorry, did you say something Gas? All I saw were ad hominem attacks. I thought you hated those. Oh wait, that is your hypocrisy showing, isn't it?
This thread stopped being a genuine debate when you pulled the TLDR out over 7 sentences. Since, it's just devolved into an exercise in absurdity, during which I have no problems with ad hominems since your fallacy has already derailed the train.

And speaking of ad hominems, here comes the reigning queen of the fallacy -

more like too much sense;don't care.
More like, "My name is makare, and my brain refuses to attempt to process anything that disagrees with my hyper-leftist outlook that I think has ironclad moral and logical authority because I grew up poor as dirt, eating dirt and washing with dirt and now I go to Dirt Law School so I can become a lawyer in my quest to become even less bearable, putting the final nail in the coffin that assures I will die cold, alone and unloved because I'm a crazy-ass-bitch."

Oh, I'm sorry, was that too many words again?

More like ITFATL2FSD1; In this forum and the last two forums since day one :D


Kitty Sinatra

When did this thread start being a genuine debate?





---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------

When did this thread start being a genuine debate?

Try keeping it within 3 characters please.




When did this thread start being a genuine debate?
Briefly, starting at the bottom of page 2.


Kitty Sinatra


---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------

When did this thread start being a genuine debate?

Try keeping it within 3 characters please.[/QUOTE]





Make sense? No fair!
Sorry, what? I can't hear you through the point you are trying to make but fail to by blowing everything way out of proportion.







Make sense? No fair!
Sorry, what? I can't hear you through the point you are trying to make but fail to by blowing everything way out of proportion.

I'm not the one who complained about the onerous, unreasonable expectation of READING a few dozen words on a MESSAGEBOARD.





---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------

When did this thread start being a genuine debate?

Try keeping it within 3 characters please.[/QUOTE]



Kitty Sinatra


---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------

When did this thread start being a genuine debate?

Try keeping it within 3 characters please.[/QUOTE]






I'm not the one who complained about the onerous, unreasonable expectation of READING a few dozen words on a MESSAGEBOARD.
No, what you did was take a friendly suggestion to help you turn around your shit poor writing and turned it into a clusterfuck of stupidity. Well congratulations, it worked.


Kitty Sinatra

y'know. I'm starting to think that if Krisky and Gassy are on opposite sides of the spectrum, I want to find a new spectrum. On the left: those who are happy; on the right: those who are happy; Those in the centre are really happy.

Also, my new spectrum looks like a bed. Join me, Halforums.

(Sorry for the long-winded post, Covar.)



And speaking of ad hominems, here comes the reigning queen of the fallacy -

more like too much sense;don't care.
More like, "My name is makare, and my brain refuses to attempt to process anything that disagrees with my hyper-leftist outlook that I think has ironclad moral and logical authority because I grew up poor as dirt, eating dirt and washing with dirt and now I go to Dirt Law School so I can become a lawyer in my quest to become even less bearable, putting the final nail in the coffin that assures I will die cold, alone and unloved because I'm a crazy-ass-bitch."

Oh, I'm sorry, was that too many words again?
And what was the fallacy gas? Fact- you pile so much shit into your posts that no sensible person can get anything out of them. And when was the last time I said anything remotely leftist? Irrational bias is your playing field not mine.

I didn't think we would get to the point where you actually were pissed off enough to start saying that kind of crap but I guess I was wrong. I find that hilarious.

You are wrong about two things, I never ate or bathed in dirt and my law school is just fine. You just find me unbearable because I am not covar who licks your ass or krisken who thinks you are one. I see you for what you are and that pisses the hell out of you.

You just need some cuddles from a crazy ass bitch.




I'm not the one who complained about the onerous, unreasonable expectation of READING a few dozen words on a MESSAGEBOARD.
No, what you did was take a friendly suggestion to help you turn around your shit poor writing and turned it into a clusterfuck of stupidity. Well congratulations, it worked.[/QUOTE]

Friendly suggestion? More like ludicrous whine. That you still think anybody other than makare commiserates with your assertion that 210 words (which takes up 2.5 inches in size 12 Times
New Roman on a sheet of 8.5"x11" paper) is almost evidence of mental disability.

y'know. I'm starting to think that if Krisky and Gassy are on opposite sides of the spectrum, I want to find a new spectrum. On the left: those who are happy; on the right: those who are happy; Those in the centre are really happy.

