EvE online: HAL Industries is recruiting!

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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I got it done. Had my son labor through it. Took a while but he did it.

Now I'm flying around in an Osprey.


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Hey guys, soryy I have been somewhat inactive. Like I said, RL comes first. I won't be around for the event this weekend, but should be here monday. Fly safe bitches.


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Necronic, I am just going to leave my stuff for the processing in the 7th division hanger in scolluzer since their is nothing in that hanger currently. I will take screen shots of everything
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Sorry I missed today, family decided a spontaneous trip to my sister's house


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Necronic, I am just going to leave my stuff for the processing in the 7th division hanger in scolluzer since their is nothing in that hanger currently. I will take screen shots of everything
K, I'll make sure to sort that nonsense out tommorow. Sorry about the delay.

David said:
Sorry I missed today, family decided a spontaneous trip to my sister's house
hey man, like I said, RL comes first. That's why I wasn't there. Never blow off family for games. Unless they suck.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

yeah, sorry for not showing up either. few friends dropped by at the appartment on their way home from vacation.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

so tonight, i get to fly a well fitted Maller. God damn, medium ship equipment is expensive :(
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I've been house sitting for a friend and he left me the wrong WEP key.

So I won't be playing much at all this week which sucks, as I'm still trying to decide if I want to play past the trial (I have a ship I can't use until I pay, that's a very good motivator).


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

So I have been thinking about our next event/op, and I am thinking 1 of 2 things:

'plexing- we go hit a DeD deadspace complex as a group. Deadspace complexes are like missions except they are static and waaaaayyyyyy more dangerous. This will be a place for us to have some fun as a group while we work on skills that will eventually be useful in group pvp. Could also make some money but I wouldn't count on making much. The Corp wallet can insure the cost of a ship loss up to 4 mil isk.

Exploration complex- we would probably need shakey for this, and I'm not sure he is still playing. This is like a ded plex except that it's not static and it...to be honest I don't know a lot about them, but I will look into them some.

Low sec run- my alt Tehg has ~80 mil isk in goodies 1 to 4 jumps into low sec in a number of places. What I would like to do is get a lot of the Corp on to practice scouting into low sec to make safe passage for valuable items (like the hauler I will have). To make sure this isn't a artful dodger kind of thing I will be paying any corpies who help out (not sure how much yet), covering the cost of any lost ships, and also donating some of the proceeds to the Corp wallet.

We can only really do 1 of these in a day. My suggestion is the plex on Sunday, as it's guaranteed action, and the low sec run on eiter Saturday (so the EU tz people can join in) or wait till there is more value in it.

Let me know what y'all think of these options, or if you have any other ideas. Y'all have spent a lot of time running missions and doing the boring stuff while you have been learning the basics and building your wallet. I think at this point it's time to start doing some other more interesting stuff.

One final note. I don't think we will be getting many more people from the forum at this point, and I do want to grow us some more so people aren't in Corp chat alone. I am seriously considering opening recruitment. Please tell me your thoughts on this.


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

So, scratch the plex idea. Came up with a way better one (plus plexes have changed a bunch since I have been gone).

Low sec day.

We're going to do a low sec op day. This will have something in it for absolutely everyone. We will find a low population low sec area. We will head in in force. Miners will go to town on the ore, and the rest of us will do a combination of ratting, scanning for exploration sites (if Shakey comes back or if anyone else knows how to do that) scouting neighouring systems for incoming hostiles, and, most important of all, protecting each other. Miners aside everyone should be fitted for PvP, even the ratters. The goal is that if a small amount of pirates come in, we can protect ourselves easily, and if a large amount of pirates/pvpers come in we can anticipate them coming in and haul ass out of there.

Here's a couple of the roles I know we will need:

Scouts - If the one thing you are good at is dying then this is the role for you. Your goal will be to determine whether a jump gate is safe for all of us to head through (no gate camp). When we are in a system working you will need to keep visiting nearby systems making sure we have an escape route on a gate. Remember Zombie Land rule #22 - When in doubt know your way out. And in low sec you are always in doubt.

