EvE online, you don't have the stuff
So, scratch the plex idea. Came up with a way better one (plus plexes have changed a bunch since I have been gone).
Low sec day.
We're going to do a low sec op day. This will have something in it for absolutely everyone. We will find a low population low sec area. We will head in in force. Miners will go to town on the ore, and the rest of us will do a combination of ratting, scanning for exploration sites (if Shakey comes back or if anyone else knows how to do that) scouting neighouring systems for incoming hostiles, and, most important of all, protecting each other. Miners aside everyone should be fitted for PvP, even the ratters. The goal is that if a small amount of pirates come in, we can protect ourselves easily, and if a large amount of pirates/pvpers come in we can anticipate them coming in and haul ass out of there.
Here's a couple of the roles I know we will need:
Scouts - If the one thing you are good at is dying then this is the role for you. Your goal will be to determine whether a jump gate is safe for all of us to head through (no gate camp). When we are in a system working you will need to keep visiting nearby systems making sure we have an escape route on a gate. Remember Zombie Land rule #22 - When in doubt know your way out. And in low sec you are always in doubt.
Intelligence - This role can be shared with others, but should probably best be handled by a miner. Your role will be to monitor available information sources to determine if we can expect problems, and also to help guide the scouts. To do this you will be watching local like a hawk for any new people showing up in system, and also monitoring the map statistics like player jumps in the last hour (can tell us local activity), ships killed in the last hour/pods killed in the last hour (to prevent scouts from walking into an obvious gate camp). To do this succesfully you will need to be intimately acquainted with the map system.
Miner - Self explanatory. You will be stripping the world clean of filthy rocks. You will need to be able to fly a cruiser and have some decent mining skills
Hauler - As of now I doubt anyone in corp can fly a mining barge, so all our miners will be mining in cruisers. They will be filling up jetcans, and its your job to get them. More than likely this will be a part time job, only necessary when a couple full hauler loads have been filled. So you may also be a ratter. This also may be my alt Tehg, depending on how well I can dual box.
Ratter/Boot- You will be ratting in belts. The miners themselves will need protection from rats and there should be plenty of other asteroid belts in the system we are in. Even though this will be mostly pve you will need to fly a pvp fit, as you will be our pvp reserves.
PvP protector - You also may be ratting, but your number 1 goal is pvp. More than likely you will be either ratting in the belt that has the miners or sitting in a safe spot aligned to the miners ready to jump in at a moments notice. This may mean a lot of sitting around.
Edit :
Scanner - If Shakey comes back or if someone can be spared for scanning then this will be valuable. This person will be working with the scouts to scan surrounding systems for either decent (and empty) complexes or for mining sites. Tons of money to be made in these.
end edit.
Due to the danger presented in this corp funds will be used to replace any losses we can afford to during this mission. We will bring some spare frigates with us to replace scout ships as they are lost (assuming they aren't podded) . If you are capable of flying a cruiser well I would suggest you get into one. Corp funds may be available to help pay for one, this will be decided on a case by case basis. The reason is that some of us will need to be in frigates (the scout and some of the PvP protectors).
None of these roles is more important than the others, without one of these working properly we have a much higher chance of dying or not making isk. You will also probably notice that some of these roles are slightly more profitable than others. Therefore for this day corp taxes will be increased to 100%, and all items gained through any actions will belong to the group as a whole. We will divy up most of the profits at the end of the day, with the rest being given out after value is determined. Depending on how succesful this is there is a LOT of money to be made here.
I'm germinating this idea and its not concrete right now. I want to talk to straker about this. He will most likely be in charge of the pvp wing. Here's what yall can do in the meantime. Get to know the map. Mess around with the color by statistics functions. Look for star systems or areas of star systems that have little activity in them. Our goal is to be a mouse in an elaphant cage. We will be smarter and faster than them, and we will make our money and leave before they knew we were there.