Also, my new spectrum looks like a bed. Join me, Halforums.

(Sorry for the long-winded post, Covar.)
That's not a spectrum. It's also an impossibility because any measure of happiness must be bought at the expense of the misery of others. Including that bed your spectrum is going to use, being as it is made from wood from a rainforest by indentured, underpaid labor.

And what was the fallacy gas?
The fallacies that you make every single time you enter a thread where I'm taking part in a discussion where your only contribution, since time immemorial, has been "Gas Bandit is full of shit and stupid." You don't make points, you don't offer evidence or even reason. You enter with an ad-hominem and then profess your adherence to logic.

Fact- you pile so much shit into your posts that no sensible person can get anything out of them.
Actually, most sensible people do just fine. I think the problem is those of you who have taken leave of your senses.
And when was the last time I said anything remotely leftist? Irrational bias is your playing field not mine.
Granted, it's been quite a long time, for reasons mentioned above. You've expressed your liberal sympathies many a time in the past, but any time a discussion or argument comes up, you always go straight for the fallacious methodology because you know your own assertions can't stand up to scrutiny.

I didn't think we would get to the point where you actually were pissed off enough to start saying that kind of crap but I guess I was wrong. I find that hilarious.
Keep laughing, makare, it's plain you're crying on the inside.

You are wrong about two things, I never ate or bathed in dirt and my law school is just fine.
You really are so dense light bends around you. I was mocking you with hyperbole. That I had to explain that to you in plain language is just too sad for words.

You just find me unbearable because I am not covar who licks your ass or krisken who thinks you are one.
Covar is extremely unfamiliar with the location or disposition of my posterior. It's just too bad nobody wants to get anywhere near yours ;)

I see you for what you are and that pisses the hell out of you.
You're so deluded it's almost comical. You haven't seen anything for what it was, ever. Least of all, yourself.

You just need some cuddles from a crazy ass bitch.
See, here's the rub of the situation - the years of unsatisfied, unrequited sexual tension you've built up lusting after me since our first argument all those years ago in the thread about hazing in school sports. I feel a little sorry for you in this regard, especially since the near totality of your social life is ensconced within the confines of a single IRC channel. I'm still wondering if this "Robin" you keep talking about isn't your very own Tyler Durden.

In summary,

Nuff text for ya?


Kitty Sinatra


(Too gassy; didn't read)




I'm pretty sure your Ass is in a Radio Station somewhere Gas. My guess currently consists of a secret location in sunny south Florida.

TL;DR GasBandit == Mr Snerdly



And what was the fallacy gas?
The fallacies that you make every single time you enter a thread where I'm taking part in a discussion where your only contribution, since time immemorial, has been "Gas Bandit is full of shit and stupid." You don't make points, you don't offer evidence or even reason. You enter with an ad-hominem and then profess your adherence to logic.

Fact- you pile so much shit into your posts that no sensible person can get anything out of them.
Actually, most sensible people do just fine. I think the problem is those of you who have taken leave of your senses.
And when was the last time I said anything remotely leftist? Irrational bias is your playing field not mine.
Granted, it's been quite a long time, for reasons mentioned above. You've expressed your liberal sympathies many a time in the past, but any time a discussion or argument comes up, you always go straight for the fallacious methodology because you know your own assertions can't stand up to scrutiny.

I didn't think we would get to the point where you actually were pissed off enough to start saying that kind of crap but I guess I was wrong. I find that hilarious.
Keep laughing, makare, it's plain you're crying on the inside.

You are wrong about two things, I never ate or bathed in dirt and my law school is just fine.
You really are so dense light bends around you. I was mocking you with hyperbole. That I had to explain that to you in plain language is just too sad for words.

You just find me unbearable because I am not covar who licks your ass or krisken who thinks you are one.
Covar is extremely unfamiliar with the location or disposition of my posterior. It's just too bad nobody wants to get anywhere near yours ;)

I see you for what you are and that pisses the hell out of you.
You're so deluded it's almost comical. You haven't seen anything for what it was, ever. Least of all, yourself.

You just need some cuddles from a crazy ass bitch.
See, here's the rub of the situation - the years of unsatisfied, unrequited sexual tension you've built up lusting after me since our first argument all those years ago in the thread about hazing in school sports. I feel a little sorry for you in this regard, especially since the near totality of your social life is ensconced within the confines of a single IRC channel. I'm still wondering if this "Robin" you keep talking about isn't your very own Tyler Durden.

