EvE online, you don't have the stuff
Good show today boots. Very impressed with what all of y'all brought to the table and congratulations to ace pilot Baerdog. Nice shooting!
We'll have to get the gang together again and go over some aspects of fleet. There's just some pretty basic stuff that's good to know that way when we do run some kind of op we wont be dragging our feet around. We'll need to cover navigation, tackling, scouting, scanning, target calling, how to handle drone boats(haha), gate camping, aggro mechanics and probably some other miscellaneous stuff thrown in there.
I'm going to shoot for the same time next Sunday assuming that's the optimal time to catch everyone because I don't wanna have to rehash this stuff a lot and I wanna see who's good at what. We'll run a fleet vs fleet battle for some more good times, most likely in frigates again.
I'll let you guys decide when you want to throw a gang together and do the roam. Just let me know. In the meantime do things to help each other out. Do missions together, haul for one of the miners/traders, or salvage for someone. A little help can go a long way and its more fun to do things with friends. And y'all can arrange duels with each other anytime to test out fits, get used to trigger time, or just for the hell of it, doesn't have to be to the death.
If y'all wanna get little mini-ops going while neither I or the CEO is around you should rally up with Baerdog. After I'm satisfied that everyone is properly orientated we'll be taking in more recruits so that doing big things will be more plausible.