Level 1 brazilian born (aka Meet Antonio Santiago)

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Congratulations, Julio!
You'll be a kickass dad with all that yoga, and languages, and martial arts and stuff to teach your kid... (and a great grandparent too, when time comes, with all those endless stories about your travels :p)

Hugs and kisses all around!
Come gather 'round grandchildren and let grandpa Julio tell you about the time he got VD in Bangkok. :moon:[/QUOTE]

Groan! AGAIN??


Staff member
Well, you know what they say about huge hands... They're good for holding the ladies.

Many felicitations to all three of you - JCM, Luiza and Antonio Santiago, the Child of Destiny *cue gong* I trust you will keep us posted via pictures, kewt tales and YouTube clips of his growth into the ultimate Latin heartthrob?

I read this as "many felatios to all three of you" at first glance. Sicko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Hey, I can't be held responsible for your Freudian misreadings :p


Oh noes, they're reproducing now! We're doomed!!!!

Congratulations to you Julio, and to Luiza. Only more 10 now for a complete football team!


Looks like a job well done! When does he start his martial arts tutoring, next week?

Thank god he looks like his mom. :p
He's going to be a Latin hearthrob.

That means lessons in salsa, flamenco, tango and classic guitar. And long hair.[/QUOTE]

So, he's a Bard, then?
More congrats. We recently added one to our family as well (though we did it the non-Cesarean way).
Before long our progeny will be bantering as if born to it.
Knowing their fathers, it's almost a certainty.

JCM this is VERY IMPORTANT you have to remember now that when you say "Who's your daddy," you have to say it in a baby voice. Don't forget this or you'll be in trouble
Hey, I was born with a Cesarean and I came out just fine. right?


Congratulations, Julio, I'm sure you'll raise Antonio to be a man of culture and reason which is exactly what our planet needs. So thanks for that.


I'm coming out of lurkdom to tell you he looks lovely. And a bit goopy. But mostly lovely. Congratulations, you crazy baby-having Brazilian, you.
Congratulations, all three of you!
Let's see, jokes not yet made...Darn it, I'm late to the party again...Yeah, can't think of any right now.

Anyway, I hope he turns out even better than you're hoping for :-D


Well, looks like he´s gonna be a skirt-chaser... he´s pretty quiet, sleeps up to 8 hours (we have to wake him up to drink milk in between) and lies awake staring around for hours without crying.

Yet whenever there´s a woman next to him, he´ll cry and promptly stop when she picks him up. And he never does that when I or my brother are near.


Congrats! I know one day he will travel the earth and partake in many adventures like his father before him.


Staff member
That's so cute, Julio. I keep coming back to this thread too see the pictures... he's just so adorable!
Is Antonio our first halforums baby?
There's been at least one other. LittleSin had her young'un since the forum started, right?[/QUOTE]Since people don't seem to be picking up on it, I'll just out and say it. We have a new baby at our place, too. One that we made and everything. Just didn't make a thread about it (and not trying to hijack this one, just surprised people keep missingwhen I mention it).



Demand a paternity test. He doesn't have enough body hair.
Well, you didn't see his back yet.

Sorry for taking so long to answer; I have now 2 kids to take care of...
Thanks everybody! Soon we'll post more pictures.
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