In summary,

That was pretty impressive. I gave up trying to actually argue points with you years ago when i figured out that all you do is counter with crap... an endless flow of it. I would like to see you make a concise point minus the pork and minus the insults. That would be a nice change of pace. Ad-hominem is where you argue against a person instead of their argument. I point out that the person isn't making an argument. So, it isn't ad-hominem. The name calling against your opponent is your thing. You are the ad-hominem king.

Especially in this thread. Instead of admitting that you bloat your posts with nonsense you are attacking what my social life? Really? That's pretty funny coming from a guy who lives in computer RPGs. And your hyperbole attack just like your ad-homs and pissy attack and retreat falls flat as anything but pathetically funny.

I know myself all too well faults and all. You are merely ego-maniacal and blind to your own failings. Now this is just an online forum so who really gives a shit I hope in your actual life you are more self-aware.

edit- oh and i always offer evidence of your nonsense and blather. You just don't listen.




See how much easier that is to follow when you break it up? It's still insane, but at least each point you are attempting to make isn't a jumbled mess of filler.



See how much easier that is to follow when you break it up? It's still insane, but at least each point you are attempting to make isn't a jumbled mess of filler.
Oh yes. The format was much easier to follow. Well done, Gas.




That was pretty impressive. I gave up trying to actually argue points with you years ago when i figured out that all you do is counter with crap... an endless flow of it. I would like to see you make a concise point minus the pork and minus the insults. That would be a nice change of pace. Ad-hominem is where you argue against a person instead of their argument. I point out that the person isn't making an argument. So, it isn't ad-hominem. The name calling against your opponent is your thing. You are the ad-hominem king.
Again, you have not entered a thread to reply to me in any way other than to open with an ad hominem since you started posting. You just can't help yourself. Remember, for example, a few weeks ago when I said "It is beyond me why some people...." and your only contribution was to hop in and say "most things are beyond you." Not addressing the issue, just attacking the person. Ad hominem. I do use them from time to time (and better than you do, actually)... but what you lack in quality you make up for in sheer quantity.

Especially in this thread. Instead of admitting that you bloat your posts with nonsense you are attacking what my social life? Really? That's pretty funny coming from a guy who lives in computer RPGs. And your hyperbole attack just like your ad-homs and pissy attack and retreat falls flat as anything but pathetically funny.
That's right, keep insisting it's funny. "I'm LAUGHING I'M LAUGHING THAT MEANS I'M WINNING SEE? SEE?!" It doesn't fool anybody. It hasn't for years. It's cliche. As for my "living" in computer RPGs, the only RPG I'm playing right now is Warhammer online, and I play that 3 hours a night, even on weekends. That hardly constitutes "living" in it. The rest of my time is taken up by friends, family, and a significant other. Where's your significant other, makare? No husband, no boyfriend, not even a fuckbuddy? Why's that? Are you incredibly unattractive? Or is it because you spend more time in IRC than I do at work? Or is there another crushing flaw in you that prevents you from finding love and companionship? Does your complete social disability make you "laugh because it's so funny" that your only interaction is with fake people on the internet, when even the Gas Freakin' Bandit can find someone who loves him?

edit- oh and i always offer evidence of your nonsense and blather. You just don't listen.
"And everybody knows it" is the only backup you ever offer, and that's a bit short of ironclad.



That was pretty impressive. I gave up trying to actually argue points with you years ago when i figured out that all you do is counter with crap... an endless flow of it. I would like to see you make a concise point minus the pork and minus the insults. That would be a nice change of pace. Ad-hominem is where you argue against a person instead of their argument. I point out that the person isn't making an argument. So, it isn't ad-hominem. The name calling against your opponent is your thing. You are the ad-hominem king.
Again, you have not entered a thread to reply to me in any way other than to open with an ad hominem since you started posting. You just can't help yourself. Remember, for example, a few weeks ago when I said "It is beyond me why some people...." and your only contribution was to hop in and say "most things are beyond you." Not addressing the issue, just attacking the person. Ad hominem. I do use them from time to time (and better than you do, actually)... but what you lack in quality you make up for in sheer quantity.

