EvE online: HAL Industries is recruiting!

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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

...to pay for EvE without a credit card?

I'd like life to pull THAT one off!
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Can you get Visa gift cards where you live? You can also pay by debit card.


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

You can pay for monthly payments with ingame currency. People sell 30 day game cards for the ingame currency, and its fully supported by the developers. No need to ever pay for EVE if you don't want to with real money
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

It's a bit difficult for beginners though since they tend to cost quite a bit of ISK.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

when I say "I have no credit card" I mean "i have no bank account whatsoever".... I thought that was obvious?
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Not really. If you had said you had no debit card, it would have been more apparent. Credit cards are not tied to checking accounts, Calleja.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

...ok, then I have no idea what the difference between a debit card or a credit card is. But i have neither.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

A debit card is tied to a checking account and is used to make purchases in lieu of paper checks. Credit cards are tied to a set line of credit. The money isn't yours, it belongs to the credit company. The credit company will let you use your credit card to make purchases with that money, but will charge you interest for the....privilege. Both debit cards and credit cards can be used to make online purchases.

Really Calleja, how old are you? This is basic fucking stuff.


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

in 21 days, if he is unemployed and can devote all that time into playing, then making the necessary amount to buy a 30 day game card wouldn't be that hard
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

A debit card withdraws money from your account to pay. A credit car pays and you pay back at a later date.

Actually, I'd say here credit cards ARE tied to a bank account of some form, but I guess it doesn't seem unfeasible for them not to be.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

A debit card is tied to a checking account and is used to make purchases in lieu of paper checks. Credit cards are tied to a set line of credit. The money isn't yours, it belongs to the credit company. The credit company will let you use your credit card to make purchases with that money, but will charge you interest for the....privilege. Both debit cards and credit cards can be used to make online purchases.

Really Calleja, how old are you? This is basic fucking stuff.
And you're a basic fucking moron. :Leyla:
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Calleja, you admitted to not knowing something that is, frankly, pretty common knowledge. I elaborated for you. I'm not looking to get into a spat over this.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I know what the difference between a debit card and a credit card is, you dink, I was being facetitious. Also commenting on the fact that.. yes, you need a bank account to have a credit card. They're not just going to hand them to you if you ask nicely.

Oy vey.


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

We have someone in the corp that I don't know. Has 3 characters, Fehrago, Yellop, and Tway. Does anyone know who he his? Is he from the boards? Haven't been able to drum up convo with him yet.

Edit: nm, talking to him now.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

He's a lurker and was talking with Straker and I last night. I believe he may have begun posting here under the name Ferahgo.


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I just found out that I have sunday off so I will be there for the PvP action!


EvE online, you don't have the stuff


For those of you who are timid. If you do not fight for your assets you will lose them. If a time of need occurs, everyone fights. Therefore it is my job to give every corpie a cursory rundown, in the least, on how pvp works in EVE. That way we wont have folks running through us n' such. I'm not dissuading anyone from specializing into industry/trade, in fact I encourage that if that's your thing.

Fighting other players isn't like many other games where you have to rely heavily on twitch skills, memorizing bajillions of key binds and shot rotations, or micro managing a bunch of stuff. It's all about being tactical, knowing your role, and fitting your ship well for the job. That's all you'll have to worry about for the most part.


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Not liking to PvP is not the same as timid. I'm just saying. I'm going to focus highly on defensive actions and escape.


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Wanted to make sure everyone reads the bulletins posted in the Corp tab. You can access them through...the Corp tab. It will be the primary mode of communication from officers to the Corp at large. Right now the tab shows info on the tourney and other things. I will occasionally make announcements through the forum, but for now that's the place to look.

Straker has been kind enough to offer pvp training to anyone who wants it and I suggest you take him up on that. Even if pvp isn't your bag a little bit of knowledge goes a long way.

Onthat bite I am thinkng of doing something akin to career counseling for everyone in the Corp. We will sit down and go over your skill plans one on one, talking about what you want to do and the best ways to achieve it (skills and otherwise). If you don't have evemon I suggest you get it, it's an invaluable tool.

We also have another new member of note. Tayg/fehrawhatver recently joined the Corp. He isn't from the forum and has a lot of SP (and bounty for that matter). He told me that he talked with one of y'all in a rookie channel, which is how he learned about us. This was with his other alt y-something. Does anyone remember talking to him?


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I think he talked with David. I was on with him a long time the other night and he's been around a long time.

He even brought up the idea of killing his main to collect the 280mil ISK bounty but I didn't press it because if it's something he wants to do cool if not....cool. I wasn't going to be the greedy bastard - even if I was salivating like one of Pavlov's dogs.

I asked why he'd pair up with a bunch of n00bs when he's obviously been playing a while and he pointed out that he likes helping new people and lurked here to see how we were. We must have passed muster.

He did seem a tad concerned about the number of people on, but that's bound to happen from time to time.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Ok.. you guys are making such a safety net of awesomeness here that I'm just gonna have to join up. I'll finish up Assassin's Creed 2 first and then download the 14 day trial, for sure.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Bah, don't bother with the 14 day trial Papaya. I'm sure one of use can hook you up with a buddy code for a 21 day trial.

Edit: I gave a buddy code to my RL friend tonight, so I have two more left until April.


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Good show today boots. Very impressed with what all of y'all brought to the table and congratulations to ace pilot Baerdog. Nice shooting!

We'll have to get the gang together again and go over some aspects of fleet. There's just some pretty basic stuff that's good to know that way when we do run some kind of op we wont be dragging our feet around. We'll need to cover navigation, tackling, scouting, scanning, target calling, how to handle drone boats(haha), gate camping, aggro mechanics and probably some other miscellaneous stuff thrown in there.

I'm going to shoot for the same time next Sunday assuming that's the optimal time to catch everyone because I don't wanna have to rehash this stuff a lot and I wanna see who's good at what. We'll run a fleet vs fleet battle for some more good times, most likely in frigates again.

I'll let you guys decide when you want to throw a gang together and do the roam. Just let me know. In the meantime do things to help each other out. Do missions together, haul for one of the miners/traders, or salvage for someone. A little help can go a long way and its more fun to do things with friends. And y'all can arrange duels with each other anytime to test out fits, get used to trigger time, or just for the hell of it, doesn't have to be to the death.

If y'all wanna get little mini-ops going while neither I or the CEO is around you should rally up with Baerdog. After I'm satisfied that everyone is properly orientated we'll be taking in more recruits so that doing big things will be more plausible.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

*lights a celebratory cigar with a 1,000 ISK note*

Nice battle today chaps, we'll have to do it again sometime.
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