Intelligence - This role can be shared with others, but should probably best be handled by a miner. Your role will be to monitor available information sources to determine if we can expect problems, and also to help guide the scouts. To do this you will be watching local like a hawk for any new people showing up in system, and also monitoring the map statistics like player jumps in the last hour (can tell us local activity), ships killed in the last hour/pods killed in the last hour (to prevent scouts from walking into an obvious gate camp). To do this succesfully you will need to be intimately acquainted with the map system.

Miner - Self explanatory. You will be stripping the world clean of filthy rocks. You will need to be able to fly a cruiser and have some decent mining skills

Hauler - As of now I doubt anyone in corp can fly a mining barge, so all our miners will be mining in cruisers. They will be filling up jetcans, and its your job to get them. More than likely this will be a part time job, only necessary when a couple full hauler loads have been filled. So you may also be a ratter. This also may be my alt Tehg, depending on how well I can dual box.

Ratter/Boot- You will be ratting in belts. The miners themselves will need protection from rats and there should be plenty of other asteroid belts in the system we are in. Even though this will be mostly pve you will need to fly a pvp fit, as you will be our pvp reserves.

PvP protector - You also may be ratting, but your number 1 goal is pvp. More than likely you will be either ratting in the belt that has the miners or sitting in a safe spot aligned to the miners ready to jump in at a moments notice. This may mean a lot of sitting around.

Edit :
Scanner - If Shakey comes back or if someone can be spared for scanning then this will be valuable. This person will be working with the scouts to scan surrounding systems for either decent (and empty) complexes or for mining sites. Tons of money to be made in these.
end edit.

Due to the danger presented in this corp funds will be used to replace any losses we can afford to during this mission. We will bring some spare frigates with us to replace scout ships as they are lost (assuming they aren't podded) . If you are capable of flying a cruiser well I would suggest you get into one. Corp funds may be available to help pay for one, this will be decided on a case by case basis. The reason is that some of us will need to be in frigates (the scout and some of the PvP protectors).

None of these roles is more important than the others, without one of these working properly we have a much higher chance of dying or not making isk. You will also probably notice that some of these roles are slightly more profitable than others. Therefore for this day corp taxes will be increased to 100%, and all items gained through any actions will belong to the group as a whole. We will divy up most of the profits at the end of the day, with the rest being given out after value is determined. Depending on how succesful this is there is a LOT of money to be made here.

I'm germinating this idea and its not concrete right now. I want to talk to straker about this. He will most likely be in charge of the pvp wing. Here's what yall can do in the meantime. Get to know the map. Mess around with the color by statistics functions. Look for star systems or areas of star systems that have little activity in them. Our goal is to be a mouse in an elaphant cage. We will be smarter and faster than them, and we will make our money and leave before they knew we were there.


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I will be able to fly a mining barge in 1 day, 5 hours, 7 minutes and....3 seconds.

---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

However, my Hoarder has 5-9x the cargo space as the basic mining barge.


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

That sounds fucking awesome Necronic!


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

k, we'll see how many people we can get on. We should have enough to do this. More than likely we will be doing this regularly.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I'm not available saturday (your afternoon is my evening., On sunday i can show up with my Omen and be there for 3-4 hours. This time i'll be there.

Edit: yeah open the recruitment. Dubhan and I could really use some company


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Like they would ever join with anything other than a spy alt with a clean history?

Anyways, I found our systems. Not sure the name of the high sec entryway but set your autopilot for grootheese in everyshore. I realize it's like 20 jumps, but that's what the jump clones are for (you got one right!) I think this will become a seconddary operations location for us for a while. I'm going to grab an office over there.

I think we'll shoot for 1pm central. Try and relocate before the op. I will provide replacement ships and equipment in the region.