Especially in this thread. Instead of admitting that you bloat your posts with nonsense you are attacking what my social life? Really? That's pretty funny coming from a guy who lives in computer RPGs. And your hyperbole attack just like your ad-homs and pissy attack and retreat falls flat as anything but pathetically funny.
That's right, keep insisting it's funny. "I'm LAUGHING I'M LAUGHING THAT MEANS I'M WINNING SEE? SEE?!" It doesn't fool anybody. It hasn't for years. It's cliche. As for my "living" in computer RPGs, the only RPG I'm playing right now is Warhammer online, and I play that 3 hours a night, even on weekends. That hardly constitutes "living" in it. The rest of my time is taken up by friends, family, and a significant other. Where's your significant other, makare? No husband, no boyfriend, not even a fuckbuddy? Why's that? Are you incredibly unattractive? Or is it because you spend more time in IRC than I do at work? Or is there another crushing flaw in you that prevents you from finding love and companionship? Does your complete social disability make you "laugh because it's so funny" that your only interaction is with fake people on the internet, when even the Gas Freakin' Bandit can find someone who loves him?

edit- oh and i always offer evidence of your nonsense and blather. You just don't listen.
"And everybody knows it" is the only backup you ever offer, and that's a bit short of ironclad.[/QUOTE]

You are on irc while you are at work. I am on irc while at school. I don't really see your point. I don't think we have ever talked about my family, friends or relationships so you wouldn't know anyway. I could be the toast of the town and you wouldn't be aware. If you are expecting me to outline my social life in a whiny attempt to say "see see YOU'RE WRONG" that is just a further example of how I know you, and you don't know me at all. I don't actually think you live in an RPG but that is a chat like thing you are involved in so keep the pot calling the kettle black thing to a minimum.

I have pointed out the faults in your posts with specificity many times. You just don't pay attention or care. Or you accuse me of being, what was it, capricious? And then run off to work. Like I said I gave up trying to make points to someone who counters with crap years ago. Now I am pretty much just out for my own entertainment... you know, same as you.

I say I'm laughing because I really am. I would never lie about that. If something isnt funny I don't lie and say Im laughing to make a point, especially to you. But come on, you are freaking out... even you have to see the humor in that.




You are on irc while you are at work. I am on irc while at school. I don't really see your point.
You're on more than that.

I don't think we have ever talked about my family, friends or relationships so you wouldn't know anyway. I could be the toast of the town and you wouldn't be aware
If you are, your town sure values shut-ins. Then again, it IS in South Dakota, so maybe they do. The really telling part here, however, is that there's no denial coming out of you, just vague attempts at mystery through omission.

If you are expecting me to outline my social life in a whiny attempt to say "see see YOU'RE WRONG" that is just a further example of how I know you, and you don't know me at all. I don't actually think you live in an RPG but that is a chat like thing you are involved in so keep the pot calling the kettle black thing to a minimum.
If you think I sit around chatting sociably for 3 hours a night in Warhammer, you're very mistaken. I actually type as little as possible, we use ventrilo. Why? Because we're playing a TEAM GAME. We're trying to beat the other team. It's not a social club.

Furthermore, even the most reclusive of board denizens has, at some point or another around here, referenced their personal life. We know who is married, who isn't, who has a boy or girlfriend, who has kids, who's gotten divorced, who's got daddy issues, who's a drunken womanizer, and even a case or two of sexual assault and one admission of STD. Hell, even me, the guy who refuses to comingle his offline life with his online activities, still is known to be hitched. Meanwhile, despite allllll the hours you've spent interacting with all these people online... you've shared nothing. But the mask has slipped once or twice. I've seen it in IRC, where you clue us in to the fact that there's nothing to share. For whatever reason, you don't go out and do stuff with people. We can only guess at the cause, but it's plain to anyone who spends half an hour with you that you don't have a fulfilling life, and you get your social acceptance via slashnet.

I have pointed out the faults in your posts with specificity many times. You just don't pay attention or care.
You use that so often it's been a recursion. Maybe that's what it is, you ONCE posted a link or something to refute me, and then you constantly reference it, or the last time you referenced it, or the last time you referenced your referencing it... so that you never have to do so again. I don't know, I'm just grasping at straws here to try and work out your particular brokenness.

