Had to Join In...Darkangel's AMA thread

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Kitty Sinatra

I am ashamed to say that underneath this cute furry exterior I am quite hollow.

Earlier in this thread, you were introduced to the concept of the Alt. I am the King of Alts. "Gruebeard" is actually one of my alts, although it turned into my main account some time ago. My original name on these forums was "Hollow" (which should go some way in explaining the lame joke I opened this post with). Although I must admit that I haven't actually used an alt for some time now. The fun of it rather disappeared after Dave installed so many freaking moderators who all have the ability to see through alts.

---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

BUt I googled it kinda would have liked to have left it at that but thanks for adding the rest lol !

Oh, I got another question, angel: You've made a massive splash here on Halforums. you've been treated like a celebrity, with posters flocking to participate in threads involving you. Some of us have been kind and considerate, others seem to actively hate you. Are you surprised at the response to your arrival here?


I am ashamed to say that underneath this cute furry exterior I am quite hollow.

Earlier in this thread, you were introduced to the concept of the Alt. I am the King of Alts. "Gruebeard" is actually one of my alts, although it turned into my main account some time ago. My original name on these forums was "Hollow" (which should go some way in explaining the lame joke I opened this post with). Although I must admit that I haven't actually used an alt for some time now. The fun of it rather disappeared after Dave installed so many freaking moderators who all have the ability to see through alts.

---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

BUt I googled it kinda would have liked to have left it at that but thanks for adding the rest lol !

Oh, I got another question, angel: You've made a massive splash here on Halforums. you've been treated like a celebrity, with posters flocking to participate in threads involving you. Some of us have been kind and considerate, others seem to actively hate you. Are you surprised at the response to your arrival here?
For some reason everyone thinks I'm an ALT but I'm not........I am who u see in that lil pic.
As for the comment of posters flocking to participate in threads involving me I was not really aware of this.......I didn't really notice. The fact you think I've been treated like a celebrity amazes me......I thought this happened to everyone lol !
I am surprised by the hate towards me as I feel I always try to do what I can to make others happy and I'm really not one to start a fuss . I guess some people don't like me because I'm different and maybe some other are Intimidated by me who knows. I like this place I'll stay and Gruebeard U may be my number 1 if you keep this up lol :)
I had the opportunity to chat with Shawna some tonight. I think we probably crossed paths somewhere, somehow in the past. We're from the same city. Prolly in our clubbing days, lol. I took the opportunity to take a picture of her on her webcam... she dressed up for me too! :wub: No Alts here folks. Move along!



I had the opportunity to chat with Shawna some tonight. I think we probably crossed paths somewhere, somehow in the past. We're from the same city. Prolly in our clubbing days, lol. I took the opportunity to take a picture of her on her webcam... she dressed up for me too! :wub: No Alts here folks. Move along!

SO ENOUGH WITH THE ALT SHIT LOL ! I AM ME ! I AM CANADIAN ! GO CANADA GO! I hope this clears up anyone thinking I'm an Alt now. Thank you SeriousJay :)

Kitty Sinatra

awww. I was hoping you were an alt. I like alts.

(this post really should've been made with my alt named Alt)

Kitty Sinatra

I need to take a picture of myself in my Canada Olympic toque...
I should do the same.

Clarification: I would take a picture of me, not Gusto. but I would be wearing his Canada Olympic toque.

Kitty Sinatra

I'm really nothing special to look at. Just your average stunningly handsome man.

(and to keep up with that lie, I'll have to photoshop Gusto's Canada Olympic toque onto a picture of George Clooney without a shirt)
(and to keep up with that lie, I'll have to photoshop Gusto's Canada Olympic toque onto a picture of George Clooney without a shirt)
Then our pictures will be the same.


---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

Dark Angel, if it helps:


That is our picture thread, started last August. It has many pictures of forumites and their families.



(and to keep up with that lie, I'll have to photoshop Gusto's Canada Olympic toque onto a picture of George Clooney without a shirt)
Then our pictures will be the same.


---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

Dark Angel, if it helps:


That is our picture thread, started last August. It has many pictures of forumites and their families.


Oh if grue is there im on it lol ! I'm off to check this out lol !! Grue ur hard on urself but looks arent anything unless ur a sweet person and you have all the sweetness in the world ;)


I went thru them all ........I want to add my family but is this thread still working? It's ok Grue .....Ur still my fav regardless xo
Threads never die... you just keep adding to them. go nuts, maybe you can convince grue to post too! ;)


Threads never die... you just keep adding to them. go nuts, maybe you can convince grue to post too! ;)
I'm on my way to post YAYYYYYYYY family time!

---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

You don't want to see my ugly mug, espy. It makes babies cry.
Whatever Grue ! lol

---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

What's your favorite instrument?

Favorite hobby?
I don't play any instruments but I do enjoy the piano, My favorite hobby is Clay making, Dancing of any kind and figure skating when I actually get to do it......I like my nintendo wii alot and working out very much :)


What superpower would you most like to have?

I'd pick invisibility. Then I'd start visiting college women's locker rooms.
I missed this question yesterday in the midst of all the stupid posting on my thread and thought it deserved proper attention...

I would probably pick Invisibility too although I would not use it to go into women's locker rooms......It would just be cool to have ! If not that then the ability to be insanely strong because then I could pick up cars and do all sorts of cool things ! It would also be funny to see someone lil like me walking around holding a car above my head hehe , and when they laugh , point and stare I could throw the car at them then go invisble . It would be perfect really !

Sorry I missed it Dave .


Staff member
So you'd be a super VILLAIN and I'd be a super pervert.

Sounds about right. :biggrin:


So you'd be a super VILLAIN and I'd be a super pervert.

Sounds about right. :biggrin:
That works lol :) Imagine the things would could do as a team...If we found 2 more people we could be the Fantastic 4 ...Maybe Espy will want to be the human torch ? Who knows ?!
If you could go into the past and change one thing about a loved one but after it was changed you could not change it back no matter the consequences that said changes have on the timeline would you still go into the past and make a change? And if so what would you change?


If you could go into the past and change one thing about a loved one but after it was changed you could not change it back no matter the consequences that said changes have on the timeline would you still go into the past and make a change? And if so what would you change?
Wow that's a great question......

Although there are things I think I'd like to change about a loved one, I probably wouldn't end up changing anything in the end.....because really no one is perfect and it can only be damaging to fix the qualities you don't like. The part of why we love our loved ones is for their faults not just their strengths.....So although I would change my hubby's moodyness when he's tired or change a specific loved one's shitty outlook on life and constant bitchyness (remains nameless) in the end it would just tamper with who they really are and i wouldn't wanna lose something I love about them to change one small thing.

Hope that made sense :)


Would you ever consider buying a horse clock? What if I told you it came with a free watch?
I wouldn't buy one for myself , but i would get one for my nanny if she wanted one. She loves horses but I'd tell them to take their free cheap watch and shove it up their ass cuz i don't like watches and neither does my nanny!
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