Also, for those of you who like podcast I have 2 to suggest:

podded podcast - 2 Brits talking all things eve. Very funny show, lots of info on the wider world of eve

fly reckless - lots of very in depth info. Recently changed over toa talkshow format, not sure I like it but the older shows are very informative.

Both casts will talk about a lot of the things that we in our little microcosm have never dealt with or heard of, and make for an interesting listen as they talk about big stuff like alliance wars and whatnot. Definitely suggest listening. There's also eve radio, a 24/7 live streaming radio station. Also a cool listeen depending on the host and your music tastes (some shows are music others are info)
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I wouldn't count on me scanning. I wish I could play, but I got too much stuff going on and games are at the bottom of the list.


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I'll be there but I'll have to probably not be on tomorrow or Saturday so the wife doesn't disown me or replace me.


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

So what are we all doing, then? If I'm mining I'm taking 1 ship. If I'm scouting/baiting I'm taking a different ship. If I'm hauling I will be taking my hoarder.

If it's 20 jumps away and that's where we'll be setting up I'll want to start moving gear over.


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Shakey, I totally understand.

Dave, I am very dissapointed in your decisions.

Just kidding.

I'll be hauling with tehg. Presumably you'll be mining, that's what you're interested in for right now right? I'll be setting up enough t1 frigs for scouts to replace stuff easily.

Rick, good to hear. Right now it looks like we easily have enough for a good op. Here's the basic rundown of who's who and what they're doing:

Mining: Dave and Mal, Keoran also said he was interested in that IIRC

Dedicated PvP: Straker, Rick, Rakim

Hauling: Tehg

Scout: ---not sure yet, depends on who else shows up.

Also, I'm starting to have difficulties keeping up with whose name is what. I want to put it on the first page of this thread. So far I know this:

Hellkyte, Tehg Rhind - Necronic
Davendoral - Dave
Malevela - David
Sun Poe - Raven Poe
Lord Ayabamelaksjdlgasolgh - Lord Ravage
Shakey *** - Shakey

Rakim *** - Math 242

Dubhaman and Catafish I can't remeber who you are in game. Could yall help me fill this out, and anyone else I am missing. I'm bad enough with names as it is, this is like 2 times as hard (literally).

......can't think of anything else. Gonna be at a dieselboy show on saturday night, good times good times.


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff


Listen to this:


Edit: since its not in this recording you should know that he calls a phone sex line. In case you can't figure it out.

The podded podcast is giving 1 year game time to whoever sends in the funniest sound clip. This one is....really fucking funny.


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Catafish = Darigorn

Sadly I won't be able to make it to the even because of work =/


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

This week ends op is going to be a no bullshit, live fire event. If you want to prove your mettle in the field, now is the time to step up gentleman. The CEO has stepped up and decided... The enemy, will be real. The targets of opportunity, will be real. I cannot guarantee your survival, but I will give you my personal all, full on. I will not abandon you under any circumstances and I expect similar in return. I'm putting it all on the line this night, so that we can prove we have what it takes, as an entity. You have RL obligations, fine. You fly with me, die with me, even better. You engage a fleet and destroy it under my command, well... we're going places now. Boots... they're out there. I wanna show them we mean business. You know where to report, the line has been drawn this weekend. I will take you the rest of the way...



Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Does this mean we're not mining?

---------- Post added at 08:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 AM ----------

By the way, the place is Groothese. If you cut & paste what Necronic put you'll get nothing.

---------- Post added at 08:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 AM ----------

And most of us can't jump clone back to Tew because we're not popular enough there. Just because YOU can do something doesn't mean WE can.


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Edit: So I talked to dave and need to explain some more on jump clones. Jump cloens are not medical clones. When you pick one up it can be looked at in your character sheet under jump clones. Its not the same thing as the station medical clone.

edit2: Also, once you're in it its just like your old clone, you can move it wherever. You old clone is now a jump clone.

Also, everyone needs to be able to use vent for this event. Exceptions can be made for people whose computers or internet speed simply can not handle it, but its going to be really important for combat coms.
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