Or you accuse me of being, what was it, capricious? And then run off to work.
Oh yes, how flighty and random of me to... you know... do my job when something actually requires my attention. What a wild and unpredictable person I am. I only said you were capricious once, and it was only saying you seemed capricious that afternoon (not that you are a capricous person, because you're actually usually rather muted, mundane and predictable, which is why your capriciousness at the time did surprise me a little), because you went, within 10 minutes, from constantly saying how full of shit I am to trying to have me cradle you in my manly arms. I used "capricious" because it sounded nicer than "bipolar." But I'm thinking the latter probably suits you better, seeing as how it invokes the specter of psychological dysfunction.



You are on irc while you are at work. I am on irc while at school. I don't really see your point.
You're on more than that.

I don't think we have ever talked about my family, friends or relationships so you wouldn't know anyway. I could be the toast of the town and you wouldn't be aware
If you are, your town sure values shut-ins. Then again, it IS in South Dakota, so maybe they do. The really telling part here, however, is that there's no denial coming out of you, just vague attempts at mystery through omission.

If you are expecting me to outline my social life in a whiny attempt to say "see see YOU'RE WRONG" that is just a further example of how I know you, and you don't know me at all. I don't actually think you live in an RPG but that is a chat like thing you are involved in so keep the pot calling the kettle black thing to a minimum.
If you think I sit around chatting sociably for 3 hours a night in Warhammer, you're very mistaken. I actually type as little as possible, we use ventrilo. Why? Because we're playing a TEAM GAME. We're trying to beat the other team. It's not a social club.

Furthermore, even the most reclusive of board denizens has, at some point or another around here, referenced their personal life. We know who is married, who isn't, who has a boy or girlfriend, who has kids, who's gotten divorced, who's got daddy issues, who's a drunken womanizer, and even a case or two of sexual assault and one admission of STD. Hell, even me, the guy who refuses to comingle his offline life with his online activities, still is known to be hitched. Meanwhile, despite allllll the hours you've spent interacting with all these people online... you've shared nothing. But the mask has slipped once or twice. I've seen it in IRC, where you clue us in to the fact that there's nothing to share. For whatever reason, you don't go out and do stuff with people. We can only guess at the cause, but it's plain to anyone who spends half an hour with you that you don't have a fulfilling life, and you get your social acceptance via slashnet.

I have pointed out the faults in your posts with specificity many times. You just don't pay attention or care.
You use that so often it's been a recursion. Maybe that's what it is, you ONCE posted a link or something to refute me, and then you constantly reference it, or the last time you referenced it, or the last time you referenced your referencing it... so that you never have to do so again. I don't know, I'm just grasping at straws here to try and work out your particular brokenness.

Or you accuse me of being, what was it, capricious? And then run off to work.
Oh yes, how flighty and random of me to... you know... do my job when something actually requires my attention. What a wild and unpredictable person I am. I only said you were capricious once, and it was only saying you seemed capricious that afternoon (not that you are a capricous person, because you're actually usually rather muted, mundane and predictable, which is why your capriciousness at the time did surprise me a little), because you went, within 2 sentences, from constantly saying how full of shit I am to trying to have me cradle you in my manly arms. I used "capricious" because it sounded nicer than "bipolar." But I'm thinking the latter probably suits you better, seeing as how it invokes the specter of psychological dysfunction.[/QUOTE]

I do not post links to refute your points because as I have said, twice now, you just keep blathering crap. So what I do is point out that you blather crap. I freely admit that. Most of the time your nonsense is pretty obvious anyway. Im just trying to make you a better more coherent poster Gas.

I haven't had much reason to talk about my personal life on the forum it's true, but I do talk about it on IRC. So the people on there have heard what I have "had to tell". I am not going to play the I'm this, I have that, I've done this card just so you can turn around and use it against me. I know that play. I'm not new at this.

Im not sure why you would call me bi-polar though... that one has me at a loss. Well done.




I'm glad you guys know nothing about me.




I'm glad you guys know nothing about me.
I know you like Red Dwarf. Hah, take that!




I do not post links to refute your points because as I have said, twice now, you just keep blathering crap.
Yes, and before this time and the last time, you said you DID refute, so we've come full circle now....
So what I do is point out that you blather crap. I freely admit that. Most of the time your nonsense is pretty obvious anyway.
...back to where you say "You're full of crap and everybody knows it" so that you can keep ragging without actually expressing any coherent thought other than you love and hate me.

Im just trying to make you a better more coherent poster Gas.
Says the person who agrees that 200 words is too much of a wall of text to be able to read. You wouldn't know cohesion if it bonded your knees together.

I haven't had much reason to talk about my personal life on the forum it's true, but I do talk about it on IRC.
I know, I was there.
So the people on there have heard what I have "had to tell". I am not going to play the I'm this, I have that, I've done this card just so you can turn around and use it against me. I know that play. I'm not new at this.
Meaning, you know you'll lose.

Im not sure why you would call me bi-polar though... that one has me at a loss. Well done.
That afternoon, you were acting pretty manic-aggressive. I come in the irc and get about 1 sentence out before you go on a six-carriage-return tirade about how full of shit I am... and then within one page you're then trying (unsuccessfully) to snuggle me. Sounds pretty bipolar to me. But like I said, that's not normally how you act, and I made mention that it was out of the ordinary at the time. Your regular damage is of a much more staid and low key nature.

---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

I'm glad you guys know nothing about me.
Heh, that's comedy. And coincidence! In my sentence about what we know about everyone, I had started naming names (but went back and deleted that part), and my line about you was "We know a great deal about all kinds of people, ranging from Dave "my life is an open e-book, please come stalk me" Nihsen to ...."

Synchronicity, that.



Aw you sly sweet talker you.

I have refuted you in the past you know BEFORE I learned about the crap thing. That's my point. I learned those lessons so well.

It doesn't seem like the politico-commentator wannabe who studied history and works at a radio station should make snide remarks about the life choices of others, but I could be wrong.

I don't snuggle buddy, I cuddle. And I generally like to cuddle. But I had good reason for attacking you that day. You had it coming.

Most people DO know you are full of crap though. It's less a "and everybody knows it" cop out and more a "come on, even you have to see it" kind of thing.




It doesn't seem like the politico-commentator wannabe who studied history and works at a radio station should make snide remarks about the life choices of others, but I could be wrong.
I'm no gazillionaire, but I get by just fine. And it's just your social life I'm harshing on, not your entire life.

I don't snuggle buddy, I cuddle. And I generally like to cuddle. But I had good reason for attacking you that day. You had it coming.
I know I'm so utterly irresistible to you, but do try to contain yourself. We can never be, you see.

Most people DO know you are full of crap though. It's less a "and everybody knows it" cop out and more a "come on, even you have to see it" kind of thing.
Now you're starting to sound like Carlos Mencia.




Now you're starting to sound like Carlos Mencia.

Damn you, Carlos "Photobucket" Mencia!!



It doesn't seem like the politico-commentator wannabe who studied history and works at a radio station should make snide remarks about the life choices of others, but I could be wrong.
I'm no gazillionaire, but I get by just fine. And it's just your social life I'm harshing on, not your entire life.

I don't snuggle buddy, I cuddle. And I generally like to cuddle. But I had good reason for attacking you that day. You had it coming.
I know I'm so utterly irresistible to you, but do try to contain yourself. We can never be, you see.

Most people DO know you are full of crap though. It's less a "and everybody knows it" cop out and more a "come on, even you have to see it" kind of thing.
Now you're starting to sound like Carlos Mencia.


That must be why I think you are a de de de.

I don't want you. I couldn't. you have been irreversibly contaminated by redhead. There's no way around that.

My social life is fine. My sex life might not be all I want it to be, but that's not abnormal. I have my gaggle of law school friends who are crazy-ass bitches like me and it's fantastic. To be fair, sometimes I don't think Robin exists either. No one is that nice.

So I have a great social life, education and future... AND I can make a concise, coherent point. I have it all.




That must be why I think you are a de de de.

I don't want you. I couldn't. you have been irreversibly contaminated by redhead. There's no way around that.
Sure, you deny it, but you always come back, clumsily trying to foist your wiles upon me. But I am iron, I am a rock. I cannot be swayed. Not that you make it difficult or anything.

My social life is fine. My sex life might not be all I want it to be, but that's not abnormal. I have my gaggle of law school friends who are crazy-ass bitches like me and it's fantastic.
Heh, and I thought you weren't going to be "lured in" to talking about it, hmmm?

Not all you want it to be? Gaggle of crazy-ass-bitches? You've developed a talent for understatement.

So I have a great social life, education and future... AND I can make a concise, coherent point. I have it all.
Keep telling yourself that. Whatever keeps you warm at night, in the cold, empty, quiet house.



Me so lonely gas. Come love me long time.

Just soak in alcohol and fire first to purge you of that redhead.

Gaggle of crazy ass bitches is no understatement. They are weird even my book. Although I am still probably the weirdest... excuse me MOST crazy-assed.

I would have to be to go to law school. Two things you must be to survive law school 1- a masochist 2- crazy-assed

Seriously though, don't flatter yourself. I hoist my wiles on most people. You're nothing special.




Seriously though, don't flatter yourself. I hoist my wiles on most people. You're nothing special.
Ahh, I see, so you're not a desperate obsessive, you're merely a desperate whore.



Seriously though, don't flatter yourself. I hoist my wiles on most people. You're nothing special.
Ahh, I see, so you're not a desperate obsessive, you're merely a desperate whore.[/QUOTE]

Well considering the amount of people who dont want my wiles but get them anyway I might be more of a rapist. But yeah.

I am neither desperate nor obsessive. I am just your average chick who doesn't care about other people's wants, desires, or feelings.

admit it. you totally want me.




Seriously though, don't flatter yourself. I hoist my wiles on most people. You're nothing special.
Ahh, I see, so you're not a desperate obsessive, you're merely a desperate whore.[/QUOTE]

Well considering the amount of people who dont want my wiles but get them anyway I might be more of a rapist. But yeah.[/quote] Sounds more like ugly whore with a hard sell pitch. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, makare: the web comic.



Seriously though, don't flatter yourself. I hoist my wiles on most people. You're nothing special.
Ahh, I see, so you're not a desperate obsessive, you're merely a desperate whore.[/QUOTE]

Well considering the amount of people who dont want my wiles but get them anyway I might be more of a rapist. But yeah.[/quote] Sounds more like ugly whore with a hard sell pitch. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, makare: the web comic.[/QUOTE]

Damn and I was hoping I would at least be well drawn. And Im not ugly. I'm frickin adorable!




Seriously though, don't flatter yourself. I hoist my wiles on most people. You're nothing special.
Ahh, I see, so you're not a desperate obsessive, you're merely a desperate whore.[/QUOTE]

Well considering the amount of people who dont want my wiles but get them anyway I might be more of a rapist. But yeah.[/quote] Sounds more like ugly whore with a hard sell pitch. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, makare: the web comic.[/QUOTE]

Damn and I was hoping I would at least be well drawn. And Im not ugly. I'm frickin adorable![/QUOTE]

If I were you, I'd shoot for "tolerable."



Seriously though, don't flatter yourself. I hoist my wiles on most people. You're nothing special.
Ahh, I see, so you're not a desperate obsessive, you're merely a desperate whore.[/QUOTE]

Well considering the amount of people who dont want my wiles but get them anyway I might be more of a rapist. But yeah.[/quote] Sounds more like ugly whore with a hard sell pitch. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, makare: the web comic.[/QUOTE]

Damn and I was hoping I would at least be well drawn. And Im not ugly. I'm frickin adorable![/QUOTE]

If I were you, I'd shoot for "tolerable."[/QUOTE]

Is that how you ended up married?




Seriously though, don't flatter yourself. I hoist my wiles on most people. You're nothing special.
Ahh, I see, so you're not a desperate obsessive, you're merely a desperate whore.[/QUOTE]

Well considering the amount of people who dont want my wiles but get them anyway I might be more of a rapist. But yeah.[/quote] Sounds more like ugly whore with a hard sell pitch. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, makare: the web comic.[/QUOTE]

Damn and I was hoping I would at least be well drawn. And Im not ugly. I'm frickin adorable![/QUOTE]

If I were you, I'd shoot for "tolerable."[/QUOTE]

Is that how you ended up married?[/QUOTE]

I'm in a helpful mood, maybe I can hook you up with a comatose guy with a priapism. I can't guarantee he won't wake up and scream in terror or anything though.



That's ok. Im too lazy to do all the work.

I think I am doing fine on my own. After all, I am redhead free.




That's ok. Im too lazy to do all the work.

I think I am doing fine on my own. After all, I am redhead free.
That's like bragging about never having tasted any food that costs more than 99 cents. You ain't never done it right till you done it with a redheaded doublebreasted mattress thrasher. The best bird there is.



Aw come on.... I just ate.

